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Everything posted by SiouxForever

  1. For sure a tough day. Let's go back and watch this video again. Hope it helps!
  2. The Killers (the music band) say it best for the mentality the boys need for the rest of the season: "Higher and higher, we're going to take it down to the wire, we're going to make it out of the fire!" As in a team - Taking it down to the finally stretch of the year, don't quit, anything can still happen this season. It's your choice, get better, or quit now and start giving excuses saying what if's... We all know the last part isn't part of the code of Fighting Sioux hockey, so we'll be fine... Dig ourselves out of this gosh darn hole they've dug themselves in. Team wise, you built your grave, it's time to move forward and climb out of that hole. Roco will help come January, but don't wait until then, it'll be too late. As a whole (coaching staff, and the team) Keep working hard. Be a team. Positive attitude. Get Better! Free advice this time, next time I'm charging...
  3. I could live with this. A lot better! Now remove the numbering under Dakota, it's too busy. Either put the numbers in the right hand corner of the jersey, where'd you typical see a captains letter, or just remove it all together.
  4. That "North Dakota" logo is horrible! I would hope the direction and passion with the Men's Hockey Team and with their jersey's that they wouldn't use that ugly North Dakota font along with that mockup design style you just showcased with that image.
  5. The lines will fluctuate through the first half of the year... Barring injuries, it’s very evident that these players will be in the lineup. In no line combo order: Knight, Kristo, Macmillian, Nelson, Gramaldi, Rodwell, Rowney, Lammy, Parks, O’Donnell...I know that’s not officially four lines, but filling in the voids with other personnel is the real issue with lack of depth and walk-on material players. Like past Sioux teams that had more depth, “these current players” would hardly step foot on the ice giving any game night. A quick note on Dickin - He’s been with the Sioux for a year now, you’d think he’d be more developed and have a leg up on the Freshman and other players fighting/trying to solidifying a spot in the lineup... But like most Freshman, he’s soft on the puck...(no offense to any Freshman, they’ll get stronger as the year progresses and more so during their time at UND). Getting back to my point, Dickin has such an opportunity and advantage in front of his face. It’s clear he has some work to do. His play thus far hasn’t been very impressive.Yes, I know the details about Dickin and what he’s skill set is and what he brings to the table and what kind of role he can play on the team. I’m just saying this kid needs to take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself. Bottom line, Improve. Keep working hard. Get stronger! Joe Gleason needs to be D at all costs. I don't care if we need him at forward for his versatility. Our D corps will be much improved with him paired with Nick Mattson and those two will have instant chemistry. BTW, put Gleason on the power play for once too, to move the puck. The kid has speed, poise, and playmaking ability. Yes, Gleason doesn't have a rocket for a shot from the point and that's totally fine, he won't be used to shoot. He'll bring his poise and his smart playmaking ability to the power play and dish the puck off to Kristo, Mattson, Nelson, Roco, O’Donnel, Macmillian etc..(the players you know will eventually always be on the power play when the team is healthy and figures it out). Finally, come spring semester, I don’t oppose to bringing in a player playing in some league god knows where for an extra body to add more depth to the team (It’s inevitable, it’s going to happen). That player is out there somewhere. I trust Hak and the coaching staff to find that “right player” and they will, they’ll find him...
  6. Great players find ways to produce in big games regardless of what match ups the opposition puts out there for personnel. Bottom line, Danny isn't up to par being an elite player yet.
