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Congratulations Jonathan!


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MafiaWoman: This thread is titled Congratulations Jonathan, not Why I am Jealous of Phil Kessel and Secretly Wish I Could Hold His Hand.......I came here to read about JT.

I managed to post my comments without taking a verbal cheap-shot at you, ATLSiouxPhan. Thanks for using the same professional courtesy with me.

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I managed to post my comments without taking a verbal cheap-shot at you, ATLSiouxPhan. Thanks for using the same professional courtesy with me.

Ok. I apologize. But why does this forum waste so much time talking about a player from another team that has no defensive play?

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You can hate me, but you still haven't answered my question.

Question ? It didn't look like you actually wanted an answer and to top it off you threw out the insults. You reap what you sew I guess. You bring less substance to this board than I do, that is what is truly pathetic

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Ok. I apologize. But why does this forum waste so much time talking about a player from another team that has no defensive play?

This thread has gotten a bit off-topic, but I think the comparisons from rival fans will always be there, much like the Vanek vs Parise who's better discussions. Both Toews and Kessel are obviously very talented and I agree with other posters, no one will know until 4-5 years from now who was the better selection. For every Steve Yzerman picked, there are a dozen Patrick Stefans or Alexander Daigles.

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In this column, TSN's Pierre McGuire makes the same comment about Kessel that he did during the NHL draft:

I have to believe that between Team USA's poor showing at the World Juniors and Minnesota's poor showing in post-season play, it raised some questions about Kessel as a team player. As McGuire says, all that could very well work to his advantage in developing as a pro.

I don't know about this. I saw him make some awfully nice pinpoint one-timer passes to an open Potulny on the power play that hurt awfully bad at the time. I think this is underrated.

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I don't know about this. I saw him make some awfully nice pinpoint one-timer passes to an open Potulny on the power play that hurt awfully bad at the time. I think this is underrated.

I would have to agree with you on this. phil did move the puck well on the goophers power play this year. This has always been one of minny's strengths, and last year was no different, phil with irmenator and ry-ry was a lethal combination.

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Whatever, it really doesn't matter much, in the grand scheme of things, just like you or anything that you say.

Sure it would be nice if everything stayed on topic, but you seem to have created the same off-topic discussion that you despise. Seems to me that all the people out there looking for Jonathan Toews info now have more off-topic clutter to sift through. It is what I have come to expect on every message board, this one is no different.

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Oh my lord, is this the new Phil Kessel blog?? Last I checked this was a Sioux Sports forum. You guys are pathetic and boring.........see you in September.

Pencil me on your list right after the TRIOUXPER. More importantly do us all a favor, don't return in September. Start following the Bruins chat instead and you can enjoy their views on the cupcake their team just drafted.

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That's right. UND homerism continues to reign supreme on SiouxSports.com. I'm not sure why you're always surprised by that.

Homerism? Who care's about homerism - let's talk about the lack of a sense of humor. Jeez, was the sarcasm not obvious enough that I needed to wink? :lol:

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I don't know about this. I saw him make some awfully nice pinpoint one-timer passes to an open Potulny on the power play that hurt awfully bad at the time. I think this is underrated.

I thought about that, too, because I did see Kessel set up many beautiful goals with his passing ability. But I don't think that's the point that McGuire is making with his critcism. I think his point goes more toward team chemistry and the idea that some players help the players around them elevate their level of play in big games through leadership or setting an example. It's more of an intangible quality that can't be seen or measured with stats.

Did the Sioux miss a beat when Drew Stafford went down with an injury and Chris Porter took his place on the Toews line? If they did, it was barely noticeable. It's probably one factor that elevated Toews in the eyes of NHL scouts.

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Toews (and Oshie) were both far better and playing in traffic than Kessel showed this year. I think that is what elevated Toews more than anything. As for Kessel's attitude, I just don't see it like many here. He was third line center and never publicly complained about it as far as I know. After watching the Stanley Cup playoffs I know Kessel is ready for the NHL, but several years away from his prime. There is so much PP time now that Kessel will excel in much the same role he played with the Gophers. I think the real question is whether Toews and Kessel will be able to overcome the adversity of playing for the Hawks and Bruins.

