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Everything posted by rochsioux

  1. I would allow transfers without sitting out a year if the coach leaves the school or if the athletes scholarship is reduced.
  2. There was no interference on the catch, perfectly legal hit. The ref blew the call, it happens. The nfl has made a clusterf*** of replay. It seems too arbitrary what can be reviewed and what can’t. You must have a timeout left to challenge unless it is the last two minutes then you can’t challenge, it must come from the booth. They added pass interference this year to what can be challenged except no one knows what pass interference is. Ridiculous. Change the replay challenge rules. Allow anything to be challenged at anytime but only give each team two challenges for the game. If they want to challenge a holding call or hands to the face in the first quarter that’s fine. If they use their challenges up early and don’t have a challenge left with a minute to go then too bad, it was their choice to use them up earlier.
  3. It’s real close. Cornell lost their first game of the season tonight so that dropped them to third. UND and Mankato are extremely close in RPI which is usually the deciding factor in pairwise comparisons (unless one team has a two game or larger advantage in head to head). A few games not involving either team or even a top 10 team could decide who is 1.
  4. Halftime 25-23 UND Don’t know if video will continue after halftime. It looks like someone is broadcasting the game with their phone.
  5. You may be right. What a depressing thought.
  6. Normally I would agree. For the first time ever I will hope ndsu wins. If somehow Nicholls pulled the upset it would just give the AD a reason to keep Bubbba since they lost to a team that just beat ndsu. For UND to get to a championship level Bubba has to go. He is not the guy to do it. Unfortunately I suspect they will see it as progress that they made the playoffs and Bubba will be back. Just delays the inevitable that must happen if UND is going to compete for an FCS title. I certainly hope I’m wrong.
  7. Punt ?? Bubba just gave up. Way to go coach.
  8. What’s really sad is Nicholls State is not that good of a football team. Very average.
  9. There was a chance to make it a game.
  10. Can’t see a comeback in this one unless the defense can force a few turnovers.
  11. Four more field goals and we can take the lead.
  12. Maag has to make those grabs. Dropped two so far.
  13. Not impressed with either team in the first half.
  14. Incredibly bad clock management
  15. Why are we trying that FG ? Terrible coaching decision.
  16. It doesn’t bother me that much that we missed out on a home game if we put in a bid that was top 2 or 3. Just bad luck that we got paired with the one team that had a higher bid. What does bother me is that the NC$$ hosting rules are also supposed to take into account the facility being used. There is no way you can justify giving a home game to a school that requires the visitors to use a tent for a locker room. That is ridiculous. The NC$$ should require Nicholls State to give UND the home team locker room, otherwise they should be disqualified from hosting until they obtain proper facilities. It’s a joke. I hope UND crushes them by 50 points.
  17. Wonder why everyone thinks that the main driver of the NC$$ is money ? The only way Nicholls State should have been allowed to host a game is if they give the visiting team the home teams locker room. Let Nicholls State use the tents for their locker room. Embarrassing for Nicholls State and even more so for the money hungry NC$$.
  18. rochsioux


    To the UND AD: make the necessary changes to the football program. If you’re not willing to do that then you might as well shut down the program.
  19. rochsioux


    Until UND finds a good head coach we are all wasting our time with UND football.
  20. rochsioux


    Bubba is an idiot
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