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What were you doing six years ago today?


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I was getting ready to take my daughter to school. We happened to have the NBC Today Show on when the first report of a fire at the World Trade Center was broadcast. We were watching live coverage when the second plane hit.

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I was getting ready to go to the gym and saw it on NBC. I was in a panic because my cousin is a flight attendent for American Airlines and my brother was flying that day. My brothers cell was off but when he turned it on he had a 150 missed calls and 75 voice messages. I hate that day. God Bless America and God Bless the people that died.

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I was getting ready to assist in surgery at the VA. I remember when the news really hit me around an hour or so later. I was alone in the BR, crying, when the Surgery Dept. secretary came in. She asked if someone I knew was involved in the'accident'. I said, 'No.' She looked at me as if I were nuts.

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I was on the way to my client at the time, heard the news break over a local morning radio show. Confusion as to the first plane into the tower (accident?), and utter horror at the second collision. I was fortunate enough to be working in town. The director at our firm that I worked with quite frequently was in the towers that morning, however. His tower was the first to get hit...his meeting was moved that morning...from a floor in the 90's, to a floor in the 60's. He made it out okay, but you can imagine the impact that had on his priorities (I think I'll call him today).

As for our project team, we then heard about the Pentagon being hit. All the news websites were overloaded, so we wheeled in a TV and saw the two towers fall. We all packed up our computers and headed home to our families for the day at that point.

NEVER FORGET 9-11-2001
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I was sitting in my Drafting I class, my sophomore year of high school. I remember everything going quiet in the room once it came on, and everyone being glued to the TV. Class changing bell rang at 8:55, and we all literally ran to our next class. My next class was German II, and we began watching the news broadcast again. However, our substitute, always having been known as a horse's ___ told us we had work to do and to turn off the TV. No regard for what had just happened. While the TV was off, the second plane hit. We whined and carried on to get him to let us turn it on, and once we convinced him, we turned it on just in time to hear that the Pentagon and just been hit. I don't remember much from then on, except being glued to the TV for the rest of the day. If i remember correctly, they let us go early. What a day that was. I can't believe it has been 6 years. Seems to go by so fast.....

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I was busy getting 1 kid off to school and the other 2 ready for daycare. Didn't hear anything about it until my drive into town. A friend of mine called me and told me. My 1st stop that day was Walmart for office supplies. Instead, I spent quite some time in the sporting dept watching things unfold on the TV there. I have never heard Walmart so quiet.

9-11-01 will never be forgotten.

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Going to calc class during my fr. year of undergrad... trying to get in contact with my dad who was/is an airline pilot. He ended up being grounded and could see the smoke plume from CT. Thankfully I had some airline/plane knowledge so I knew he wasn't involved, but it was still nerve racking.

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I was sitting in a meeting in a Federal Courthouse and wasn't allowed to bring my cell phone into the building. My wife held her breath until she heard back from me after the meeting. My brother was in a hotel near the Pentagon and couldn't get out of DC for several days.

God bless the USA.

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On this day in 2001 my brothers and I were sitting on the shore of a Canadian lake casting for walleye into rocky, narrow neck. It was a gorgeous day. Sunny, fairly calm, warm. Perfect for lazing outside and enjoying the Canadian wilderness with the blue sky, blue water, and green all around. All was right with the world.

Or so we thought...

We were on a fly-in trip, so had no contact with the outside world. It was our last day "in the bush" and the following morning we quietly awaited our plane to retrieve us. When the pilot docked the plane and hopped out the first thing he asked was "Do you guys got a radio?".

Naturally we responded that we hadn't. What he said next made our jaws drop.

"The States is at war", he said.


He proceeded to tell us that the World Trade Center had been bombed and knocked down, and the Pentagon as well. He said all flights have been grounded, and that the governments still are tracking possible planes in the air, and that the threats were apparently not over.

We stood on the dock in shocked disbelief. What? How? Who? What about Minneapolis? From the sparse information he was able to provide, it sounded like everyone was a target. What were we going home to?

Fortunately, it was a relatively short flight home. He wasn't supposed to fly, but the outfitter told him it was his choice to come and get us or not. He stayed off the radio while he skimmed the tree tops.

I remember sitting in the plane, my thoughts with my family, hoping everything was ok and remembering how idyllic life was yesterday. Wondering....

Was anything going to be the same ever again?

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I remember sitting in study hall not having heard anything about what was happening and the principal came on and made an annoucement and referred to it as "the events that happened in NYC this morning" and I was so confused I didn't know what was going on. I got to my next class and my teacher told us a little bit, but I didn't know what the WTC was, so I was still confused. It wasn't until lunch when I was able to see a television that was brought into the lunch room that I fully saw what was happened. Pretty much all afternoon we were watching the news coverage. I remember seeing video of the towers smoking and thinking it looked like a movie. For some reason, I don't know why... but I can remember seeing Disneyworld being evacuated and that really hit home.

Who would have ever thought then that I would be majoring in Air Traffic Control now and that I would be involved in the one of the industries that was hit so hard on that day. To all those who know someone affected, I'm sorry. That will be a day none of us will ever forget.

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I had just woken up for my 9 oclock class, as i turned on the tv, laying in more dorm, i watched as the second tower was hit. Then as i walked through the union, i watched the first tower fall.... I remember that day on campus, ill never forget. My suitemate was from New York City, his father worked in the towers as well as many people he knew, i watched him frantically try to get ahold of anyone from back home....thats when it hit home for me.

Ill never forget....such as sad day. Ill also never forget the joy i felt when the nation came together, for once in my lifetime...Oh it seems so long ago.

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