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Toews is the more highly rated player and gets most of the press, but I've long thought Oshie was a superior player. I'm sure many will disagree. Just an opinion.

QUOTE(dagies @ Oct 14 2006, 10:38 PM) *

Toews was a man among boys at times.

Just for the record, he was the youngest player on the ice last night.

Other than that, I agree with what you're saying. Nice summary dagies.

Toews is generally considered a superior player because of the age difference. Again most people just don't realize how young he really is. He is the second youngest player on this team and only by a few weeks.

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QUOTE(dagies @ Oct 14 2006, 10:38 PM) *

Toews was a man among boys at times.

Just for the record, he was the youngest player on the ice last night.

Other than that, I agree with what you're saying. Nice summary dagies.

Toews is generally considered a superior player because of the age difference. Again most people just don't realize how young he really is. He is the second youngest player on this team and only by a few weeks.

Forney and Grieco are both younger than him. But he is definitely considered an awesome player for his age.

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Alritey, here's my short thoughts on the games this weekend.

Everyone's saying that we were really fast on the ice, but I was at both the games and we didn't seem all that quick. I think the team needs a little more conditioning, looked like they were getting tired out lot more quickly than the Badgers. But other than that, we looked pretty good out there with them, I was proud to be a Sioux fan this weekend.

As for the Saturday night game.... I'm still not sure if our "goal" should have counted or not cuz I didn't really see it. They don't have a camera right above the goalies like the Ralph does, so the replay was not very clear to tell if it went in or not. And their goal definitely should not have counted, it was totally goaltender interference. The Badger fans I was sitting by were commenting on that too.

I just don't think our team looked as good as they could have. We could have easily swept them, the Badgers are pretty overrated, even with Skille. Like I said earlier, a little more conditioning could be the key. "The legs feed the wolf" right?

Genoway.... wow, he's good!! And he's fast too!! I knew that before, but I guess I didn't really realize it till this weekend. I like him as a forward better than D, I think he's too little to be a defender, but that could just be my opinion. He's VERY focused when he's on the ice (seriously, you should see the look on his face all the time!) He should be a GREAT asset to our team!! And the fact that he's super cute LOL (sorry, had to throw that in there)

Finley.... Except for his little screwup on Saturday night that gave away the goal, I thought he played alrite this weekend. He looks to be a little more agressive this year, and maybe a little faster? He seems to be a little more focused when he's out on the ice. I think good things will come from him the rest of the year, hopefully!!

Phil looked awesome this weekend!! I was highly impressed while I was watching him play. He kept his cool in front of the Badger fans, he has some goaltending skill I must say!!! And although I do miss Parise in the net, Phil has his number haha, and I have confidence in him. Keep it up!

The Badger fans this weekend weren't all too bad. My friend and I shut up some little kids, but hey their parents should teach them to shut up when their team is losing lol... Didn't run into too many drunken idiots, I was expecting a lot more than what we got.

But now for some more random tidbits. We were out to dinner on Saturday evening, wearing our Sioux gear of course, and who do we run into?? None other than "my son is number 2 on the team"... Yeah that's right, Joe's dad came up and started talking to us. He's a very nice guy, chatty too. That whole family is tall haha! And then right before the game, we were in line to get in right behind Buning, who was commenting that it was nice to see "so many Sioux fans" come out and support the team. So that was random too.

Alrite enough of this.... I just had to get some stuff off my chest. Time to focus on Maine, but I was proud of ALL our boys this weekend. GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!

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Wisconsin's fans are very enthusiastic--when everyone looks like a dork no one looks like a dork. I envied the level of participation in the arena. But, but what I will not applaud is CHOREOGRAPHED abuse from the Wisconsin students. I can only guess that the hypocrisy of chanting at the Sioux both "Racist Mascot" and "Sue's a [insert word that rhymes with 'chore' here]" is lost on the Big 10's intellectual elite.

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But, but what I will not applaud is CHOREOGRAPHED abuse from the Wisconsin students. I can only guess that the hypocrisy of chanting at the Sioux both "Racist Mascot" and "Sue's a [insert word that rhymes with 'chore' here]" is lost on the Big 10's intellectual elite.

Are you saying that some Wisconsin fans didn't display the model behavior of an NCAA model institution? fainting.gifinsane.gif

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Nice comments!

A few responses: First, watching it on TV, the Sioux were very fast, or at least faster than Wisconsin on Friday night Periods 1,2, and OT. Saturday we weren't as fast... or Wisconsin was just as fast, I don't know.

I hate saying this, but Oshie's shot did not go in. The replay they showed on TV was a GREAT camera angle and it clearly hit the corner of the pipe and bounced out. It had everyone fooled until it was reviewed.

I agree about Finley... but I actually think he played better than "alright" this weekend (with the exception of the mistake he made on Saturday).

