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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Apollo field at the final home softball game of the season.
  2. Happy Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you!!
  3. I thought I read somewhere there is going to be 2 costumes. Either way, there should only be one hawk name IMO. We are already cheering for two different nicknames....no need to cheer for 3 different mascots!!
  4. Or narrow it down to 5 people and students can vote!!
  5. Eastern Washington and Miami(OH) both have bird mascots named Swoop. I hope we don't go that route as well. How bout Screech? Or maybe Andy (spelled N.D.) Just spitballing here!!
  6. You think that F.N. is seriously going to be considered as the name of the mascot?!!!
  7. So why have a list of only 5 names, and one that will never be the name (F.N.) and one that has a slim to none chance (Tommy)?
  8. http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2018/05/and-z-winnier-is/ The vote totals were as follows: Z – 843 X – 775 Y – 684
  9. 1. They said it will be on campus at games next fall. Like I said in a previous post, I think they will reveal it at the Hopecoming football game after the students vote on a name. 2. Head dresses? ummm....huh? Probably will be mascot merchandise to buy. Looking forward to buting my F'n Hawks head cover!! 3. It will be a student. That is the norm around the country. Most of the time the mascot gets a scholorship due to the number of games/events they go to. Might actually be more than 1 mascot to accommodate multiple events and games. 4. The mascot should be at as many UND sporting events as possible. But expect the main ones (Football, M & W basketball, and yes.....HOCKEY!!!)
  10. How bout Tommy Hawk to appease the Siouxforever faithful?! I realize it is the Chicago Blackhawks mascot name, but hey we stole their logo back in the day as well as their goal song. Why stop now!!
  11. My guess is they do the voting for the name right after school starts and the will unveil the newly named Fighting Hawk mascot at Hall of Fame/Potato Bowl/Homecoming football game!
  12. One question already raised is will UND integrate the mascot into a potential alternate logo? (I apologize for the crappy editing )
  13. Per UND Facebook page: "During the Fall 2018 semester, a student led committee will discuss the names submitted by students. The final name will be selected by a vote of the student body." They have a link where you can submit name ideas as well. Yeah!!! More committees and voting!!!
  14. So since I have no vote, Hopefully I can encourage any current students on here as to my opinion. I think option Y is the best option of the 3. Option X looks too much like a bald eagle, and option Z has a head that is too narrow and tall. Option Y has a beak and head that IMO resembles a hawk the most. The black lefs are also an added kicker which make it better. So to all the students out there...Vote Y
  15. I think we can all agree that the committee failed big time following their own directives in picking a nickname. That being said, There is no chance they they are going to scrap the whole thing and start again from scratch. Given the time, resources, and most importantly money it would take to develop and implement a new nickname and logo, I don't see that happening. Did the committee screw up? Yep. Is the nickname bland and unoriginal? Yep. Could the logo have been better? Yep. But That is the reality we are living in right now. Focusing our efforts accepting what we have goes a lot further than resisting something we can't change.
  16. There is nothing wrong with having a secondary logo. Make Minnesota for example. the maroon M is their primary. But you see the Goldy logo used a lot as well. I could see taking the head of the mascot and turning it into a secondary logo. Now will that new secondary logo be accepted by the hardcore anti Hawks crowd....probably not. But maybe it will seed up the "timeline" for some.
  17. And the true feeling of the “hockey only”, #siouxforever fan base finally come out. No other sport at UND matters. No other championship is even close to anything the hockey team accomplishes. It is why they didn’t care about the threats by the NCAA threatening sanctions of not being able to host a playoff game because they it wouldn’t affect the hockey program. It’s sad that there are UND “fans” that think this way.
  18. So......getting back to the mascot. Rickabaugh Graphics, who is designing the mascot, has done mascots for other scools like Ohio St, Iowa, and UCF to name a few. You can check out their portfolio: https://www.rickabaughgraphics.com/portfolio One of their clients is the Marquette Golden Eagles. Possibly a sneak peak as to what a real life Fighting Hakws mascot will look like. Looking at the picture below, looks like the arms/wings that the Golden Eagle has in the pic are similar to what was proposed for our mascot. Perhaps a sneak peak of the fighting Hakws mascot.
  19. From 2013. Some good points made here. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/12/10/most-colleges-adjust-moving-away-native-american-mascots So is the problem the name and logo that was selected? Is that why people can't accept the change? Or was any new nickname adopted by UND destined to be ridiculed and met with the same opposition. Wondering why other fanbases that went through the same thing UND did are having more success accepting their new nickname and why it is not the same here.
  20. There is no debate. UND is not the Fighting Sioux anymore. We are the Fighting Hawks. Case closed. Those that can't accept that are wrong. If you want to stick to your guns and never accept the Fighting Hawks nickname, that's your problem. But don't come down on those that do accept it and have rightly moved on.
  21. As lame and unoriginal the #siouxforever crowd things Fighting Hawks is, from fans of other fanbases...the Siouxforever fanbase is by far way worse. Other fanbases understand that we lost our great nickname and have a little sympathy for us knowing that we had to settle for a less than desired (to but it nicely) nickname and logo. But they look at the fans that are clinging to the old Sioux name as pathetic. I am not just assuming this. I have heard it from Bison fans, Jacks fans, and plenty of Gopher fans. The reason why we complain about the #siouxforever crowd is because everyone else agrees with us that it is pathetic. Who is giving our fanbase a bad name? The ones that are supporting the newFighting Hawks name and logo, or the ones still clinging to a retired logo?
  22. I don't know what all the fuss is about. It's really not that bad. I do like the fl19ghclub part of it!! But maybe I am lame. Who knows!!
  23. I think most of us agree that the nickname and logo could have been a lot better. You and others dexcribe it as a "failure". Ok that's fine. But why constantly complain about it? What do you think is going to happen? Do you think that they are going to start the process over with a new name and logo? Absolutely not!! There may be a change of the logo down the road. That happens all the time. But for right now, the name is what it is, and the logo is what it is for now. I feel like the people that vehemently oppose anything Fighting Hawks feel like they are in the right and are the true fans and aren't letting the "PC police tell them what to do." The thing is that fight is over. Accepting the new logo doesn't make you less of a Sioux fan. It doesn't require you to burn all your Sioux merchandise. For those of us who have accepted the Fighting Hawks name, all we want you to do is at the very least end the ripping on the name and logo and what a horrible process the whole thing was. Booing the name, ridiculing publicly on social media, absolutely refusing to acknowledge the fighting Hawks name in any capacity as the nickname for UND, etc is not helping at all, and IMO, diving the fanbase. Some ask who is responsible? Just look at the comments Fighting Hawks supporters make to the #siouxforever crowd and vice versa.
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