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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Not hypocrisy. Just being overly transparent -- to a fault.
  2. "They" reconvene tomorrow at 6 p.m.at Twamley 404.... bring your own popcorn.
  3. ^^^I was trying to come up with a way to explain that very thing. I love the Red Pepper because of all the great experiences that I have had there over the years -- same with The Moon and other Grand Forks Iconic places --- and all the nostalgia that comes with it.
  4. Dillon was a hard luck case, hampered by injuries. Kiser showed spurts at the 5 but utimately got pushed around with her slight frame. E. Thompson was recruited to play volleyball originally. Gave it up and tried b-ball. C.thompson was a walk on from lower division Northern State. Buckley never saw a lick of action as a freshmen last season, as opposed to Strand and Sawatzke, who both got a lot of bench minutes. Meyer also sat for the season.
  5. A quick glance shows the absence of Dillon, Kiser, E. Thompson. C. Thompson and Buckley.
  6. To the tune of "White Christmas" (apologies to Irving Berlin): I'm dreaming of a Hambone update With every SiouxSports post I read With exclamation points aplenty, in font size of twenty And the words 'FBS runningback coming' indeed.
  7. Seems a lot of that goes on unabated on here on all sides of this issue.
  8. True... that was a low blow!!!! Rock on!
  9. There are definitely some problems going on at UND. But your Reader's Digest synopsis of the root causes range from incomplete to one-sided to inaccurate. One could argue that "leadership" IS finally taking place on campus, albeit, it appears to be stemming from the Provost's Office (although, I would imagine it is at the behest of the president). The faculty are mad as hell because someone is actually saying "No" to them and actually holding their feet to the fire on certain -- not all-- issues. This doesn't sit well in the mamby pamby world of Ivory Tower liberalism, where decisions usually get made (and watered down) in the endless committee systems or through some kind of task force with the pretense of listening to all sides and making decisions that have everyone's buy in. BTW, there was no way they could NOT have used this kind of tactic with the Nickname issue and gotten away with it -- so that big elephant in the room is an anomaly here. Another big issue at hand is that there's a clear move to reign in some of the traditional semi-autonomous divisions on campus -- that have preferred to do business in vacuums with no input from Twamley Hall -- but are the first ones to run to Twamley when they need a bailout from taxpayers. This has already happened at EERC and with the REAC building on campus. Aerospace looks to be in the cross hairs now. Not saying the administration has done everything on the up and up at all, because they have not -- not in the least. I am saying that simple assertions and interpretations about the sausage that is being made at a public institution based on the rantings of one side may be good message board fodder, but there's a lot more to it. Finally, there are some people out there, who are critics of higher education, who IMHO should be welcoming some of the hard-line stances the UND administration has taken on certain cost-cutting matters. The faculty, who have never seen a public-funding plan they didn't like, may not be happy with it, but that should be your first clue that it might be a good thing.
  10. I am sure there's a thread on some Cal-Irvine Anteaters message board out there somewhere that boasts about all the Anteater logo sightings that have been witnessed around the world by its fan base, because, um, every fan base seems to have one. Different fan bases notice their beloved logos out in pubic and in the media because they are actually looking for it. The reason we notice so much UND/Fighting Sioux stuff out there is because (A) it's a really cool and a great logo, and (B) because we are actually looking for it. I do it whenever I go to West Acres in Fargo (or anywhere for that matter in Fargo), visiting my hometown in western North Dakota, attending the State Fair in Minot, whenever I go to the Mall of America, Airports around the world, big public events everywhere, etc. You probably have seen more Cal-Irvine Anteaters stuff out in public during your travels, on TV and in other media than you realize, but it escaped you because you weren't actually fixated on noticing it. Point is -- your assertion is not unique to UND and its FS nickname and logo. Everyone notices their favorite team's stuff out in public. But it would be great to have something a little more concrete to identify with and rally around moving forward than just the name of our school, even if it takes a few generations for it to be accepted. You can't tell me that UC Santa Cruz "Banana Slugs" nickname was embraced with open arms right away by the populace, but now it is as beloved to them as the Fighting Sioux nickname is to us.
  11. This is my understanding, as well, of how the process is intended to play out.
  12. Heard nothing.... if true, wonder if such a move would pave the way for a drop down or another kind of high-talent transfer. Again, I have heard nothing and would wish Patrick all the best in everything he does here at UND.
  13. Evidently, Jeff's bro,Dave Kolpack, didn't get the family memo. He's a UND grad who has been very fair to the University over the years.
  14. Offense: Nevermann Defense: D. Harris, Hartley
  15. No problem! Center/ QB exchanges looked fine overall. It was the handoffs to running backs that looked less-than-seamless at times. It slowed the RBs up just enough to let the DLs gobble up the play.
  16. QB play was a toss up .... No real clear standout. # 5 is Nevermann hits the line hard and never gives up. Not much opportunity given to Arrington today. Several QB/ running back exchanges looked awkward and caused plays to blow up 1st defense looks incredible. Not much of a drop off with the 2nd defense. Great depth. Good crowd on hand.
  17. I head that, too, about Miguel. That's good for us.
  18. That's a non-issue now -- a canard. You can move along.
  19. Sorry. The stuff that is taking place down south right now with all the bells and whistles and marketing pizzazz is a product of years and years of ultra successful seasons. It's the gravy on top, you could say. We can't just skip steps and enjoy that kind of exposure. We will get there and I trust Bubba to be the one that will lead us there.
  20. I was told that the date and time of the game was all Bubba's call and he was not going to budge no matter how much AD staff tried to convince him otherwise. The AD staff tried to get an evening game on Thursday of this week so as not to conflict with the ball. But it was shot down. They are basically trying to make lemonade out of lemons. I really don't think it's that big of a deal. I will be there and I will be there to watch a little spring football. I am really looking forward to it. All the armchair marketing gurus on here have great ideas and their heart is in the right spots. AD has thought of all these things and more. All that said, though --what's going to get the casual butts in the seats more than anything is to "just win, baby!!!!" That's all I care about.
  21. No clue. I think he looks faster..definitely leaner and stronger.
  22. Saw Iverson on campus today with his right arm in a sling. Couldn't tell if it was a soft cast or just arm in sling. Probably won't see him play Saturday.
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