YaneA- I always thought of the Kohl as a "model" institution as far as fan atmosphere, but this "Sue is a -----" Chant really gets my goat! I'm not too bothered by the "racist mascot" chant because that just shows ignorance. UND doesn't have a mascot.

PCM- I'm in awe of your power over the smilies. :)

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You know, I said before the weekend that a split was likely, and I thought I would be happy with the split. So why am I so bummed out about the split? :)

I'm there with you. I'm still a little peeved about it for some reason.

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I agree with a lot of the opinions I have read so far. I too believe Wisconsin is a little overrated even with Skille, Carlson, Klubertantz?. I definitely thought the Sioux were the superior team this weekend even Saturday but they did not play very well in my opinion. I watched the replay of the goal from Saturday about 5 or 6 times now and I am just trying to figure out what Finley was thinking. I didn't see one Green jersey in the middle of the ice where he tried to feather that pass but I saw three Badgers. I don't know who he was even trying to pass it to. The thing that made me the most upset was the fact that you're taught as a d-man in like squirts to get the puck out of the zone first (preferably high off the glass) especially in a tie game in the third period.

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I agree with a lot of the opinions I have read so far. I too believe Wisconsin is a little overrated even with Skille, Carlson, Klubertantz?. I definitely thought the Sioux were the superior team this weekend even Saturday but they did not play very well in my opinion. I watched the replay of the goal from Saturday about 5 or 6 times now and I am just trying to figure out what Finley was thinking. I didn't see one Green jersey in the middle of the ice where he tried to feather that pass but I saw three Badgers. I don't know who he was even trying to pass it to. The thing that made me the most upset was the fact that you're taught as a d-man in like squirts to get the puck out of the zone first (preferably high off the glass) especially in a tie game in the third period.

I think he was just trying to keep it away from the guy that was right behind him, and as soon as he passed it, he was trying to WILL it back onto his stick, unfortunately, his momentum was going the other direction, and I don't think he was even involved in the scramble in front of the net. Oh well, it's just 1 mistake, and hopefully he won't make it again. Although I am annoyed with the split, considering recent history in Wisco, a split is better than getting swept.

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I think he was just trying to keep it away from the guy that was right behind him, and as soon as he passed it, he was trying to WILL it back onto his stick, unfortunately, his momentum was going the other direction, and I don't think he was even involved in the scramble in front of the net. Oh well, it's just 1 mistake, and hopefully he won't make it again. Although I am annoyed with the split, considering recent history in Wisco, a split is better than getting swept.

I see what your saying but he had time to get rid of the puck well before the guy behind him got even close. I guess I just prefer him going of the glass or the boards and getting the puck out in that instance rather than waiting and trying to make a risky pass up the middle. Hopefully he will learn.

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I see what your saying but he had time to get rid of the puck well before the guy behind him got even close. I guess I just prefer him going of the glass or the boards and getting the puck out in that instance rather than waiting and trying to make a risky pass up the middle. Hopefully he will learn.

He will learn. Wasn't it Matt Greene who planted one right out on Vanek's stick in the Final Five a few years ago? I don't recall Matt doing that again.

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He will learn. Wasn't it Matt Greene who planted one right out on Vanek's stick in the Final Five a few years ago? I don't recall Matt doing that again.

I bet he has already had that lesson, and I'm guessing it was directly following the game in the locker room courtesy of Hak. That pass is almost sure not to happen again.

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I agree with a lot of the opinions I have read so far. I too believe Wisconsin is a little overrated even with Skille, Carlson, Klubertantz?. I definitely thought the Sioux were the superior team this weekend even Saturday but they did not play very well in my opinion. I watched the replay of the goal from Saturday about 5 or 6 times now and I am just trying to figure out what Finley was thinking. I didn't see one Green jersey in the middle of the ice where he tried to feather that pass but I saw three Badgers. I don't know who he was even trying to pass it to. The thing that made me the most upset was the fact that you're taught as a d-man in like squirts to get the puck out of the zone first (preferably high off the glass) especially in a tie game in the third period.

Where was the help for Finley in that situation? It didn't seem like a Sioux player was even in the zone looking for an outlet pass. To me that play was TEAM breakdown.

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why the hell did the Badgers do a stick salute after Saturday's game? I dont recall them sweeping anyone...


The big-bad Sioux!!! :) I would imagine he'll play this weekend. A bruise is just that, a bruise.

I believe they do the salute after the second game of every home-series. Regardless of a sweep, getting swept, or getting physically beat up :lol:

Good luck this weekend....

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The big-bad Sioux!!! :) I would imagine he'll play this weekend. A bruise is just that, a bruise.

I believe they do the salute after the second game of every home-series. Regardless of a sweep, getting swept, or getting physically beat up :lol:

Good luck this weekend....

