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UM @ UND (Saturday)


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Blais - publicly admits wanting to pound the snot out of a radio host for comments made on the air

Lucia - runs and hides behind a thinly veiled jab at "rough" play.

I think Lucy was picked on as a kid and I think Blais was the type doing the picking.


Yep, I'm sure that former all-state linebacker and defenseman was tormented as a child. As for his "rough" play reference....he was actually referring to "fighting" and his comment was right on.

Please explain to me, cfm567b27, how is this thinly-veiled?

"Isn't it funny that whenever there is a fight North Dakota is one of the teams involved?" Lucia said.

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I'm sure if purses were allowed in fights, the Gophers would be much more active.


Hilarious Diggler. Pretty dang true as well. The Gophers can say what they want about their true rivals, but it is real clear from the way that Da Donny acts, he is, always has been, and always will be, GREEN with envy. The Sioux are number one in his mind. Can't stop talking about 'em. Just like this clownface TC_Transplant.

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I see Harrington got a 10-minute misconduct tonight following a 2-minute slashing penalty.  Perhaps Lucia will find a way to also blame that on UND.


Well, wasn't Harrington being hounded by Greene and Jones last Saturday? Perhaps Lucia can blame tonight's 10 minute on hanging around the wrong crowd :0

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I see Harrington got a 10-minute misconduct tonight following a 2-minute slashing penalty.  Perhaps Lucia will find a way to also blame that on UND.

There was also a fight tonight in the Mich Tech/UAA game. Scott (notorious goon for Tech) and Johnson (?? I think for UAA). I don't think that UND was present though.

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There was also a fight tonight in the Mich Tech/UAA game. Scott (notorious goon for Tech) and Johnson (?? I think for UAA). I don't think that UND was present though.


Are you sure? I'd hate for Lucia Pet to be wrong.

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Oh and just so you don't have too, yes I know UND has more championships than the Gophers...and I hope that makes you feel warm on those cold nights in Grand Forks.


Oh yes, it does. all good inside. little old UND a little division two school in old cold isolate state of north dakota has more championships than big old division one MINNESOTA GOPHERS the STATE OF HOCKEY. The STATE of HOCKEY should have more championships that a shithole state that is losing population. What is happening HANDYMAN?

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Oh yes, it does. all good inside. little old UND a little division two school in old cold isolate state of north dakota has more championships than big old division one MINNESOTA GOPHERS the STATE OF HOCKEY. The STATE of HOCKEY should have more championships that a shithole state that is losing population. What is happening HANDYMAN?


Its all those Minnesota boys you always have...damn turncoats :0;)

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I post on POI, as does Slap Shot. Actually I think TC posts on their every so often as well...or it is someone with a similar name. Nice try though buddy ;)

Of course no one on this board ever ventures to POI to talk smack or whine...NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU! (ok I cant even try and say that with a straight face :0 )

To be serious for a second...why are you all so bent out of shape over Lucia's quote? All he was saying (so it would seem) is that as of late UND has had more fights than anyone...I bet if you check the stats it turns out to be true. If you ever hear him interviewed he never has anything but good to say about UND and yet you blow this quote up out of context. That is fine I guess, just seems rather hypocritical considering Blaiser made backhanded comments ALL THE TIME! If you honestly think Lucia has no respect for the UND program then you are either ignorant or blinded by hatred. He holds UND in the highest regards and always talks about that series being one of the measuring sticks for his squad. (even going back to his CC days)

Sorry if that offends people, but considering the nature of this rivalry I dont think anything said by any of the coaches of late is that bad. I mean Jack Parker has a lot of worse things to say about BC than Blais or Lucia ever had to say about Minne or UND.

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Interesting that the gophs have a couple high scoring games and a couple of loudmouth gophs are back to posting here. Congrats on your 2 game success (I"ll avoid comment on the 2 games prior).


lol, who has a loud mouth? No one is whooping about the Gophers or knocking UND, but way to create an argument out of thin air. If you can't stand having someone respond to your smack then lock the damn site down. Otherwise the only person interested in your whining is your mother.

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Interesting that the gophs have a couple high scoring games and a couple of loudmouth gophs are back to posting here. Congrats on your 2 game success (I"ll avoid comment on the 2 games prior).


I wasn't going to post...I just find it funny how much whining has gone on over 1 friggin quote. Sorry if that bugs you.

Of course I talked no smack, didnt rip on the Sioux in any way and didnt even really rip into the fans who are way overreacting...but you are right, I am being loudmouthed. Seriously you have some thin skin.

Nice job though avoiding the point I made...nice use of straw men to change the subject :0

As for showing up at your board...when you and your fellow SS faithful leave POI I am sure most of us will stop reading here...til then (or until such time as the administer makes this a Sioux Only site) you are stuck with us ;)

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