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UND and the Big Sky could go FBS


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5 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

I like it that I was wrong.  NMSU can't go to the MVC and make it FBS.

The Big Sky and WAC will have no entry or exit fees for each others members.  If a new member from outside those leagues wants in, they will have to pay several million to go FBS.


I guess the question is: if it wasn't a fact why did you state it as a fact?

Also, it's interesting to note that you always seem to be able to envision rule changes when they're convenient. Otherwise, rules are set in stone. 

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41 minutes ago, Gothmog said:

That's not quite what the rule quoted in the study says. It says that an FCS team must receive a bona fide invitation from a FBS conference or a conference that had previously "met the definition" of an FBS conference. Since the change to FBS  from 1A was to name only, it would seem that a former 1A conference would meet that definition.


The MVC tried to merge with the WAC when it was down to 4.  The MVC is SOL for FBS.

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28 minutes ago, Gothmog said:

I guess the question is: if it wasn't a fact why did you state it as a fact?

Also, it's interesting to note that you always seem to be able to envision rule changes when they're convenient. Otherwise, rules are set in stone. 

UND and the Big Sky helped the WAC survive, so it will be given favors in the future.  Denver and the Slummit teams wanted the WAC destroyed, and that will be remembered.  We will be writing the rules.

Gene Taylor didn't do any favors to UND FB either.  Have a hunch NDSU will be paying dearly for Geno's  ****.

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On 4/29/2016 at 5:54 PM, SiouxVolley said:

All research schools that are not DIII have been working to get to FBS.  It's pretty simple, but bizon trolls and Southpaw will tell you differently.

I have no idea if your statement is correct, but I do know that it didn't answer my question. How do the member schools in the BSC benefit from going FBS, and where does the revenue come from to sustain those programs?

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1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

The MVC was never an FBS conference.  When it played big time fb 25+ years ago, it was a 1A conference.  The rules have changed since so the MVC is SOL.


I think your interpretation is probably incorrect. There would be no reason to include the "met the definition" language if only conferences that had sponsored football after the name change were included. In that case, the phrase "bona fide invitation from an FBS conference" would be sufficient.


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2 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

UND and the Big Sky helped the WAC survive, so it will be given favors in the future.  Denver and the Slummit teams wanted the WAC destroyed, and that will be remembered.  We will be writing the rules.

Gene Taylor didn't do any favors to UND FB either.  Have a hunch NDSU will be paying dearly for Geno's  ****.


Well, this is a complete non-sequitur. I'll ask again. Why did you claim that a rule change allowing an FCS conference with an orphaned FBS member to move to FBS would happen before Idaho's commencement if you had no knowledge that any such rule change was, in fact, going to happen?

Also, it's clear that the authors of the Idaho study were not aware of any deal in place to move the Big Sky to FCS en masse, and yet you have claimed that a deal was in place. How do you explain that?  

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2 hours ago, LkvlleUNDFan said:

I have no idea if your statement is correct, but I do know that it didn't answer my question. How do the member schools in the BSC benefit from going FBS, and where does the revenue come from to sustain those programs?

FBS schools get a lot more publicity than FCS ones.  Lower level FBS also get more revenue from P5 games, more P5 games, more TV revenue, and CFP revenue - although the WAC won't get any money until the CFP is renewed.

Idaho got more publicity from saying their moving down than NDSU has gotten from winning an FCSU trophy.

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2 hours ago, Gothmog said:

I think your interpretation is probably incorrect. There would be no reason to include the "met the definition" language if only conferences that had sponsored football after the name change were included. In that case, the phrase "bona fide invitation from an FBS conference" would be sufficient.


Call up the MVC offices, as they'll set you straight.

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1 hour ago, Gothmog said:

Well, this is a complete non-sequitur. I'll ask again. Why did you claim that a rule change allowing an FCS conference with an orphaned FBS member to move to FBS would happen before Idaho's commencement if you had no knowledge that any such rule change was, in fact, going to happen?

Also, it's clear that the authors of the Idaho study were not aware of any deal in place to move the Big Sky to FCS en masse, and yet you have claimed that a deal was in place. How do you explain that?  

Your statements tell that you enjoy not even capable of strategic thinking.  Not bothering responding to your worthless comments.


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1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

Call up the MVC offices, as they'll set you straight.

Have you called them?


1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

Your statements tell that you enjoy not even capable of strategic thinking.  Not bothering responding to your worthless comments.



Really? You can't even make up a reason why the consultants the Univerity of Idaho hired would be kept unaware of such a material fact? Or, if they were aware of it, why they wouldn't mention it? Without that fact, the study they authored is completely worthless.


1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

Fullerton will make a statement soon, as the WAC information is not publicly known.

The Idaho and NMSU presidents can end their ruzes soon.



Not a single fact, just more baseless assertions. I expect more of the same when these are proven to have been false.


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38 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

Fullerton will make a statement soon, as the WAC information is not publicly known.

The Idaho and NMSU presidents can end their ruzes soon.

Fullerton retires in less than two months, he will not be making anything of the sort. He also likely wouldn't be retiring at this time if something like this was imminent. 

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42 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

Fullerton will make a statement soon, as the WAC information is not publicly known.

The Idaho and NMSU presidents can end their ruzes soon.

So a few day ago after the Idaho prez announced the move down you said he did it to pressure the NCAA to make the rule change. Now you say the WAC and BSC can merge now without any rule changes. Which is it?

