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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. He definitely was emotional and he was being taunted. Just never saw him come up into the stands or even acknowledge anyone in the crowd or the taunter. I left when the team high five line was about half done.
  2. You don't know, yet you claim the %gobc is going to be able to lure him away from SoCal...good luck...
  3. I was in 215. There was a kid in front of us that spent a good portion of the game heckling #66. Although #66 showed quite a bit of emotion while on the sidelines, especially when we took the lead in the field goal, I never saw him try to come in the stands.
  4. So you're saying UND can offer him more than Stanford?
  5. dmksioux


    And here are their essays... http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/ndsu-students-essays-why-und-good-school
  6. I will be in Madison also. Hockey Saturday, half marathon Sunday. Hopefully celebrate a sioux sweep after the race on Sunday night while watching Packers vs Bears with all the cheeseheads.
  7. dmksioux

    Measure 5

    No need to make it a state law. Let the local school districts make the decision on when school starts.
  8. Would like two lower bowl tickets to the Saturday night game against Miami. Pm with price if you have two that are available.
  9. Just for fun I went and took a look at the SDSU message board to see how many bison fans are posting about their big game against their true rival this weekend. I didn't look at the posts, but the Dakota Marker thread has 9 pages (81 posts) total. Compare that to this thread at 28 pages and 550+ posts...and that's not even counting the other threads that have been shut down since the announcement of next years games a couple months ago. I can see how the Bison fans think SDSU is their rival and UND means nothing to them.
  10. So NDSU fans were and are upset about UND canceling the series when NDSU moved DI. UND had legit reasons at the time. A large part of the fan base, including myself, did not agree with Roger Thomas and did not want the series canceled. Move forward a few years...Now NDSU is not wanting to renew the series due to some "legit" reasons and you don't expect UND Fans to call you out on the hypocrisy of that?
  11. So anyone else out there receive an email from the task force inquiring whether or not you are interested in taking a survey in order to be considered to attend either the November 6th or 7th "brainstorming and input session" with the Task Force? I received in email today asking if I would be interested in taking that survey. If I am, then I could be randomly selected to attend one of those sessions...at least that's the way I understand it.
  12. Weren't there some time constraints as well? I thought they fast tracked it so that it would be ready in time for the World Juniors?
  13. Makes sense. Anyone know the height from floor to ceiling? Curious if punters will have room to kick away or if they will have to hold back so they don't hit the ceiling?
  14. I was on campus today and checked it out, it really is quite large once you get close to it. I noticed that floor is dug down quite a bit, maybe four feet or so. Does anyone know if that will be filled in, or will the floor be "below grade?"
  15. That's as good of a guess as any. I was just really surprised that we chose to convert a linebacker and not only start him ahead of Sharp, but to give him all of the carries. Either Sharp is going to be a heck of a project to try to get on the field or I don't see him remaining with the team. Unless there is some type of injury holding him back.
  16. Ban the troll!!! Only kidding, just wanted to draw attention to your post as an example that not all bison fan posts are trolling posts. Back on topic, I really hope Shaugaby is able to go this week. Would be nice to have three options at RB. Also, I've asked this question before, as have others, but anyone have insight as to why we haven't seen Patrick Sharp get any carries?
  17. New hotel going up just south of Liberty Lanes. Don't recall the name but I believe it is a chain hotel. Apartment complex directly across the street from City Hall is completed, I believe. That's about all I've seen around EGF.
  18. I could agree to this if its for one off games. If the Bison had all of these teams on their schedule, then I think they win one or two.
  19. I think we win this game but I also think it will be another nail biter. SUU's record is not that good, 1-7, but they have played a fairly difficult schedule that includes 2 FBS teams and 2 FCS ranked teams and 1 FCS team receiving votes. Not sure what they lost from last years team, but they were a playoff team. If this game were at home, I would feel better about it. I still think we win, but it will be closer than a lot of people think. Here's a link to their schedule: http://www.suutbirds.com/SportSelect.dbml?DB_LANG=C&DB_OEM_ID=20100&SPID=11715&SPSID=95830
  20. Best way to get rid of trolls is to ignore them. Trolls are looking to stir the pot, when you respond to them, they are getting exactly what they are here for. There is an ignore button. Although 2011 BA is posting stuff UND fans don't care to hear, I wouldn't necessarily consider his posts as trolling. He's just here to make sure nobody says anything bad about the bisons or make sure that UND fans don't get too excited about the progress of our team...not sure why he feels the need to do it, but I would guess it's because he leads a lonely life and has nothing better to do than monitor message boards of non-rivals. Anyways, if people stop responding to him, he'll be less likely to post...
  21. No one is saying UND will make the playoff this year. No one said that PSU was a great or even good team. You can only play the teams on your schedule. As fans, we like to have hope in our team. Right now there is hope as this team is performing quite a bit better than it was expected to do (which wasn't a whole lot). Will we make the playoffs, odds are against that if we lose even one more game. However, if this team puts together a run and finishes 8-4, should they make the playoff, I would say the odds are pretty good that they do. Does that translate into earning respect? in the Big Sky it does. On the national scene, maybe, maybe not. Should our fans be excited about that? Damn right we should...we haven't had much to be excited about the last few years.
  22. After seeing him injuring his knee, I had a bad feeling it could be a season/career ending injury. Gotta feel for the kid with what he's been through. I also took notice that he got up and "ran" off the field after being looked over....almost as if he knew it was bad but wanted to leave the field on his own terms and not be helped off/carted off.
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