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UW dove all over the ice. No respect for 17 Kerdlies, he is a Robbie Earl fan obviously

This is where the diving call has to come in. Saw the kid smile on bench after his act on the ice. This is the same crew that called last weeks games and they are not NCAA quality refs.
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I believe the couple horrible calls were both made by Matt Ullwelling who I believe is from Warroad. I had him ref some games in high school and he was good at that level but he looked like he was in over his head tonight. Eaves stopping play constantly getting the officials to come to the bench needs to stop, give him a delay of game and it will happen a lot less. I thought Wisco had a more skilled team but there really aren't a lot of top end guys on that team I thought they really got away with a lot of things tonight like a lot of holding and stickwork as well as a few shots at Gothberg well after he had it covered. Wisco players also seemed to take a lot of dives and go after guys when they were already engaged with someone else. A lot there guys taking cheap shots and then when one of the Sioux players challenges them they back down and want nothing to do with actually dropping the gloves. The refs did lose control of this one tonight so I would expect a very tightly called game tomorrow night. It was a decent game but the bottom line is we need wins, guys have to capitilize on their chances and start to play with a little more desperation.

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Jez-uz people. Take a look at what you see. We are not that good this year. It's ebb-n-tide.

If if's-n-butts were candy-n-nuts every f'n day would be fn Christmas. Face it. We are not that good this year. Save yourself some serious high blood pressure and look at what you see. Next year I see us going .500. Why? Who is the standout? We lose MacWilliam, Kristo, Knight, Gleason etc. Where is the scoring coming from? I am not a pessimist but I am a realist. Prove me wrong - please.

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My thoughts:

~The seniors need to bear down and score. Rowney, Knight, Kristo. They've done plenty of it over their career, but one of those three guys has to bury their glorious chance.

~If thats the goaltending UND is going to get from here on out I'm fine with it. Young kid played well, now consistency.

~Still defensive mistakes, but not as glaring. Schmaltz was better.....not sure what he's thinking on some plays.

~The fourth line eats minutes. Won't ever score, but eats minutes.

~Robbie Earl taught some dem badgers well....yikes.

I'm not going to disagree with the officiating at all. Drake's was a five, and MacMillan's in OT just wasn't that intelligent of a play. Nice hit, but why the need to finish a guy like that when the officials have proved they'll call it?

I'm not going to throw them under the bus after this one. Effort was there again.

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My thoughts:

~The seniors need to bear down and score. Rowney, Knight, Kristo. They've done plenty of it over their career, but one of those three guys has to bury their glorious chance.

~If thats the goaltending UND is going to get from here on out I'm fine with it. Young kid played well, now consistency.

~Still defensive mistakes, but not as glaring. Schmaltz was better.....not sure what he's thinking on some plays.

~The fourth line eats minutes. Won't ever score, but eats minutes.

~Robbie Earl taught some dem badgers well....yikes.

I'm not going to disagree with the officiating at all. Drake's was a five, and MacMillan's in OT just wasn't that intelligent of a play. Nice hit, but why the need to finish a guy like that when the officials have proved they'll call it?

I'm not going to throw them under the bus after this one. Effort was there again.

Very much disagree with this, Drake hit him on the shoulder and the guy turned and made it look worst. That call was maybe a minor but definitely not a major. The MacMillan play was something that could be called but I have seen a lot worse things that haven't been called at that stage of the game.

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Jez-uz people. Take a look at what you see. We are not that good this year. It's ebb-n-tide.

If if's-n-butts were candy-n-nuts every f'n day would be fn Christmas. Face it. We are not that good this year. Save yourself some serious high blood pressure and look at what you see. Next year I see us going .500. Why? Who is the standout? We lose MacWilliam, Kristo, Knight, Gleason etc. Where is the scoring coming from? I am not a pessimist but I am a realist. Prove me wrong - please.

You are dead on correct.

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Interesting perspective. Have you seen the other teams in the pwr/inch above us play?

I'm not sure you have, who are these other teams that are far superior to us? because I'm pretty sure we had the #1 team in the country beat on their home ice and let it slip away. IMO there is nobody in the country we can't play with when we play our best, which I still think we will start to see on a consistent basis down the stretch.

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This team has potential. Is it the best we have seen in the Sioux (er, now UND) sweater? No, absolutely not. But they DO have the skills and we are just not seeing them click like we all (well, some of us anyway) know that they could. I am not delusional thinking we will roll through the WCHA, but we SHOULD be playing better than we are. I am just hoping that my trip to St Paul will include lots of opportunities to cheer for my team. :D

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I'm not sure you have, who are these other teams that are far superior to us? because I'm pretty sure we had the #1 team in the country beat on their home ice and let it slip away. IMO there is nobody in the country we can't play with when we play our best, which I still think we will start to see on a consistent basis down the stretch.

oh. Really?

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This team has potential. Is it the best we have seen in the Sioux (er, now UND) sweater? No, absolutely not. But they DO have the skills and we are just not seeing them click like we all (well, some of us anyway) know that they could. I am not delusional thinking we will roll through the WCHA, but we SHOULD be playing better than we are. I am just hoping that my trip to St Paul will include lots of opportunities to cheer for my team. :D

potential yes. Will it happen? I would like to think it will but based on the past 5 weeks of play - I think not. I will however be in Omaha next weekend to discuss if you would like.

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Wow. Worst streak of non-wins in a decade. Not a good second half at all so far.

The one good thing tonight was the effort and compete level. That was present, but this team has too much talent to be so incredibly ineffective on offense. That was the liability tonight.

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um - pretty much any team with a pwr 19 or less. We are gonna struggle guys. I'm just callin an ace an ace. Stop drinkin the kool-aid and take a look. Like I said - lets hook up in Omaha - Id love to chat.

Wish I was making the trip to Omaha but I'm not able to. I'm just gonna agree to disagree with you, the team does need to be a lot more consistent in their level of play but I still think we will get that. This team doesn't have the look right now of some of the very good teams of the past couple years but I think the potential is there. I think as a whole in college hockey this season there really aren't a lot of teams like that though. I mean even with the recent winless stretch we are still sitting in a tie for the 9th spot in the pairwise rankings and there aren't a whole lot of teams on that list that I would be dreading to play.

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the mental toughness on this team is severely lacking as for the umteenth time this year we score a goal and then give one up within like two minutes. this squad has way tooo many chinks in their armor to be a serious title contender come march/april. it remains to be seen if they can fix them. I am begininng to question that as we continue to see the same crappy mistakes made time and time again. even if we are fortunate to make the tourney we have one and done written all over us.

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Wow, a lot of newb posters with one foot off the cliff already.

They come out of the woodwork when the going gets rocky all right, no reason to panic yet but there's no doubt we are not playing very good hockey right now, tomorrow is almost a must-win just to get some momentum going again.

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They come out of the woodwork when the going gets rocky all right, no reason to panic yet but there's no doubt we are not playing very good hockey right now, tomorrow is almost a must-win just to get some momentum going again.

Agreed. We can't have our third consecutive series with one point...definitely not playing well right now.

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What was the call? Because it sure wasn't a hit from behind.

EDIT: I think I just heard Looker say "Checking from Behind", but Hammer wouldn't shut up so we could hear the penalties.

That is so true. Sweeney never did that. He would purposely stop talking to hear the announcer instead of speculating like Hammer.
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