  7. Regarding the under-appreciated blog post by Brad, and plenty of replies about Jason Gregoire, I felt the strong urge to comment. Jason was one of the best two-way players UND has had in the last 10 years IMO. A Former Sioux that was also very good at being a two-way player, Travis Zajac. I think the die-hard Sioux fans that may not have true proper hockey knowledge may not truly understand Jason's game. He was by far the most consistent player on last year's squad in the defensive end and offensive end. Not only that, he was remarkable on the penalty kill and had his moments on the power play. What truly stands out about Jason's game is the fact that his hockey IQ is pretty impressive. He understands the game. In addition, he is a threat along the boards and protects the puck extremely well. He's also very strong on his skates and is willing to make a hit and take a hit. I remember plenty of times along the boards in the defensive end zone, Jason would layout the opposition. Another great part of Jason's game is his restlessness to skate the puck in the dirty areas in front of the net and generate offense. People get caught up in the year Frattin had and deservingly so, no one would of pictured Frattin playing the way he did and the level of sustainability he played with. With Jason, he was my dark-horse Hobey-Baker nominee prior to the start of lasts season. He ended up scoring 25 goals while missing 7 games due to concussion. While that is truly impressive, I can't imagine how many goals he would of had, had he buried his scoring chances at the start of the season. I remember Jason having plenty of scoring chances and even a few breakaways at the start of the year and I said to myself, if this kid could finish a little more, he'll put up 30 goals this year. He also had some none-finishing moments at the end of the year, I recall a few chances at the Final Five and National tournament and was just in awe of what he was doing. Had he finished some of those plays/scoring chances, those moments could of been some spectacular goals, YouTube worthy. With that long rant, Jason is a first class person, a great two-way player and is/was VERY under-appreciated for his scoring abilities. He dominated the collegiate game and is ready for the next level in every facet of the game. He will play in the NHL, but my god I hope it's not with the New York Islander's organization!
  8. SiouxForever


    I'd also like to add that the coaches and former players that currently play in the NHL have a clear perspective on playing professional hockey. Not every player that plays for the Sioux/get's drafted is going to move forward and have a promising professional career. I think the coaches/current players in the NHL are great advocates in educating Fighting Sioux hockey players. After all, you only get one chance to experience college/college hockey after that it becomes strictly business and playing in the AHL or lower minor leagues is a grind.
  9. In terms of tablets, you get what you pay for and right now in the tablet market nothing is even close to the iPad in user experience. The Samsung Galaxy tab is fairly new and runs the "android operating system" similar to Verizon's android operating system Smart phones, the Droid X, Droid 2, Samsung Fascinate, Droid Incredible ect.. at the moment the Samsung Galaxy Tab is the best competitor tablet to the iPad. RIM (Research in Motion, think Blackberries) is coming out with their own version of a tablet soon called the Blackberry playbook which will be a 7" tablet. That brings up another note, the Samsung Galaxy tab is only 7" compared to the iPad which is 9.7". However, the Samsung Tab can utilize flash when browsing the web where the iPad along with the iPhone do not support flash content for browsing the web. Steve jobs is against running flash on his devices (iPad, iPhone. Ipod Touch for it bugs down the device along with eating up the battery. Overall, if you are looking to spend some money buy the iPad, the 16 GB wifi only version runs for $499, the lowest end model which does not run 3G. Buyer beware on the other cheap manufactures tablets on the market that cost $250 -200 or below in price. You are wasting your money if you decide to purchase one of these tablets and like I mentioned previously above, you get what you pay for.
  10. Congrats on committing to the U of M. With all do respect have fun playing for program that is in shambles and is showing no sign of taking any direction on taking the necessary steps to fix problems within the program. Who knows how the Gophers will be when he joins the squad in a few years. Remember kid, you had a choice, I hope you chose wisely. The Sioux can't get them all.
  11. What a horrible movie created in iMovie on a mac. If I were a Minnesota gopher hockey player I'd be embarrassed, but I guess their used to that with their abysmal play the last two or three years.
