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Future UND/ Bison football Game


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You can call all the names you want and it wont make any difference in how this plays out. If you want to renew the rivalry---you take the deal. If you dont want to renew the rivalry---dont take the deal. Thats what it comes down to at this juncture.

BF wanted it renewed and obviously GT doesn't.

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Well why would GT change the terms all of a sudden? If it's about money why would GT agree to a H/H in 15 and 17, all that needed to be done is things like media, and tickets. Obviously he wanted it but now with Bubba at the helm things change...hmmm.

:silly: :silly:

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BF wanted it renewed and obviously GT doesn't.

It took him how long to decide to take the deal? During that span the business climate changed. The deal has. changed. If you dont take the deal look no further than your AD. He screwed up before as well.

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It took him how long to decide to take the deal? During that span the business climate changed. The deal has. changed. If you dont take the deal look no further than your AD. He screwed up before as well.

It took GT how long to counter the 2015/17 H/H agreement (set up by Taylor)? Why string UND and of course the media led by Dom Izzo along thinking this was going to happen next year.

Just how did the business climate change when Taylor wanted a home and home to back in 2010?? Calendars don't change.

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The fact he will sign a H/H with a team worse than UND for more money than it would to sign a H/H with UND makes him more of a pathetic, hypocrite, and a major douchbag. I really hope BF fills those years with someone else, then when UND beats NDSU in the playoffs between now and 2017 deny GT a rematch until the playoffs. NDSU is not FBS and don't hold all the cards over UND. Both are FCS counters and are on equal footing.

With all due respect, are you predicting a UND playoff appearance this upcoming season? Or 2015? If Bubba can pull that rabbit out of his hat, he'll Craig Bohl his way into FBS as well.

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It took GT how long to counter the 2015/17 H/H agreement (set up by Taylor)? Why string UND and of course the media led by Dom Izzo along thinking this was going to happen next year.

Just how did the business climate change when Taylor wanted a home and home to back in 2010?? Calendars don't change.

You cant be this dumb????

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It took GT how long to counter the 2015/17 H/H agreement (set up by Taylor)? Why string UND and of course the media led by Dom Izzo along thinking this was going to happen next year.

Just how did the business climate change when Taylor wanted a home and home to back in 2010?? Calendars don't change.

Boy that sure sounds familiar doesnt it.

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With all due respect, are you predicting a UND playoff appearance this upcoming season? Or 2015? If Bubba can pull that rabbit out of his hat, he'll Craig Bohl his way into FBS as well.

I said between now and 2017.

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You can call all the names you want and it wont make any difference in how this plays out. If you want to renew the rivalry---you take the deal. If you dont want to renew the rivalry---dont take the deal. Thats what it comes down to at this juncture.

Perfectly happy in the Big Sky - thanks for your interest in UND sports - we appreciate it. Now moving on to something else - anything else please.

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Maybe GT watched the UND-NDSU games from the last 10 years they played with Bubba's D crushing your pathetic offense.

I thing Gene Taylor and Chris Kleiman have seen enough of Bubba's defense's the past 6 years to not be afraid. I know he was recruiting to Carbondale, Ill (in close proximity to St. Louis, Chicago and Indianapolis and not to the football hotbed of Grand Forks, which one of your current, possibly former players by now, tweeted was the worse place on earth. I think we have all seen enough of Bubba in recent years to know not to fear him.

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It took him how long to decide to take the deal? During that span the business climate changed. The deal has. changed. If you dont take the deal look no further than your AD. He screwed up before as well.

In fairness to Brian Faison, he spent last summer until this spring trying to make sure one of his coaches DWI's didn't make the newspaper or radio or TV news. That one kind of backfired on him.

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In fairness to Brian Faison, he spent last summer until this spring trying to make sure one of his coaches DWI's didn't make the newspaper or radio or TV news. That one kind of backfired on him.

He should have gotten GT's advice on how he accomplished that.

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He should have gotten GT's advice on how he accomplished that.

Actually when an NDSU coach got a DWI a year ago, there was a front page story in the newspaper and he was suspended without pay. Nobody knew about the UND coaches DWI until he was in a hit and run with his athletes in the vehicle while he was driving drunk and without a license. Someone in administration should be unemployed for that fiasco. If someone had been injured or killed, the University would have been on a very big hook.

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Actually when an NDSU coach got a DWI a year ago, there was a front page story in the newspaper and he was suspended without pay

What coach was that? Pretty sure we aren't talking about the same coach.

