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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Funny thing is that he quietly changed the headline after a few commenters called him on it. At first, it read: "North Dakotans overwhelmingly Oppose New UND Nickname" As usual in everything he does, he's just trying to click-bait as much as he can to justify advertising on his site.
  2. You beat me to it. Somehow they think an unscientific newspaper poll is going to be a saving grace.
  3. Totally agree with this, Sic! Russ is the king of the PC Thought Police -- or its most loyal lieutenant.
  4. Trivial off season stuff: Looks like new FBS transfer Daquan Baker will sport #10 this year for UND. WR Brandon Walker, the former owner of that number, will be #2.
  5. Yeah, but there are actually people out there that like those names (not saying I'm one of them) and were disappointed to see them eliminated. You see, opinions are like (insert body part here); everybody's got one -- even bad ones.
  6. Iwarri Smith is set to arrive June 25.
  7. Teeder11

    Ralph ?

    Probably as many as the "What Would Tom Do?" threads -- as in Clifford.
  8. Teeder11

    Ralph ?

    He was a smart businessman who knew when to cut his losses. So, I would think that he would have done exactly what his daughter, Kris, is doing now. Ralph taught her well.
  9. They had a blast defaming our former Fighting Sioux nickname and somehow we were able to sleep at night. The big difference was we were proud of that nickname so it did not matter as much. We fear the unknown and the possibility that we might have to defend something that hasn't been fully bought into yet. Believe me, if any fan base can buy into a nickname like Gophers or Banana Slugs, any name eventually would be accepted given enough time.
  10. Fair enough. But I still contend that Russ would be just as fervently against NA nicknames and logos if he was white or black or whatever. Race and cultural background informs his reasoning but does not dictate it. The same goes for the white people on the panel.
  11. I never said he was put on the committee because of his political ideology. I said the reasons he believes what he believes has nothing to do with race. He believes what he believes because he has a politcally correct mindset that is pervasive across the UND faculty and other higher education institutions. He considers it an enlightened way of thinking when in fact it is just hypersensitivity and political correctness run amok. I would say the same thing about Lowell and the others: they're reasonings are not being dictated by their race. To suggest as much is quite naive (I know you didn't but the poster I was replying to did).
  12. I appreciate your point. But anyone on the committee could say something like that and it would carry the same weight. Some are just more influential at articulating their points. I think the race card reference is an insult to McDonald and his ability to transcend race when it comes to his own reasoning. McDonald does not believe what he believes because he is American Indian; he believes what he does because it is part of is his personal political ideology. Granted his cultural background gives him a more informed perspective, but I would wager that Russ would feel the same way as he does about NA nicknames if he were white. The fact that feelings surrounding NA nicknames are less about race than they are about politically correct ideology plays out in the American Indian communities across the country as the feelings are extremely mixed.
  13. I swear to God I will never abandon UND athletics and its athletes no matter what nickname they wear. My passion for the school and its sports programs is much deeper than that. I'm all in.
  14. Actually, having sat through a lot of these committee meetings, I would say that McDonald is one of the least vocal and influential in the room (actually, he's seldom in the room.... he attends via teleconference). It would be a close race between him and the staff representative on the panel. Lowell Schweigert always seems to be the most vocal and engaged... him and Bridewell.
  15. They did just as much if not more. The UND PR machine back then is the same one that exists now.
  16. And that's different than any university or corporation in America how? Whenever Bresciani steps in it down at NDSU, and he's done it a lot.... you don't see him doing the dirty work. Sadly this is the status quo.
  17. You want him to stay? Talk about damned if you do; damned if you don't.
  18. I love this thread! It's like Iraq following 9-11: it keeps the terrorists occupied and isolated in one place. I have not read a word of this thread ( ok maybe I peeked), but it sure keeps all the other threads clean. And I really like that!
  19. Dom was referring to an issue at UW. The Badgers apparently have had to abandon some recruits because of some tampering by overzealous fans.
  20. I noticed a lot of our offensive linemen are listed well over 300 pounds, too.
  21. Current roster has him listed 15 pounds heavier than last year. Maybe it's muscle.
  22. Yeah, and the NHL playoffs aren't a one loss an done scenario like the NCAA tourney is. Before we get ahead of ourselves, lets give Hak some time to get the Flyers re-tooled for a potential playoff run before we even broach the subject of the Flyers in the playoffs. But back to the point, me thinks Hak could have retooled his UND teams enough to win a few Natties if the NCAA tourney was a best of three situation with the opportunity to make adjustments from game to game like they do in the NHL. Whew. I'm done.
  23. You'da man!!!! Thanks! I really like his quickness. Once he puts on some meat, look out. He had a tweet a couple weeks about the new UND helmets,so I would think he's still on board.
  24. What about Poole? No longer listed on Wiki.
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