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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. Geez I hope we get special teams figured out, in a low scoring game it might bite us
  2. 8-3 will get us into the playoffs, bonus is we will not have a BS rep at the decision table (sarcasm from 2015).
  3. Am I the only one that thinks the student section has evolved to where it is overrated as far as impact and game environment - even at the hockey games? At football they only cheer when it is third down - if they are prompted by the announcer, most leave by the third quarter. At hockey there are random Let's go Sioux cheers and the cheers that are been around for 50 year "Who's he he sucks" and "Sieve". and the band. When I watch road games it seems their are teams who have students who are cheering much more often than our student section - it's like ours don't know or don't want to know what to do so they check their Snapchat constantly. I understand this is probably the wave of the future and we need to just get used to it.
  4. CMSioux

    2018 Season

    I remember reports from the spring ball game and scrimmages prior to the season were that our O Line could not contain our D Line and our quarterbacks were running for their lives. In hindsight I guess that says we have a great D line and our O line was practicing against one of the best.
  5. In 2015 the pollsters and NCAA decision makers continually moved the bar based on who they wanted in. The combination of bias and laziness is not going away. In an unbias world 7-4 with 2 wins over ranked teams should be enough, but it won't be for UND, it will be for someone else because the bar will be strategically moved as needed.
  6. And the sound person still plays the music too long when we have the ball and are in our huddle.
  7. except that 6-5 > 7-4 in the back room.
  8. The pollsters should be embarrassed - quite obvious there is no research or knowledge of schools outside the pollster's regions.
  9. That tie we had with BSU in Grand Forks last year helped keep us out of the playoffs.
  10. I hate thinking that every year the Griz pull off at least one trick play that works on us. Just a reminder we have been beaten by third string quarterbacks making their first starts - we can take nothing for granted. I want to believe we will win this one by more than one score - in fact based on the season they are having and their personnel we need to, if we are indeed a playoff bound team. One thing I know for sure - when we beat these guys we will get no credit from outsiders - they automatically become a weak team that is having an off season.
  11. Just means another season of Fire Jones postings.
  12. My friend is not a hockey hater but he wonders why can't the football team afford knee braces but the hockey arena gets a new scoreboard? Is it because The Ralph is privately owned and the money for upgrades comes from a private source whereas knee braces would have to come from UND's football budget?
  13. Didn't make it - memories from a dozen years ago...nice stadium with mountains in the background, miles of smelly feed lots as you drive into town, solid UND following and tailgating, easy to get tickets and sit together with other UND fans.
  14. No way this would ever happen - I can just picture a small group protesting outside the Alerus on game day. They can come up with a new trophy to play for (just don't hire a consultant firm from the east coast to come up with it). Put it in the ND Historical Society Museum in Bismarck in a display that shows the history of the game results so everyone can see who won the most games and who won the final game ;). They could have it in a revolving frame so either side can be seen.
  15. I have never understood why in that situation they don't just catch the ball instead of trying to whack at it- if there is no one from the receiving team near a punt the kicking team can catch the ball to down it.
  16. CMSioux

    2018 Season

    Is it the caliber of the win at the time the game is played or is history rewritten at the end of the season?
  17. Gotta love the rsponsiveness and directly addressing questions, obviously had no east coast consultant involved,
  18. CMSioux

    2018 Season

    Sam Houston State? According to some geniuses once UND beat them they are obviously not playoff caliber. 4 Big Sky Schools (5 if you count UND) and only 3 from Summit - oh the indignation! The fact it's only week 3 and some will go ballistic on him makes it all the funnier.
  19. Careful Tom Miller and Mike Mc Feely are going to get headaches from all their eye rolling. But it does give them fan smack tweeting content.
  20. We all know this..polls are for the fans and to generate interest. It is working.
  21. There are several schools in the. top 25 with losing records and no history of winning a conference championship in the past two years. We pulled a major upset and are 2-1 if we are not ranked it just adds to the sad politics of college sports.
  22. No doubt the Montana school's fans thought UND would never be a threat, the 2016 sweep was very sweet.
  23. UNI has too many quality losses for us to take their spot. Everytime we beat a ranked team turns out they were over rated, happened in 2016 too.
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