  12. Thoughts tonight: The penalty that the Bulldogs were called for at the end of Third period for shooting the puck after the whistle was a terrible call. Whether that happens to the Sioux or the opposition, I hate seeing a weak penalty like that ruin a tight and exciting game. It was unfortunate that penalty was called but it obviously helped the Sioux. I thought the defensive depth really showed how deep the Sioux are at defense. Simpson and Gleason both played pretty solid games and limited making mistakes; they kept their games simple. I sure like Gleason's speed and his ability to skate with the puck. I like how he likes to lead the Sioux breakout and get the puck out and then make a play in the neutral zone by either making a pass or dumping the puck in deep. The line of Trupp, Rodwell and I believe Nelson had some great shifts from the second period on. Rodwell brings good energy to the team and seems to always finish he checks while getting his nose dirty in front of the net and battling for position to generate garbage goals. I really like Nelson's game; I think it's a matter of time before he starts putting the puck in the net. He just needs to get that first one and I think he's confidence will sky rocket from there. Dell made the saves when he had to despite only seeing a limited number of shots. I wouldn't mind seeming him play tomorrow night, but I am sure Eidsness will get a game in this weekend as well. Lastly, even though Knight scored that empty-net goal at the end of the game, I really wanted him to chip that puck over to Kristo, so that he could get off the scoring slump and get an easy goal to get the pressure off his chest. Kristo's effort has shown throughout most of the games this year, at times he hangs on to the puck too long but I like the fact that the kid likes shoot the puck. For the Sioux to really be a dominant team this year, obviously Kristo needs to start scoring. I am not to worried about it right now, I know it'll happen, he's too good of a player not to be scoring goals. A sweep would be nice, but I am happy that at least the Sioux can come out this wekend with at least a split. I think tomorrow's night will be another close game. If the Sioux play a full 60 minute game tomorrow I think they'll get the victory. After watching the Bulldogs play tonight I feel the Sioux are the better team. Go Sioux!
  13. Stafford scored one tonight against the Bruins. He ended I think a 2 game shutout streak that Tim Thomas had going. Good for Drew!
  14. So can we keep the Fighting Sioux Nickname now that we got into the Big Sky Conference. Who cares about the Summit League now lol!
  15. It's now actually listed in the tv guide for Friday now. Thanks.
  16. I live in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area and I am not seeing the game listed on these channels with my direct tv. Please help.
  17. I thought Forbort had a real solid game. Nelson looks promising I think he needs a better supporting cast on his line. I think he will be a good third line center, and then throw Kristo or Hextall with him. Speaking of Kristo, he will probably be thrown the line with Gregoire and Knight. I think Hextall will be a dominant third line winger for the Sioux and give depth to the third line. Simpson looked good for a 17 year old out there. Didn't panic with the puck, kept it simple. Should be interesting to see what they do for defense next week. I expect Mac-Genoway, Marto-Lapointe, Blood-Forbort to stay the same. Surprised Derek Roddwell didn't dress in an exhibition game. While I have never seen him play, I feel like he will be in the Sioux line up at the end of the season. He has good size and put up some decent numbers in Juniors. He'll be fighting for a spot with Cichy/Davidson and who knows maybe even Rowney. I don't hate Carter Rowney's game, but he has never really impressed me in a Sioux uniform yet. Next week should be interesting. They need both of those wins in Alaska. I think they'll get two victories, but both games will be pretty close, two game or one-goal games.
  18. Kristo sitting out this weekend per brad. Kids doing college things that kids do in college.
  19. I'm sorry but Mac will be in the line up every night. He was a pretty reliable dman as a freshman and never had any transition problems of playing at a higher level in the WCHA. He will not be sitting. Sorry bro!
  20. Anyone want to start predicting lines?
  21. I could't be happier down here in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area. I have Direct TV and have channel 617. I am very excited to watch some Fighting Sioux hockey in the state of Minnesota.
  22. I've said it once and I'll say it again. In regards to the Fighting Sioux nickname, it is and will ALWAYS be, if the name goes, one of the sayings that says "You never knew what you really had until it is actually gone" I'm a firm believer in this regarding the Fighting Sioux name. What a fu^k!ng Shame!!!
  23. Unbelievable performance by TJ there. Those were some pretty "filthy" goals!!!
  24. You can bet your ass that Marto will be wearing an A next year guaranteed!!!
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