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Everything posted by LeftyZL

  1. I completely agree. A lot of people, including myself, have driven when they shouldn't have. Getting hit on the driver's side door by a drunk driver really opened up my eyes. It's just a sticky situation that really should be left alone and kept how it is IMO.
  2. A reply to the original viewpoint in the Grand Forks Herald, and not surprisingly(to me at least), it comes from a UND professor: Another Viewpoint
  3. Was his 2nd red shirt a result of the 1st one or just the standard red-shirt? Because this quote: "The NCAA allows up to two medical exemptions, meaning a student-athlete could be eligible for six years with a legitimate reason" seems to state that he should have the opportunity to be only a junior, if in fact the red-shirts were related. NCAA Eligibilty
  4. Pretty easy guess, and that's all it is, but I would say Duluth. 2nd Option would be Mankato. 3rd would be SCSU. They would be my 2nd option, but they(SCSU) don't like us.
  5. I hope you realize that the Twins game is a replay from this afternoon.
  6. Sometimes the stuff NDSU people say just amazes me. Not all of the fans, but some of them. I don't know if I would consider Texas Tech a power in the BCS, but they're a solid football team. A lot more solid than Minnesota, Ball State, or Central Michigan. Combined. What "powers in BCS" team was NDSU going to play that they decided not to? If you think back 3(4?) years to your second year in transition, would NDSU have jumped at the opportunity to play a team at the same level as Texas Tech, even though there's not a great chance of winning? You better believe they would. You would have been silly not to. Hell, UND might even win next year. Remember September 6, 2006? I was there. We were playing Northern Iowa, National Runner-Up the year before in the I-AA. Not many people thought we would be close, let alone win. On the road, 63 scholarships to 36 scholarships. We had a lot to lose that year, not just the game. I'm not guaranteeing we will beat Texas Tech next year, but stranger things have happend. These situations help build the foundation for the future. Win or lose.
  7. What's really a bummer is that this is apparently the only series people care about. Every series is important. How come no one cares about the Cornell series over Thanksgiving that the students probably won't get tickets to either? Or the Bemidji State game over Christmas break? That's 3 additional games. Where's the outcry? Doesn't every series either fall on a weekend when the students have just left or when they are just returning, except over the extended Christmas break? Spring break, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.
  8. Sure, maybe the loyal fans support the name. But It's tough to get the point across when the major sports network, as well as many other newspapers, websites, etc. have continually mocked the name of the particular division and made the name a joke in many references. We may get the loyal fans, but we won't introduce many new fans with this going on IMO.
  9. You are wrong. They do announce basketball scores at The Ralph over the PA. I can't imagine there are too many hockey games where the hockey game ended before a basketball game was over and the score was announced at The Betty.
  10. Also, it is illegal in California to smoke in your vehicle if a child is present. You can be pulled over and fined. The whole 2nd ammendment case is also rediculous. Lastly and Completely off topic as well: Just when you thought people couldn't get offended by license plates on vehicles, you were wrong:License Plate Story I can't wait to see what other letter combinations people can come up with to be offended by. More wasted state money. Eventually we will be down to "Wingdings" font from Microsoft Word to make license plates. Back to your regularly scheduled tobacco debate
  11. An opportunity? Why should the universities and corresponding cities have to lose revenue on a game that will obviously be a sell out so that alumni in Minneapolis can be closer to a game? That's not how it works. If you want to see the game, any game for that matter, you get to the game. The game doesn't come to you automatically.
  12. That's my whole point. You make it sound like it's inconvenient for non-smoker's that they aren't able to go to their bars that they choose to, but now you are ok with passing the inconvenience on to the smoker's? Sure, smoker's have not lost their right to smoke, but their rights have been limited dramatically. Now they can't smoke in public places. Next thing they won't be allowed to smoke on public sidewalks. Next they won't be able to smoke in their own house/car. Next they won't be allowed to smoke period. I just feel we have stepped on a slippery slope and are waiting to go for a ride. I understand your position. I just don't agree with it. And I agree with Cratter: Libertarian is the way to go. The less government involvement we have in our daily lives, the better.
  13. But they knew about the effects of smoking and still chose to smoke. Do I sound insensititve? Probably. But life's not all fun and games. If a person knows that a bar/restaurant allows smoking and still chooses to enter, that's their choice. But they know the effects that go along with it.
