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Wild down 1-0.... not sure of the time because it was just a game break.... although I see it will be on VS. as soon as the Dallas/Vancouver game is done

Brent Burns just got done working Chris Kunitz, great fight. I don't think Burns has ever dropped the mits before.

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If the Wild don't start playing better it's going to be four and done. The Wild have not looked so great tonight especially on the power play.

Their special teams have been absolutely brutal. What are they, 0 for 6 on the PP with a shortie against, while giving up 2 PP goals on the other end?

Anaheim is getting their PP setup without any resistance, and the Wild are having trouble just dumping the puck on onside.

It's been hard to watch.

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Their special teams have been absolutely brutal. What are they, 0 for 6 on the PP with a shortie against, while giving up 2 PP goals on the other end?

Anaheim is getting their PP setup without any resistance, and the Wild are having trouble just dumping the puck on onside.

It's been hard to watch.

Yeah they look really bad on the penalty kill. Those 10 min misconducts at the beginning of the game didn't really seem to help much. Maybe they can pull it together here at the end of the 3rd.

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The Sharks and Predators should be ashamed of themselves. What a goonfest that game turned out to be. :glare:

I guess I saw it as playoff hockey. The Sharks went after Hartnall due to the knee to knee hit he had on Cheechoo in Game 1. They chose to do it towards the end of the game, after it was evident that the Predators would win. Hartnall stated before the game that he wouldn't be surprised if it happened. It's players policing the game. The playoffs bring out a lot of emotion. It's not a one and done thing, so emotions carry over to each new game. That's what makes the playoffs more exciting.

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The Sharks and Predators should be ashamed of themselves. What a goonfest that game turned out to be. :D

:glare::lol:??? Why do you even watch hockey then? That is playoff hockey and ITS PART OF THE GAME. Don't like it

watch figure skating or golf.

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I guess I saw it as playoff hockey. The Sharks went after Hartnall due to the knee to knee hit he had on Cheechoo in Game 1. They chose to do it towards the end of the game, after it was evident that the Predators would win. Hartnall stated before the game that he wouldn't be surprised if it happened. It's players policing the game. The playoffs bring out a lot of emotion. It's not a one and done thing, so emotions carry over to each new game. That's what makes the playoffs more exciting.

I agree, with what you said. Tuttoo got what was coming to him as Clowe worked him hard. Great game, the Sens and Pens game was great as well.

I love Playoff hockey, and we can bet you will see more of this in game three as well.

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Why do I watch hockey? Because I like the game, and instigating fights is not part of it. However, I do feel that what happened to Cheechoo is part of the game. I'm glad he's going to be okay, but hockey is rough game and these things happen sometimes. I think it was incredibly cheap of the Sharks to take on the "if we can't beat them we'll beat them up" mentality late in the game when it was obvious the Predators were going to win. If I were a Predators player, I would consider Ryane Clowe to be a moving target in Game 3. Get him with a really good hard hit while the puck is in play and the clock running. None of that stop the hockey game to put on a boxing match nonsense, I want to see somebody lay him out within the context of the hockey game. His actions in Game 2 were disgraceful, and he needs to be punished for it.

Okay, but the game of hockey has always been a rough game. Back when I started watching it, it was a lot rougher than what it is today. I'm sure it was when you started watching it as well. So why were you attracted to the game if it was too rough for you? Back in the '70's, a hit like the one on Cheechoo would have resulted a fight or multiple fights immediately. That one event would have heated up the entire season to the point where it would make it a crazy, but fun series to watch. Game 2 would have been a lot more physical than Sharks/Preds Game 2. The outbursts from Simon, McSorley, and Brasheer need to be eliminated from the game; this other stuff is all part of the long tradition of ice hockey. If it's too discomforting for you, than perhaps you should be watching figure skating or golf, as Goon suggested.

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People like Goon get all up in arms over the things that lead to the fights and still continue to watch the game. It's no different that I still continue to watch the game even though I don't care for the fights. I like the rough play within the context of the game, just not the fights. The irony is that the fightmongers among us seem to have a problem with the rough play within the context of the game. I guess it's a matter of taste. Some people like one style of play, others prefer a different style.

You don't have a clue what your talking about. You should stick to figure skating or golf so your not offended; because God forbid you might seeing a fight break out during a hockey game, which most of us agree is part of the NHL, unless you want to stick your head in the sand. You can lecture us all your want but your wrong. The point being Hartnell cheap shoted Cheechoo and Hartnell payed for his cheap action. The game policed it's self. There is a difference between rough play and being cheap.

Siouxdonyms said: Okay, but the game of hockey has always been a rough game. Back when I started watching it, it was a lot rougher than what it is today. I'm sure it was when you started watching it as well. So why were you attracted to the game if it was too rough for you? Back in the '70's, a hit like the one on Cheechoo would have resulted a fight or multiple fights immediately. That one event would have heated up the entire season to the point where it would make it a crazy, but fun series to watch.

He is right, that act of violence would have immediately resulted in that player having the tar beat out of him. This logic that cheap shots should just be ignored is flawed logic. Oh its just part of the game, is why skilled players get kneed by cheap shot artists.

