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Hobey Baker committee adds Gothberg to list of finalists

Dave Berger

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Great one for April Fools! The truth is if Gothberg stays on his game he has the opportunity to take home better hardware that the Hoby. I think most people would gladly hand over their Hoby for a National Title, and if Gothberg stays on his game, his name may be in the mix next year anyway.

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actually tomorrow is my birthday - my momma crossed her legs & refused to have me on April Fools day but then I always got the old "Aprils fools has done gone past I'm the biggest fool at last" :crazy:

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Great one for April Fools! The truth is if Gothberg stays on his game he has the opportunity to take home better hardware that the Hoby. I think most people would gladly hand over their Hoby for a National Title, and if Gothberg stays on his game, his name may be in the mix next year anyway.

You're right, I was looking at the NCAA numbers and he's one of the top goalies in the nation. Kind of crept up there into the top of the heap after having a rough start. He started the season 2-5-2. Then Gothberg won seven games in a row and now he's got a 20-9-3 record. So, basically he's 18-4-1 since. He's 6th in the nation in 1.99 GAA and 14th in save percentage (.926). During the NCAA playoffs he has a 2-0- record with a 1.26 GAA and a .957 GAA. That's pretty good as well. Since December 1, 2013, He's has a 1.71 GAA and a .934 save percentage.

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You know what I hate? I hate April Fools Day. Why? Because for one day a year anyone can post any old made-up obnoxious blather on the internet and every sucker who reads it will believe it, hook, line, and sinker.

No. Wait. ... That's every day on the internet. :D

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You know what I hate? I hate April Fools Day. Why? Because for one day a year anyone can post any old made-up obnoxious blather on the internet and every sucker who reads it will believe it, hook, line, and sinker.

No. Wait. ... That's every day on the internet. :D

If it's on internet, it has to be true.

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