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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. I hear what you are saying, though, it's a rare goopher or Bizo fan that respects anything about UND, even when we were under the Fighting Sioux flag. I don't respect those nicknames I referenced in my previous comment, either. I think they are laughable.... as bad as Sun Dogs, and if they had not been taken and had they been proposed by the current committee, they'd be getting the same treatment as Sun Dogs on here and other places.
  2. I don't like Sun Dogs as much as anyone but this wlole idea of a nickname instilling fear in opponents has me intrigued. Does that really even happen because of a nickname or is it the calibre of play from one's opponents that instills the fear or lack there of? I mean c'mon, Gophers? Jackrabbits? I'm shaking in my boots at the mere sound of them! ?
  3. But which years was it that the Legislature struck down the "Roughrider State" name specifically as you stated earlier?
  4. Just my humble opinion, but you should grow some thicker skin. Is this a problem right now at Red River High School games (I mean, the rivalry between Red River and Central is pretty toxic at times, i.e. the whole "Cake Eaters" vs. "White Trash" thing from a few years ago -- but nothing about condoms -- as I would imagine that is pretty unoriginal by today's standards)? I also have not heard much about this sort of thing at USC athletic contests, again, probably because it comes off as so cliche, as in, one could do a whole lot better. Lastly, it's not as if our rivals were playing nice with us when we were the Fighting Sioux with the stunts they pulled, but somehow we were able to sleep at night.
  5. Yes, indeed, thanks.... I always assume everyone sticks around all four years like in the good ol' days.
  6. Mel Kiper has NDSU QB Carson Wentz as the No. 3 best QB on his very very early draft board for 2016. Impressive.
  7. For some, The acceptance stage seems to take longer for a nickname than it does for a tragic loss of a loved one. This whole loss of the great Fighting Sioux nickname certainly sucks, but if we start putting our collective energies behind something else, maybe we can take this program to new levels.
  8. I'd even put up with the annoying PC ivory tower pointy heads on campus, who like to tell us how hostile and abusive we are, with a big old smile on my face. Because we know they're never going away anyway. Crap, back to reality!
  9. Wrong again! I can confidently say as a card carrying member of the Sky is Falling Crowd (capitalize if you will), if the NCAA and the State ever said we could have unrestricted use of the original back -- no strings -- I'd take it in a heart beat! Not gonna happen. ( ;
  10. They'll mock us regardless of what we pick as a nickname... they always have. Who cares? Pick a name and don't worry about the rival fans' reactions. I had no idea we were all of a sudden so thin skinned around here. They called us names all the time when we were the FS -- and we somehow were able to sleep at night. We will prevail whether its North Stars, Nodaks, North Dakota, Rough Riders or whatever. I will get behind whatever names is picked in the end and cheer on our athletes as hard as ever.
  11. So, same as always then, you're saying.
  12. Yeah, I think you're right... Brekke was more talent than project. Just had a lot of luck -- the bad kind.
  13. Funny, when I was growing up in western North Dakota in the 1970s/80s, we would have born and raised red, white and blue Americans walk into our business right off the ranch -- grease-stained caps, scoria-scuffed boots and all -- demand the exact same kind of service. I guess because they were white American good ol' boys, it never struck me as a stereotypical thing when I was a kid. I just thought they were a-holes. Things never change, it would seem, no matter who you are, when you were born or where you are from. Everyone's got an anecdote.
  14. There's some merit to this. It would seem that our ability to develop local projects has been lacking in recent years, whereas others (not naming names) have cracked the code. The last local project that I can remember remotely developing into an effective contributor at UND was Warroad's 6-11 center Mitch Wilmer, and that took all the way until his senior year.
  15. You are not wrong. That is correct. Kelley threw out 3 as an arbitrary number early on, and that "Burleson girl" from the Herald, as she is known by some on here, awkwardly reported it as the number that the final list would comprise.
  16. Still better than an effin' rodent. LOL! They made fun of us when we were the "Fighting Suesies," too. Who cares?
  17. I remember when this story came out in 2011.
  18. We're all ears -- what have you got for an idea?
  19. I don't think that anyone who is truly invested in this change to a new nickname ever honestly thought that in the end that we would not be settling, regardless of the final outcome. Fighting Sioux was just too damn perfect of a nickname for UND. EVERYTHING ELSE pales in comparison. But we need a true concrete nickname to latch onto or we will be doing this all over again in the future, whether that's because the NCAA, in its infinite wisdom forces us to do it, or because future UND students in the year 20?? decide that they'd like to have a true athletic nickname just like everyone else.
  20. I would pretty much have the same opinion of this whole process as yours if the final selection turns out to be just "North Dakota." What a monumental waste of time this will have been.
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