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Everything posted by rochsioux

  1. rochsioux


    Until UND finds a good head coach we are all wasting our time with UND football.
  2. rochsioux


    Bubba is an idiot
  3. I don’t want any teams added to the NCHC.TV if it means fewer out of conference games.
  4. It’s been painfully obvious for some time now that this coaching staff is not up to the challenge. The second half of this game just adds the exclamation mark.
  5. Brutal coaching at the end of the half. Why bother taking the timeout with 24 seconds left if you’re going to be such a pussy with the play call ?
  6. Wake me up when we get a top flight QB. Until then the team will struggle to be a consistent winner.
  7. Denver 13 sog and wins. AIC 13 sog and wins. Wow.
  8. Denver had 13 shots on goal. For the game. And somehow won. Has any team ever won an NC$$ tourney game before with this few shots ? Talk about a snooze fest.
  9. Can’t pass, can’t shoot, undisciplined, horrible power play, bad penalty kill...can’t wait to see what Berry can do with the team next year.
  10. Berry would make him a fourth line grinder.
  11. A 1-0 loss in OT on Saturday would be a fitting ending to the season.
  12. Our passing skills are pretty poor. The passing in the offensive zone is way too slow for a team that lacks snipers. By the time the player gets his shot off the goalie is in perfect position to make the easy save if the puck is on net. The goalie must love it every time they pass the puck from up high to the goalies right side. Pretty much no chance of scoring based on the speed of the pass and how long it takes the player to shoot. Very frustrating team to watch. Doesn’t seem to be any offensive development since the season started.
  13. As long as Berry is the head coach UND should not bid on regionals. Just a complete waste of time.
  14. Can’t really fault Gardner for the penalties anymore. He has consistently taken bad penalties throughout his career with no repercussions from the coaches. This problem should have been solved two years ago by benching him until he figures it out. The coaches have done nothing, in fact this year his gets a letter so he can lead by example. Poor coaching, poor leadership, and a lack of offensive skill (vision, passing, creativity).
  15. Per Schloss, it would appear that the non conference games for next season are: Home: Manitoba (exh.) Bemidji State Canisius Alabama Huntsville Michigan Tech (1 game) Road: Minnesota Mankato State USNTDP under 18 (exh.) The home schedule looks less than inspiring. Not sure what the thought process is in scheduling both Canisius and Huntsville. They’re both usually bottom feeders in the pairwise so beating them is of no help while a loss is a killer (as we have seen this year). On top of that there is just no appeal to go see those teams play. I would much rather see them play almost any big ten or hockey east team.
  16. Can anyone explain why Gardner is the captain ? Takes too many really stupid penalties, has for his entire career.
  17. Doesn’t faze me at all. We can dominate them in two games, losing 1-0, 1-0.
  18. Impossible you say ? I hope you’re right but I’ll need to see it to believe it. If next years team doesn’t at least get over three goals a game then you have to sack Berry, buyout be damned. The hockey program is too important to let it be run into the ground.
  19. Never been less impressed by a Denver hockey team yet we are going to finish behind them in the standings. Of course I haven’t seen a less impressive UND team in a long time.
  20. Horrible play by Bast. He needs to take the body there. That just cannot happen at this level.
  21. Unfortunately this years team is made up mostly of players that belong on a 3rd or 4th line. There are a few players with some offensive skill but they are not good enough to create on their own. They need to play with better players which we don’t have. This team is not very good passing the puck. Combine that with a lack of pure snipers and the opposing goalie doesn’t have to do much to keep them from scoring.
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