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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. dmksioux


    Here's my take: 1) Cal Poly - 6.5 wins OVER 2) Cal State Sacramento - 3.5 wins UNDER 3) Cal Davis - 3.5 wins UNDER 4) Eastern Washington - 6.5 wins OVER 5) Idaho State - 2.5 wins UNDER 6) Montana - 8.5 wins UNDER 7) Montana State - 9.5 wins UNDER 8) North Dakota - 5.5 wins OVER 9) Northern Arizona - 3.5 wins OVER 10) Northern Colorado - 3.5 wins UNDER 11) Portland State - 8.5 wins OVER 12) Southern Utah - 5.5 wins OVER 12) Weber State - 6.5 wins OVER
  2. dmksioux


    I'm borrowing this post from "Superman 7515" on AGS. I thought it was pretty interesting and want to see how Siouxsports fans feel. So here it is: I'll be doing one for each of the conferences as we count down to the regular season. Pick the over or under (everything is with a 1/2 game on the end, so no pushes) and we'll see who gets the most right at the end of the season. Post season wins will count, not just regular season wins, so pick as you feel appropriate. First up, the Big Sky Conference... 1) Cal Poly - 6.5 wins 2) Cal State Sacramento - 3.5 wins 3) Cal Davis - 3.5 wins 4) Eastern Washington - 6.5 wins 5) Idaho State - 2.5 wins 6) Montana - 8.5 wins 7) Montana State - 9.5 wins 8) North Dakota - 5.5 wins 9) Northern Arizona - 3.5 wins 10) Northern Colorado - 3.5 wins 11) Portland State - 8.5 wins 12) Southern Utah - 5.5 wins 12) Weber State - 6.5 wins
  3. You didn't play us, but still chose to become a member of our board. Definitely a sign that there is no rivalry...
  4. You can find the resolutions by the various groups/tribes here. Most of them are from the late 90's/early 2000's but none of them have issued anything new in support of the name other than Spirit Lake. http://www.und.edu/org/bridges/resolutions.html
  5. Unfortunately you are wrong. The Standing Rock Tribal Council disagrees with you, and (as 82 Sioux Guy pointed out earlier) so do a majority of Sioux Tribes in the Dakotas. All of whom have gone on record as wanting UND to discontinue the name.
  6. I don't see any fighting amongst the "say yes" group. Watchmaker is a troll and only trying to stir the pot. I also wouldn't describe the posts of many of the "Say Yes" group as bashing. I would describe it as educating or clarifying. There are a few "keep the name" posters whose posts, for a lack of a better term, are not very polite. Which elicites a similar response from the "say yes" crowd. Most if not all of the posts by the "keep the name" crowd lack facts pertinent to their arguement...which is where the educating, clarifying comes in.
  7. "Watchmaker," Notice how both "82" and "WeareND" were able to point out the fault of your post without resorting to name calling? Perhaps you can try to do the same...
  8. One minor adjustment...The NCAA wanted to hear from Standing Rock, Not Sioux County...and they did.
  9. Eight years ago, the name still could have been saved. Many people were doing what they could to make that happen. Once the settlement was reached and the deadline passed, it became a dead issue. That's when a majority of people saw the writing on the wall. Why do you continue to post just to rile people up?
  10. Why haven't they been able to do that already? There's been polling done and signatures for a petition have been collected to allow a vote, however the Tribal Council has refused to acknowledge either. Standing Rock voters had an opportunity to vote for new Tribal Council Members in their election, but failed to elect any "pro-name" candidates to a position. The Tribal Council has had ample time, 5+ years, to grant approval...but they haven't.
  11. Haha...didn't even catch that. In this case, I hope the no vote wins.
  12. In the eyes of the NCAA, absolutely nothing. UND remains on sanctions, schools continue to refuse to play us, and our conference affiliation with the Big Sky stays precarious at best. (I should clarify, that's what would happen should the no votes win the referendum). The short answer is the NCAA doesn't care about this election...statewide results or Sioux/Benson (Spirit Lake) County votes.
  13. This. UND got bashed by everyone in Bisonville land when UND "stopped the rivalry" and imo, deservedly so. But at least UND explained why they didn't want to play the football game and that was due to playoff considerations. Again, in my opinion, it was a weak reason to and I wish they would have kept playing. But Gene Taylor has yet to give a reason as to why NDSU won't sign on. Faison has agreed to an every other year contract to at least begin with. If the contract is signed in the near future, then this is a moot point. But why doesn't Taylor come out and say why he won't sign a contract?
  14. Never noticed that...almost makes you wonder if it was a mistake.
  15. Good question. My guess is that they would at least remove the word "Sioux" from the floor. Whether or not they officially change the name, I'm not sure. It shouldn't be too difficult to redo the "Sioux Center" logo on the floor when the time comes.
  16. Here is one of the pics from the fb album.
  17. For those of you on facebook, you can go to the UND Men's Basketball page and check out pics of the new court. Here is the link... http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=361837003870250&set=a.361323907254893.92275.123907454329874&type=1&theater I think it looks pretty decent.
  18. Coach Brewster has filled another Assistant Coaching position. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/236786/group/homepage/ Welcome coach Linda...not even going to attempt the last name! Anyone know how many more Assistants he's going to hire?
  19. Thanks for doing the leg work 82. I figured average attendance for non-BCS schools would be closer to 25,000. So yes, UND wil need an upgrade in facilities at some point. I feel we have 15- 20 years to get it done. Let's start by filling the Alerus consistently and go from there.
  20. Agreed, take away the BCS conferences and what is the average attendance for the remaining FBS schools. I'm too lazy to try and look it up, but I would guess it's below 30,000.
  21. The Alerus would be just fine for the new FBS...10-20 years anyways.. For the long term, 20+ years out, yes they will need an upgrade.
  22. You come across as a person who doesn't like change. Whether it be baggy uniforms, hd technology, the Sioux name etc. The world is ever changing and its happening pretty fast. Its time for you to let a few things go and change with the times.
  23. Here's one for you Dave...watch at your own risk. Sorry to further derail this thread, but perhaps this video will make dave's head explode and he will stop posting here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cf7IL_eZ38
  24. The main reason so many Big Sky teams have non-DI teams on their schedule is that there just aren't many FCS programs in the west. There is only one FCS conference west of the plains states and that's the Big Sky. It costs lots of money to fly schools from the eastern half of the US to the western half...epsecially considering that only two teams (Montana and Montana St.) average more than 7500 for a home game.
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