Edited by Goon
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As for Simon, McSorley, and Brasheer... they were trying to police the game, which proves my point about how it is counterproductive to let the inmates run the asylum. Any policing of the game should be done by the refs, not the players. I feel very strongly about that.

That's intent to injure, not policing the game. I can understand people not wanting players to fight in hockey. Parents don't want their kids to be exposed to it. However, I watched it all the time as a kid and didn't go out and get in fights. You can see a heck of a lot more violence on cable television than what you'll see in a hockey game. As a teacher, I see how well parents are controlling what their kids watch. I would guesstimate that approximately 10-15% of parents truly monitor what their kids are watching on TV/Internet. Some parents think they know what their kids are watching, while some parents simply could care less about what their kids are watching.

Back to fights in hockey, fighting has unwritten rules, and from everything I read or hear, players adhere to those unwritten rules. Fighting is allowed in the NHL. Players agree to drop their gloves. When they do that, they're well aware that an injury could come about because of it. What Simon should have done is dropped his gloves with Holweger. I'm sure Holweger would have complied, and appreciated it much more than the stick into the chin/neck area. Will there be repercussion's for Simon because of what he did? It's a very good possibility. When Simon comes back, I'm sure he'll be expecting it, especially his first game against the Rangers.

If the refs are suppose to police every aspect of the game, why is fighting allowed with a 5 minute penalty? It's a way for the tough guys to get out their emotions, which if it wasn't allowed, may result in more Chris Simon type incidents. I'm sure that would help our sport out.

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Why do I watch hockey? Because I like the game, and instigating fights is not part of it.

I've been watching hockey since the '70's, and unless I've had a memory lapse, instigating fights has been part of the game. Broadstreet Bullies loved to do it.

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I've been watching hockey since the '70's, and unless I've had a memory lapse, instigating fights has been part of the game. Broadstreet Bullies loved to do it.

The Big Bad Bruins and the Broad Street Bullies was an awesome rivalry. :D

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Good win by the Wild toni...Oops.

Hey, anyone see that last PP the Wild scored on? It was a great goal by Nummelin. Maybe next time the Ducks can try to contain the two Wild players with slightly less than the four skaters on the ice.

Oh, and Radovojevic (sp?) did a great job of getting those two in the box. I agree with the ref's call on the Ducks players. I also agree that Rado's stick to the chin of Moen isn't a penalty...oh wait... it is. Oops.

Luckily for the refs, it didn't matter. That SHOULD have been 4 on 4 or at least 2 offsetting.

Wild TV commentators still suck. One minute they're rightfully berating Moen for interfering with Paulson and Rado and the next minute they are justifying it. Nevermind the Rado hit on Moen that started the whole thing.

I also liked the Wild Live's props to Stephane Veillieux. It's the same crap they spewed last year when the Wild lost and had no scoring. They simply gave props to a guy that flew around a hit people (isn't leaving your skates to check someone a penalty?) and yapped at Ducks players. Really, the player of the game should have been Backstrom. With the craptacular offensive performance of the Wild scoring jugernaut (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) he made some unbelievable saves to keep it to only 2 goals against.

Wild are DONE. Another successful year for Minnesota pro sports: The only state in the Union with a pro team that gives accolades for just making the playoffs.

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redwing relax :D a lot of us SIOUX fans actually like the wild and this loss kind of bites. I am not saying your game analysis is wrong just your gloating. IF any WILD fans asks why they lost the key stat in this one. Gaborik - Dmitra - Walz had ZERO shots on goal. I am actually disappointed to see them playing so bad. They are as close to an NHL team that North Dakota has since Winnipeg left so lets not kick dirt on them.

Since David Hale was mentioned earlier on this string I have to ask if anyone besides me thought he played AWFUL today he took some really dumb penalites.

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redwing relax :D a lot of us SIOUX fans actually like the wild and this loss kind of bites. I am not saying your game analysis is wrong just your gloating. IF any WILD fans asks why they lost the key stat in this one. Gaborik - Dmitra - Walz had ZERO shots on goal. I am actually disappointed to see them playing so bad. They are as close to an NHL team that North Dakota has since Winnipeg left so lets not kick dirt on them.

Since David Hale was mentioned earlier on this string I have to ask if anyone besides me thought he played AWFUL today he took some really dumb penalites.

Yeah I agree, Hale did take some dumb penalties and I didn't really see him do any thing spectacular.

The Wild is the only twin city hockey team I like, soo...Those guys better pull their act together or it will be all over but the crying.

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Yeah I agree, Hale did take some dumb penalties and I didn't really see him do any thing spectacular.

The Wild is the only twin city hockey team I like, soo...Those guys better pull their act together or it will be all over but the crying.

Hale definately had a tough day as did all of the Flames. As far as injurys and fights go... I can't even get started on that. Looking forward to sharks-preds tomorrow night. Love the fact Tootoo took a nice beating.

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redwing relax :D a lot of us SIOUX fans actually like the wild and this loss kind of bites. I am not saying your game analysis is wrong just your gloating. IF any WILD fans asks why they lost the key stat in this one. Gaborik - Dmitra - Walz had ZERO shots on goal.

I like the Wild too. I think Detroit will be done once they play a team that's younger in age and isn't worn out from must making the playoffs.

Cheli should be drawing social security next week.

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