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We've had the M since the 1970's, a couple decades before Michigan had them. Actually I think Michigan added the M to their jerseys maybe in the late 80's. But certainly long after the U.

Actually no that is not correct.

A simple google image search turns up multipme pics pics of old pics of Univ. Of michigan hockey teams with The m crest on jerseys....dont have time from my phone but I would think a simple look into a media guide would also yield this fact.


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Actually no that is not correct.

A simple google image search turns up multipme pics pics of old pics of Univ. Of michigan hockey teams with The m crest on jerseys....dont have time from my phone but I would think a simple look into a media guide would also yield this fact.


Same picture identified as the 1941 Michigan team, http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl/x-bl003069/BL003069?corig=bhl;lasttype=boolean;lastview=thumbnail;med=1;resnum=21;sid=91222cd16a3de1ad89f6b7b341902327;size=20;sort=bhl_da;start=21;subview=detail;view=entry;rgn1=bhl_it;q1=hockey+team;op2=Not;rgn2=bhl_it;q2=field. Mariucci, would 1941 be before or after the 1970's?
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Actually no that is not correct.

A simple google image search turns up multipme pics pics of old pics of Univ. Of michigan hockey teams with The m crest on jerseys....dont have time from my phone but I would think a simple look into a media guide would also yield this fact.


Aww...now that's just too damn funny...:)
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So I was wrong about Michigan having an M on their jersey in 1941, big deal. I was replying to a post that said the U copied Michigan. The M's don't even resemble each other and it doesn't change the fact that the Gophers have the best logo on the front of their jerseys in all of hockey. :)

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So I was wrong about Michigan having an M on their jersey in 1941, big deal. I was replying to a post that said the U copied Michigan. The M's don't even resemble each other and it doesn't change the fact that the Gophers have the best logo on the front of their jerseys in all of hockey. :)

Actually No that is also not correct.

Again a simple google search.


Facts are like kryptonite to you aren't they.

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So I was wrong about Michigan having an M on their jersey in 1941, big deal. I was replying to a post that said the U copied Michigan. The M's don't even resemble each other and it doesn't change the fact that the Gophers have the best logo on the front of their jerseys in all of hockey. :)

It's called opinion. And last time I checked that's not your jersey anymore and never will be again.

So which is it?

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So I was wrong about Michigan having an M on their jersey in 1941, big deal. I was replying to a post that said the U copied Michigan. The M's don't even resemble each other and it doesn't change the fact that the Gophers have the best logo on the front of their jerseys in all of hockey. :)

Wow - for a second there I thought you actually believed this - then I saw the 'smiley face'.

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