  14. Would you have predicted a top 5 FCS Bison program when they went into the transition 5 years ago, conference-free also? No way. No Chance. Wishful thinking maybe. Increasing scholarship levels doesn't guarantee domination. Will it help? It can't hurt. But it's no guarantee. IMO, neither team will dominate like they did in the past. Hopefully, I am wrong.
  15. You really need to get off this kick of sports being sponsored by the NDHSAA. It's a non-issue when relative to UND's issues. If UND chooses to start the program and begins to get recruits from Minnesota, Canada, and anywhere else for that matter, then the NDHSAA will begin/have to look at having lacrosse at the high school.
  16. So is water polo and equestrian. To me, at least. Why can't UND be a part of the niche sport? They have the facilities and the opportunity is about as good as it is going to get IMO. Besides, what's the worst that can happen? In 10-20 years, the program is still struggling and not being competitive, and they are relegated to drop the sport back down to club level where it all began?
  17. To me, and I'm not picking on you Sioux-Cia, but your 1st paragraph explains everything. In every restaurant/bar/etc., you have a choice whether you want to go to that specific place or whether you want to work at that place or not. I know we want to make this country safe, or whatever you want to call it, but when do we cross the line? In California, they were(they might have) trying to pass a law fining drivers who smoked in their car with children present. How can you possibly come up with an idea regulating what people eat? It's not just fast food, although that probably didn't help the situation, but what about what they feed the kids in general? I used to really like going to Suite 49 because of the unique-ness it offered by being smoke free. They understand that they might not get some customer's because of the smoking issue, but that's the niche they want to be in and the customer base they want to target. I personally enjoyed going there over other bars in town(except for Judy's Tavern, of course.) But the bottom line for me is what people have already stated: When do you start limiting private businesses on certain issues? People have the choice which bar/restaurant to go to, and if they decide not to go to a specific one because of smoke, eventually that place will close due to lack of business. Everytime I hear that another state is passing this law, it just further restricts our freedoms.
  18. That's because you don't follow hockey as close as others. The Moorhead Sports Center holds 3,300. I remember back a few years when Moorhead would play Roseau or Hill Murray(?) and the place was SRO. They apparently had a fire marshall regulating the crowd number. I personally never saw the marshall, but I remember it being packed.
  19. Now that's the kind of detailed and in-the-know answer I was expecting.
  20. If you don't think Joe Finley has improved from his freshman year to now, than you apparently don't watch a lot of Sioux games. To me, it's like night and day with Joe.
  21. Did Duncan regress this year because he didn't win the Hobey Baker? His stats dropped somewhat, but his leadership went up. You should know better than that. As far as Vanek goes, numerous people said he didn't deserve that kind of money. That was when Edmonton was over-bidding on players like Vanek and Penner to get a good, young player. Vanek is a good player, but not 7 years, $50 million good. I can't believe Edmonton didn't get both of them to be honest. His contract should probably be about 1/2 that value. And that would still be a good deal. Anyways, I'm not knocking on Wheeler, because I completely agree with your assessment of being a free agent is an advantage. As long as he takes advantage of it and lands on a team that suits his style of play and has openings.
  22. And your first schedule in the transition was something to brag about?
  23. So you're saying, that when UND athletes aren't in season for their specific sport, they are out partying and going to bars? Get out of town. In reality, a normal UND student is never in season for a sport, and I bet they are frequently at bars as well. They probably miss classes too. It's a shock, I know. Maybe every student, not just athletes, should take their education a little more seriously. Some definitely do take their education's seriously 24/7, and that's great. But you have to realize, and I'm sure you do, that college students party. Some more often than others. As long as they're not wasting my time and money, they(students/athletes) can do whatever they want. I'm not criticizing you(SiouxYeahYeah), just quoting you. And the whole online quiz/test thing is a joke. Teacher's that offer them have to know that kids are cheating. It's rediculous for a professor to think otherwise. Probably the worst thing invented for schooling. Ok, not the worst. Just the dumbest. It just makes teacher's life's easier so they have less stuff to grade.
  24. Some of the checks along the boards that I have seen in the NHL playoffs would be a CFB instantly in college, but in the NHL, the play just go on for most of them. Some of the checks in the NHL I almost cringe at because of the angle that the player hits the boards. It's frightening. But I do believe the NHL better controls the game and "polices" it better. The cheap shots are going to happen in any league. But in the NHL/minor leagues, you can/will be held accountable just because the player's have a longer rope to work with in the NHL.
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