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9 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

On bozoville, posters are already denouncing a new FBS WAC.  Half the bizon fans base will be gone if you get your way.

The only advantage I can see of going to an FBS WAC is it would be a lot easier to go undefeated in conference play than in an FCS MVFC. 

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21 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

and i like how you take a swipe at a couple of teams from a conference you are absolutely dying to get into...

I want nothing to do with the MAC, WAC or Sun Belt, WAC/BSC bogus combo etc. I would be thrilled with the MWC, but it probably won.t happen. I am a realist. The only way a Dakota school goes FBS is in a watered down, FBS/FCS combo after the P5 split.

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2 minutes ago, nd1sufan said:

I want nothing to do with the MAC, WAC or Sun Belt, WAC/BSC bogus combo etc. I would be thrilled with the MWC, but it probably won.t happen. I am a realist. The only way a Dakota school goes FBS is in a watered down, FBS/FCS combo after the P5 split.

watered down-see football championship subdivision in the encyclopedia.

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2 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

Fullerton will make a statement soon, as the WAC information is not publicly known.

The Idaho and NMSU presidents can end their ruzes soon.

The Univ of Idaho was aware of this study long before they made the move down to FCS annoucement. They obviously looked at the report and didn't think the WAC/BSC FBS combo was feasible. Why play FCS caliber teams in an old FCS conference in FCS stadiums and call it FBS? Is telling your fans we are bringing in Cal Poly, UND, Northern Arizona, etc, but telling them they are FBS schools going to excite their fans and get them to come to games, pay more for tickets and donate more money than just playing them as FCS schools? No. Why have the extra expense for 22 more schollys, coaching staff salaries that are at least 4 or 5 times more than your average BSC conference school, etc. They decided it makes no sense. Or they are very stupid. It is the Univ of Idaho after all. Any FBS conference that is relying on the Univ of SD to join them to make the move is starting out on very shaky ground. 

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7 hours ago, jdub27 said:

Fullerton retires in less than two months, he will not be making anything of the sort. He also likely wouldn't be retiring at this time if something like this was imminent. 

Fullerton has been talking up FBS for Big Sky schools for years.  This is his opportunity to shine before he goes out.  He doesn't have anything to lose, and at 67 he stayed on til this date to see the first steps toward FBS.

The entire Idaho to FCS and NMSU conference choice are just ruses, and Fullerton will appear and propose a revised solution that all the Big Sky and WAC presidents have known for five years:  an FBS WAC and a FCS Big Sky.

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3 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

Fullerton has been talking up FBS for Big Sky schools for years.  This is his opportunity to shine before he goes out.  He doesn't have anything to lose, and at 67 he stayed on til this date to see the first steps toward FBS.

The entire Idaho to FCS and NMSU conference choice are just ruses, and Fullerton will appear and propose a revised solution that all the Big Sky and WAC presidents have known for five years:  an FBS WAC and a FCS Big Sky.

There are also articles saying that after beating that drum for years, he realized that it was not feasible at the current time and in the current environment. There will need to be a split before it happens. Zero chance they make this move and toss it on a brand new commissioner.



I know the idea has been tossed around of an FBS conference, especially with the large size of the Big Sky Conference. How feasible is this idea?

"I was pitching that at one time, but I backed off it, I just can't sell that one."

"I think that there are a bunch of research institutions in the Big Sky, and over the years - now that the economy is taking over and all those Power 5 conferences are spending so much money - I think there is a very good possibility that another level of play will someday develop that maybe includes the Mountain West and Big Sky. Because quite frankly, we have the same types of schools that the Mountain West has. And so that is what I was pitching at one time. But all I'm promising now is the FCS experience."



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Has there been any talk of more changes to the FBS either by expanding playoffs for the G5 teams, getting rid of bowl games, or is it just talk of reserection of the WAC? FBS isn't attractive when 5-7 teams are playing bowl games. Playoffs is what we need to have more fan support especially those who cheer for teams not in the p5.

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1 hour ago, jdub27 said:

There are also articles saying that after beating that drum for years, he realized that it was not feasible at the current time and in the current environment. There will need to be a split before it happens. Zero chance they make this move and toss it on a brand new commissioner.



The Idaho study says pretty much the same thing:

Three years ago, Big Sky Commissioner Doug Fullerton and WAC Commissioner Jeff Hurd
visited about the possibility of combining the two conferences, and having part of the
participate in FBS and the remainder in FCS for football. The idea did gain some
interest, but was ultimately shot down.

Bottom line -- this ain't happening anytime soon.

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21 minutes ago, Gothmog said:

Bottom line -- this ain't happening anytime soon.

I said this a while back about the UND nickname: You'll know the instant the nickname is a net negative to UND because that's the instant it goes away. 

With that thought in mind: You'll know the instant that more G5 conferences are a benefit to the P5, because that's when it'll happen. At that instant the road blocks will all disappear. 

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9 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

I said this a while back about the UND nickname: You'll know the instant the nickname is a net negative to UND because that's the instant it goes away. 

With that thought in mind: You'll know the instant that more G5 conferences are a benefit to the P5, because that's when it'll happen. At that instant the road blocks will all disappear. 


True, you'll know when NCAA, conference, and school officials begin to discuss and weigh the alternatives publicly. Until then, nothing can happen, and this is no more than a pipe dream.

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