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Everything posted by LeftyZL

  1. Here's what I don't get Hermit, and feel free to correct me: I just sat here reading your posts and I've noticed that most if not all of your posts on this topic are consisted of you talking down about Hakstol(your right to do so) and the UND program(again, your choice). Yet, when someone decides to refute(sp?) your claims with facts or counter-arguments, you ignore it and move on to your next negative post. I'm all for you speaking your mind on a message board like this, but if you're going to start by writing negative comments(Hakstol) and assinine statements(Oshie), you should be adult-enough to listen and respond to the arguments from people on the other side of the fence, including myself, instead of making your next negative post about Hakstol, the team, or UND for that matter. Have a Wonderful Day.
  2. I don't know what his suspension should be if he's found guilty. For one, It's not for me to judge. Second, I can't predict the future. And your last comment, did you forget about the Duke Lacrosse Team? Look what happend when the school, DA, and a city started assuming. It looks like it's going to cost the school and DA about $30 million to settle with the 3 players, or at least that's the rumor I last read. It's an iffy road with no clear answer, but it's always easier to error on the side of caution and adjust later, than to assume the worst and pay the consequences as an organization, team, or university. Also, before you say "the charges are completely different" or something to that effect, so is your comparison of Michael Vick's crimes to T.J. Oshie's charges.
  3. You think Oshie should have been suspended for more than a game when he hasn't been proven guilty of doing anything wrong. Once a verdict or final decision has been made in his case, then make your decision. Not before.
  4. I don't consider Bob Knight a jerk. I don't think a "good portion of the population" classify him as a jerk. He's a good coach and gets results. As for your last statement, which I bolded, isn't that what makes every coach unique/different? And in the bigger picture, every person unique/different? Sure, you may not like it. So and So might not like it. But I don't mind it. Potential recruits obviously know what kind of coach he is. They wouldn't go play for him if they didn't choose to. Recruits go there because they want to play for him and get an education. Back on topic, Hakstol will be ok, UND will be ok, and in 2 months I will have forgotten this whole ordeal altogether.
  5. The more crazy part, I thought at least, was that Duluth started the weekend 11th in Pairwise, lost on Friday and went to 14th. They win against the same team and move 6 spots up to 8th. Split on the road and have other teams help you. It's a goofy system alright.
  6. Every weekend must be a low point in hockey because I would bet that in almost every game at least one of the coaches are swearing at the ref at some point during the game. FSN had a camera and a microphone in between the benches. While good for TV, they probably should have censored(aka delayed) the tape so they could listen first. What do you expect Bickel to say after the game towards Finley and the rest of the Sioux? "I Love You Guys, Why Can't We Be Friends?" FSN, in hindsight, should have probably backed off their cameras or at least turned their mic's down.
  7. When we lost Duncan, it put us in a terrible position. Not only did we play short-handed for 5 minutes, but our lines became all messed up. We also lost a penalty killer and PP scorer. To me, that's why Oshie and Co. were gassed. They played a few more minutes. Add in the rivalry and I'm ok with the 3 points this weekend. The goals will come, we put a lot more pucks on the net this weekend then we did vs. AA last Saturday. At least they were more agressive and tried to get the puck on net for most of the game. I'm also ok with the shot total. 30 shots last night, 22 on Friday. That's an average of 26. 9 per period. With all the power play's both ways, we'll be ok.
  8. 1. The part I bolded...Isn't that the classic, textbook definition of a cross-check? 2. The Game was not over when Anderson "Gently Bumps" Oshie...Check the time.
  9. Someone on here should be able to answer my question: Since Miami has currently only played 5 games against TUC's, if they don't reach 10, that point is just cancelled and not considered in any comparison correct? Looking at their schedule, they play 2 games against Michigan which would bring them to 7 games against TUC's, and assuming they get to play 2 of the top 4 in the CCHA during the playoffs, they won't hit the magic number of 10. Where as, in the WCHA, North Dakota has played 24 TUC's, Wisconsin-20 TUC's, Minnesota-20 TUC's, SCSU-18 TUC's, UMD-18 TUC's. These numbers are to date and do not look into each team's future schedule. The discrepancies are scary and impossible to ignore. And to answer Ms. Paula C. Weston's question(Article) regarding how the 4th place team from the CCHA last year managed to win the National Title, let's look at their path. They played BU and Notre Dame in Grand Rapids, MI(73 miles from Campus). And then played Maine and BC in St. Louis. Never came close to having to play a WCHA team. Ever since 2005 in Columbus, the brackets and placement of teams have been hard to ignore. And it's sad.
  10. Box Score said 10222 or something to that effect. It was a sell-out it said.
  11. LeftyZL


    Alright, this is going to be one of those he said-she said things: My owner where I work at said that his buddy works at a refinery(?) in Texas. Anyways, when they bought their oil this week, it cost them $29.??. Somehow it is currently selling on the futures market for $88.96. That's roughly a 200% mark-up by the time it gets to the public. Tack on State and Federal taxes, you get $3/gallon.
  12. CC is up 5-2 over Clarkson with about 5 minutes to go in 3rd.
  13. He had the Gophers player stick between his legs and didn't release very quickly. It was probably a questionable call, but the Gopher player didn't have a play on the puck regardless. Kaip should have just let go in the first place. The Sioux player already had beaten him to the puck.
  14. How much can Mankato keep helping us? They just keep knocking quality teams off and making sure they stay a TUC.
  15. Did anyone see Hakstol's vertical jump on the bench after the goal by Trupp? I swear he got up at least 4-5 inches!
  16. I'm looking for 2 tickets, lower bowl preferred, for the Saturday night game vs. Denver on February 16th. My Dad gave my 2 tickets away this past week! If anyone has any they are willing/need to get rid of, regardless of location, please reply on here or PM me. -Thanks Zack
  17. I also don't know if you can modify your roster, but the deadline is 3pm AZ time, so that's 4pm(?) Grand Forks time
  18. I don't remember seeing this posted anywhere, but it was written by our very own PCM, who is still MIA: USCHO - Lammy
  19. LeftyZL