I would imagine that Elliot would have to have a broken leg to be held out of the games this weekends

The kid is trooper, deep thigh bruises suck I had one when I was in football and they take a few days to work their way out of your leg, very painful, they also take time to heal but I would bet the farm and the truck on Elliot starting. I am sure he will be in the training room all week recieving treatment.

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So if the Sioux would have won Saturday, UW would still have done a stick salute...what the hell?

I view a stick salute as a team thank you to the fans for their support. In that vein, I would like to see the team thank the fans: win, lose, or draw. If they only do it when they sweep, then it is a salute to themselves.

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I view a stick salute as a team thank you to the fans for their support. In that vein, I would like to see the team thank the fans: win, lose, or draw. If they only do it when they sweep, then it is a salute to themselves.

I agree 100%. I was in Sault Ste. Marie a number of years ago and the Lakers gave the crowd a stick salute after they had gotten thumped by Michigan 8-0. I asked my buddy why they did that and his response was just what you wrote. After every single game, win, lose, or draw, the team salutes the fans who attended that night.

Fortunately, the next night, they beat Miami in OT and I got to witness another great LSSU tradition. After a win, the players head to the locker room, change into their tennies, then proceed to run out about 50 yards from the arena (the arena and campus sit on a hill overlooking most of the town and Lake Superior), and each player takes a turn with a hammer on a ship's bell, letting the town know that the Lakers were victorious that night.

A few years ago, the Sioux swept a series in St. Cloud and the team gave a stick salute to a rowdy lot of UND fans. I haven't seen the team do that in any other "away" venue after sweeping an opponent. Anyone else seen one?

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I agree 100%. I was in Sault Ste. Marie a number of years ago and the Lakers gave the crowd a stick salute after they had gotten thumped by Michigan 8-0. I asked my buddy why they did that and his response was just what you wrote. After every single game, win, lose, or draw, the team salutes the fans who attended that night.

Fortunately, the next night, they beat Miami in OT and I got to witness another great LSSU tradition. After a win, the players head to the locker room, change into their tennies, then proceed to run out about 50 yards from the arena (the arena and campus sit on a hill overlooking most of the town and Lake Superior), and each player takes a turn with a hammer on a ship's bell, letting the town know that the Lakers were victorious that night.

A few years ago, the Sioux swept a series in St. Cloud and the team gave a stick salute to a rowdy lot of UND fans. I haven't seen the team do that in any other "away" venue after sweeping an opponent. Anyone else seen one?

I agree with that sentiment. I think stick salutes are neat.

The Bell ringing thing is very cool. Do they still do that?

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I agree with that sentiment. I think stick salutes are neat.

The Bell ringing thing is very cool. Do they still do that?

As far as I know, they still do the bell ringing. The cool part of it is the players coming out of the locker room and running to the bell. The sidewalk was lined with fans and the players high five as many as possible. The hammer is handed to the team captain who rings the bell first. Good stuff.

Funny side note about that trip, now that my memory has been rekindled...it was November of 1997...about 8 months after the Sioux had won the national title. I wore my Sioux jersey to the LSSU/Michigan game and made sure that some Michigan players saw it before the game. After the game, my buddy decides to head over to LSSU's local hot spot for dinner. We walk in, me beaming in my Sioux jersey, only to hear and see the Michigan freshman standing on their chairs singing "Hail to the Victors." That green jersey stuck out like a sore thumb and the entire team noticed me almost immediately. We were still eating when Red tells the Wolverines to saddle up and get on the bus and the whole group makes a point to walk right by me upon exiting the restaurant. Marty Turco was kind enough to shake my hand as I told him "good game" and Red Berenson stopped by, looked down at me and said, "nice jersey...wrong team." I smiled and said "good luck this season, coach," not having any idea I'd see Red again in March 1998 while walking around Yost just before the Wolverines put a dagger in my heart, beating UND 4-3 after trailing 3-2 going into the third period.

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I agree 100%. I was in Sault Ste. Marie a number of years ago and the Lakers gave the crowd a stick salute after they had gotten thumped by Michigan 8-0. I asked my buddy why they did that and his response was just what you wrote. After every single game, win, lose, or draw, the team salutes the fans who attended that night.

Fortunately, the next night, they beat Miami in OT and I got to witness another great LSSU tradition. After a win, the players head to the locker room, change into their tennies, then proceed to run out about 50 yards from the arena (the arena and campus sit on a hill overlooking most of the town and Lake Superior), and each player takes a turn with a hammer on a ship's bell, letting the town know that the Lakers were victorious that night.

A few years ago, the Sioux swept a series in St. Cloud and the team gave a stick salute to a rowdy lot of UND fans. I haven't seen the team do that in any other "away" venue after sweeping an opponent. Anyone else seen one?

I'm not saying I'm totally against it....usually only see it when the home team sweeps....

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