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So what would UND pay NDSU to come to GF? NDSU grosses approx 450,000.00 on tickets sales alone. UND approx 190,000.00. So why would NDSU want to come to GF? Now they could work out a deal like Iowa and Iowa State did when the there was a huge seating disparity between the two.

Other than that my suggestion is for BF to take the deal. Two games in Fargo to start and get the ball rolling. Once the games are started it would be very difficult to stop playing after that.

BF screwed the pooch earlier. Tell him not to make the same mistake if you really want the rivalry to be renewed.

You need to get over yourself. I'll go on record as being against renewing the rivalry if it means taking a below market guarantee game to play a single game in Fargo. The rivalry will get renewed eventually and it will be on an every year basis with games alternating between Grand Forks and Fargo. NDSU's position is untenable over the long term, there is only so long your administration can prevent the series from resuming while at the same time crying that your !@#!$ diploma mill of a university isn't getting the funding it thinks it needs. Taylor is only delaying the inevitable and when the legislature takes this up it won't be pretty for NDSU rubes.

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You need to get over yourself. I'll go on record as being against renewing the rivalry if it means taking a below market guarantee game to play a single game in Fargo. The rivalry will get renewed eventually and it will be on an every year basis with games alternating between Grand Forks and Fargo. NDSU's position is untenable over the long term, there is only so long your administration can prevent the series from resuming while at the same time crying that your !@#!$ diploma mill of a university isn't getting the funding it thinks it needs. Taylor is only delaying the inevitable and when the legislature takes this up it won't be pretty for NDSU rubes.

Get over yourself. That !@#!$ diploma is worth more that a UND diploma. Plus, they didn't have to spend 4-5 years of their lives in Grand Forks to get it.

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In fairness to Brian Faison, he spent last summer until this spring trying to make sure one of his coaches DWI's didn't make the newspaper or radio or TV news. That one kind of backfired on him.

Since it was 2012 when BF was sending the contract to GT, and Hardee's incident was at the end of 2013, makes your statement...stupid.


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Get over yourself. That !@#!$ diploma is worth more that a UND diploma. Plus, they didn't have to spend 4-5 years of their lives in Grand Forks to get it.

You're a fool and a perfect example of someone exhibiting an inferiority complex. NDSU is wonderful if you want to farm, whereas UND is exceptional if you want to be a lawyer, commercial aviation pilot, physician, businessman, biomedical researcher, historian, etc. In general, NDSU is a joke relative to UND. You seem to be having such a hard time dealing with that, and as a result, you come on this website and try to overcompensate for NDSU's lack of national relevancy.

Not to mention, many of the people who claim Grand Forks is unpleasant also don't care for Fargo either - they want Minneapolis, Chicago, etc.

Congrats on NDSU's run of FCS titles, it is impressive. But those seasons are over now, Craig Bohl is gone, and UND football has better leadership and will put up a fight in recruiting. NDSU's days of dominance are over, so get use to it.

As far as this game goes, it should be played every year! The schools are merely 75 miles from each other and they have a long history of playing. Retribution agendas and precautionary philosophies are the only reasons this game is not being played, and well, its an absolute embarrassment. The recent article demonstrates Gene Taylor's inability to serve the state of North Dakota as a whole. All Fargo and NDSU supporters can use as a counterargument is that NDSU offered a game in Fargo and that UND should've taken it. I say to that: NO. NDSU is not so d*mn holy that they can't travel to Grand Forks every-other season or game. The fact Gene Taylor has that mindset is ridiculous. UND will continue to improve on their own with Bubba's leadership, and within the Big Sky Conference, UND can and will rise again independently of NDSU.

Good riddance and I now digress.

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Get over yourself. That !@#!$ diploma is worth more that a UND diploma. Plus, they didn't have to spend 4-5 years of their lives in Grand Forks to get it.

You really think anyone who lives outside a 100 mile radius would choose FU over UND because they "get to live in Fargo" - reality check both are small town North Dakota and a short term stay for 95 percent of students - you may think having a Sonic moves Fargo up a notch but for most people - nope.

I think based on alumni giving back to their schools that UND is doing pretty well - didn't take UND long to reach their multi-million dollar fundraising goal - FU struggled and begged and (don't even know if they ever made the goal).

You must really enjoy wasting your time here because you are accomplishing nothing other than perpetuating your Marsha Brady syndromn.

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I think based on alumni giving back to their schools that UND is doing pretty well - didn't take UND long to reach their multi-million dollar fundraising goal - FU not so much. You must really enjoy wasting your time here because you are accomplishing nothing other than perpetuating your Marsha Brady syndromn.


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