    Depending on where you live, I'd say the Frozen Four. The reason I say that is because of the "road trip" with your friends. Nothing beats the car ride, even though they are long. Camping out for tickets the last 2 years was also memorable. Well worth the prime seats we received and got to meet Coach Hakstol. I've made the last 3 Frozen Four's and 4 in my life. I think the last year was good, but Milwaukee was my favorite of all time so far. The Final 5 is fun, but is usually less of importance for the most part. It's more a fun atmosphere like other people said. The Frozen Four is all business.
  20. I don't care who you are, every person should be able to question the legitimacy of Miami when they've played the following non-conference teams: Miami: Vermont, Canisius, RPI, SCSU, and Ohio St.(The last 2 during a tourney) And, even though they have 12 teams in their conference, how does Miami get off only playing Michigan, Michigan State, and Notre Dame only 1 weekend this year? And 4 of the 6 games are at home. Michigan State/Michigan/Notre Dame: They play the big 4 of the CCHA(UM/MSU/ND/Miami) 8 times each throughout the regular season. That means they all get to play the bottom 8 of the CCHA at least 20 games this season(22 if you are Miami). Anybody can look at the standings, but when the bottom 8 of the league are not over .500, everyone is allowed to question the legitimacy IMO when the top 4 teams are playing the other 8 75% of the league games.
  21. I'm not really sure where to post this, so I'll try here: This quote was from the following article in the GF Herald: Declining Scoring Throughout League "There are lots of conversations going on at this point," WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod said. "Why don't we seem to have the big scorers anymore? Why did this happen? Is it the way they are trained? Is it the defense, traps? What is it? I don't think anybody has any answers for it right now." He(McLoed) knows the answers. He can watch games as well as any of us. Call the games by the rules and imagine what the star players(Turris, Oshie, Duncan, Toews, Rau, etc.) could do. The images in my head are scary. And on top of it, he seems to me at least, to be calling out the coaches in the league somewhat. "Is it the way they are trained"....Come on. If they called the game correctly, teams wouldn't slash, hook, hold, etc. Coaches and players would adapt. The difference of officiating between/throughout the collegiate leagues is scary. It has hurt and will continue to hurt our(WCHA) teams come NCAA playoff time. They shouldn't have to adjust their game for a 2 week stretch. I watched the game of Ohio State vs. Michigan on CSTV a couple months ago, and Michigan would just dump the puck into a corner and chase it. OSU would hardly hook and hold, to the point of not really breaking the Michigan player's stride, and a penalty was called. And it was called ALL GAME LONG. The players put their sticks in bad positions and penalties were rightfully called. Sure, it took me a while to adjust to just watching it, but I somehow managed to. Barely. It was scary. I didn't know how I did it. "Some ideas that have been tossed around, according to McLeod, are enlarging nets, shrinking goalie pads, eliminating ties or becoming stricter on obstruction calls, like the NHL or international play." What gets me, after reading the article, is how come ideas are only being tossed around by the NCAA Rules committee? That's the best they can come up with? Obviously, since quite a few of the players in our league as well as college hockey overall will go on to play hockey at the next level, the first objective would be to mirror the NHL as much as possible. It shouldn't be this difficult. End Rant.
  22. Did you think before you typed this? Do you truly Ralph Engelstad didn't work for his success to be able to donate 110+ million to UND in an arena and scholarships? At UND, it's a family. Once you're an alumni, it's ok to give back when you have become extremely successful. Trust me, UND is working hard and fundraising it's money. Just because we had 1 alumni donate an insane amount of money is no reason to be spiteful.
  23. My one wish for tonight is for Matt Frattin to actually hit the net with one of his shots. Whenever he has an open look, he always misses high. It's scary. Early in the season, both games last week at Mankato when we were there, and last night. He always shoots high. Too High. Please hit the net. The Back of it Preferably.
  24. I will take Mr. Andrew Kozek.
  25. Call me an (insert name here), but I was just looking at the updated comparisons and as of right now we're 6th with UNH and CC ahead of us. And looking at the individual comparisons, it's very possible for us to leap frog both of those with a little help and more wins. Without looking at remaining schedules, we trail UNH by 3-2 in the comparisons, but I think we can flip the TUC comparison relatively easily with the teams we play and as long as we keep winning. As for CC, we trail them 4-1 in the comparisons. But, by my math, if they lose or tie vs. MTU tomorrow night we'll have gained that TUC point back by % points. Now, all we'd have to do is flip the RPI% comparison in our favor. A little slip by CC here, a few wins by UND there, and we have a #1 seed locked up. Let's keep rooting for Mankato, Michigan St., etc., to keep on winning tomorrow. We gotta keep them TUC's! My rambling will stop now. Continue on.
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