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I apologize if this has been cited previously, but I find these two quotes from The Hockey News draft grades particularly telling:


The Good

Jonathan Toews is virtually a lock to make the NHL one day, and become a star. He has all the tools -- offense, defense, leadership, and there is even room to add some bulk to his 6-1 frame. In Toews, the Blackhawks know for certain that a great player is on the way, unlike most draft picks where there are some question marks.

Contrast that with this:


The Good

They acquired the big name potential star that they needed in Phil Kessel (fifth overall)...

The Bad

There is a reason why Kessel slipped to fifth -- his heart and his consistency were brought into question. Either it will be a problem, or it won't -- the Bruins will just have to hope for the best. They don't want an Alexandre Daigle on their hands.

As is the case in all things, time will tell. But Mr. Toews certainly comes out on top in this comparison, and should be heartily congratulated.

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I apologize if this has been cited previously, but I find these two quotes from The Hockey News draft grades particularly telling:

Contrast that with this:

As is the case in all things, time will tell. But Mr. Toews certainly comes out on top in this comparison, and should be heartily congratulated.

Hey mikejm, don't I deserve a little kudos for being the first person on this thread to bust out the "Alexander Daigle" comparison? :lol:

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As for Kessel's attitude, I just don't see it like many here.

I don't see it, either, because I'm not around him. However, the subject continues to come up among those who are paid to know such things. It's certainly possible that the criticism of his attitude is unfair and undeserved. As Pierre McGuire said, the motivation to prove people wrong might be just what he needs to become a successful player in the NHL.

I, for one, hope that he does prove everyone wrong. I like to see college players, particularly those from the WCHA, do well in the pro ranks. Kessel also has the tools to bring a lot of excitement to the game, and that's good for hockey overall.

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...I don't see it, either, because I'm not around him. However, the subject continues to come up among those who are paid to know such things...

It's just kind of weird to me. Vanek seemed to have a lot more pout/temper issues than Kessel has displayed, but I don't ever remember hearing anything negative about his attitude before the draft. Of course he might have just been rolling on cloud 9 during his interviews as well.

If by attitude they mean Kessel's unwillingness to hit or go places where he will be hit, then I'd buy it completely. This to me is what really separates Toews and Kessel.

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At least Daigle could make money as a model when his hockey career didn't work. If Kessel doesn't make it I doubt he will get a job in modeling or communications.

I don't know. I think he'd do pretty well as a Drive Thru teller at McDonalds.

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What did Kessel do on the ice, in the locker room and off the ice that makes you not like him?

I found it distasteful and arrogant that he or someone for him (can't be an agent-not allowed) called a press conference to announce his going to UMTC, his behavior on the ice at Wisconsin was petty, and although I can't provide a link and won't devulge my source, his obnoxioux, cocky behavior in the locker room. Since I won't provide the source of that last reason, you can take it or leave it. If this is all that is known,I have to wonder how much more is there? BUT this is only my opinion and in the greater scheme of things not worth much more than a few lines on a sports forum. :lol:

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I found it distasteful and arrogant that he or someone for him (can't be an agent-not allowed) called a press conference to announce his going to UMTC, his behavior on the ice at Wisconsin was petty, and although I can't provide a link and won't devulge my source, his obnoxioux, cocky behavior in the locker room. Since I won't provide the source of that last reason, you can take it or leave it. If this is all that is known,I have to wonder how much more is there? BUT this is only my opinion and in the greater scheme of things not worth much more than a few lines on a sports forum. :lol:

Sioux- Cia- You are entitled to your opininion and I respect that, but Kessel had nothing to do with the press conference, I believe it was USA Hockey that orchestrated that. I was at the Wisconsin game and I do agree the cupping his ear was maybe not called for but with all the crap the Wisconsin fans were giving him they deserved it. At the bar after the game some Wisconsin fans even said we deserved it. As for the obnoxioux behavior in the locker room I never heard of it and I also know people very close to the program but I will not question your source. I guess we agree to disagree.

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