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College Hockey 2012/13 (non UND Hockey)


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Anyone want to answer my question? Why did Wisconsin pick Ohio State to play at Lambeau?

They played OSU to try to pull in the casual fan using a matchup that is a big deal in football. They played at Lambeau because Wally World was closed, Moose out front should've told you.

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I can't believe that some people shovel this B.S. and think that OSU is some how a better opponent than UND...Whatever makes you feel good. Yeah, OSU is known for football and scandals, not hockey.

EXACTLY. This is like all of us getting amped about the UND vs Boise State.......SOCCER game that is coming up/or recently happened. (sorry, no disrespect to the soccer gals, nice win vs NDSU)

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A) Because they knew Minnesota or Michigan would kick their a** on the frozen tundra, that's why.

Is anyone here capable of being honest with themselves? You know they picked OSU because of their name alone. It didn't matter one bit that they're hockey program is sub par. OSU is arguably the most famous athletic department in the nation which is why they will be playing in their third outdoor event like this. But go ahead and keep thinking that UND would garner the same interest as ANY Big ten school let alone OSU.

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Is anyone here capable of being honest with themselves? You know they picked OSU because of their name alone. It didn't matter one bit that they're hockey program is sub par. OSU is arguably the most famous athletic department in the nation which is why they will be playing in their third outdoor event like this.

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Is anyone here capable of being honest with themselves? You know they picked OSU because of their name alone. It didn't matter one bit that they're hockey program is sub par. OSU is arguably the most famous athletic department in the nation which is why they will be playing in their third outdoor event like this. But go ahead and keep thinking that UND would garner the same interest as ANY Big ten school let alone OSU.

I would argue that Michigan's 'brand' is more recognizable than Ohio State...

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This game will not gain national exposure to casual sports fans, casual sports fans don't watch hockey. It will gain national exposure to casual hockey (NHL) fans that have not experienced college hockey before. I honestly think that the amount of casual fans that tune in due to OSU's nationally recognized "brand" would be very similar to the amount of casual fans that would tune in due to the rivalry of UM-UND and both their schools prominence as hockey schools.

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Anyone want to answer my question? Why did Wisconsin pick Ohio State to play at Lambeau?

Do you have a point for being here? Gopher Puck Live is more your speed, just because you keep repeating yourself, doesn't make it true.

Edited by Goon
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Mariucci, you haven't answered this question yet...

The answer is nothing is more appealing about this one compared to the others. But it's pretty telling that schools consistently are picking to play OSU in these games that are advertised for months leading up to the game isn't it?
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The answer is nothing is more appealing about this one compared to the others. But it's pretty telling that schools consistently are picking to play OSU in these games that are advertised for months leading up to the game isn't it?

So explain the rationale used to 'promote' the women's game...by scheduling Mankato State.

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Players Registered with USA Hockey last year:

Ohio: 14,430

North Dakota: 5,315

Columbus Blue Jackets average attendance last season: 14,565

So, there is quite a bit of interest in hockey in Ohio (at least relative to North Dakota), so let's put that whole part of the argument to rest. And yes, I realize that North Dakota has a much higher per capita interest, but that gets back to the point that North Dakota has a small population and is a small market. Both also facts.

Sorry, but I have to agree with Mariucci here. Yes, OSU's attendance has been abysmal, but I have a strong feeling that the ratings for a game against OSU would be much higher nationally than a game against UND.

To the average casual hockey fan around the country (not just college hockey, but NHL) the big brand names of Minnesota and Ohio State are going to draw in more viewers.

Columbus averages 14,564 people at games, which means they have a pretty loyal following. I'm sure a majority of those people would be more likely to tune in to see them play OSU than UND. How about people in Michigan. Are they more likely to watch two fellow conference mates play (in a game the impacts the standings for the conference their teams compete in) or Minnesota play a non-conference game? Sure, some would watch either, but my guess is a majority of the casual fans would rather watch a conference game.

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Players Registered with USA Hockey last year:

Ohio: 14,430

North Dakota: 5,315

Columbus Blue Jackets average attendance last season: 14,565

So, there is quite a bit of interest in hockey in Ohio (at least relative to North Dakota), so let's put that whole part of the argument to rest. And yes, I realize that North Dakota has a much higher per capita interest, but that gets back to the point that North Dakota has a small population and is a small market. Both also facts.

Sorry, but I have to agree with Mariucci here. Yes, OSU's attendance has been abysmal, but I have a strong feeling that the ratings for a game against OSU would be much higher nationally than a game against UND.

To the average casual hockey fan around the country (not just college hockey, but NHL) the big brand names of Minnesota and Ohio State are going to draw in more viewers.

Columbus averages 14,564 people at games, which means they have a pretty loyal following. I'm sure a majority of those people would be more likely to tune in to see them play OSU than UND. How about people in Michigan. Are they more likely to watch two fellow conference mates play (in a game the impacts the standings for the conference their teams compete in) or Minnesota play a non-conference game? Sure, some would watch either, but my guess is a majority of the casual fans would rather watch a conference game.

So, is this like twitter where you have multiple log in's? I find it ironic that you showed up to post right after Marriuci did... The fact remains; I bet if you polled a majority of us, honestly we don't care. Just because you two continue to utter something doesn't make it true or even half fact.

Puck the media -- Now here’s another interesting way that college hockey is different from the professional game: a 10 p.m. ET game out-drew a 7:30 p.m. ET game Friday night on NBC Sports Network.

The Denver/North Dakota night cap on NBCSN drew 86,000 viewers on Friday night, for a game that started at 10 p.m. ET. Not only is that better than the game that aired before it, it’s the top college hockey numbers for NBC this season, according to the numbers I’ve found throughout this season. North Dakota is an extremely well known program as hockey schools go, so this is no surprise.

The aforementioned early game, Boston University vs. lowly Vermont, was less impressive, scoring 38,000..

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Columbus Blue Jackets average attendance last season: 14,565

Columbus averages 14,564 people at games, which means they have a pretty loyal following.

You're referring to a metropolitan area of almost 2.5 million people where the ONLY professional sports team in town on any given winter night plays to about 80% of arena capacity, right?

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So, is this like twitter where you have multiple log in's? I find it ironic that you showed up to post right after Marriuci did... The fact remains; I bet if you polled a majority of us, honestly we don't care. Just because you two continue to utter something doesn't make it true or even half fact.

Is this like Twitter where you start losing a debate and then resort to those types of accusations?

And no, I'm not Mariucci. Would you care to address the points I made or am I wasting my time because you don't have a retort?

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You're referring to a metropolitan area of almost 2.5 million people where the ONLY professional sports team in town on any given winter night plays to about 80% of arena capacity, right?

You're missing the point. They average 14,000+ fans at games. UND averages 14,000+ fans at games. Ohio is a bigger market and likely to have far more casual fans.

It's nothing personal, nor any type of shot at UND, but fact is OSU is a bigger national brand. And yes, that even matters for hockey (even if less than other sports).

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The Denver/North Dakota night cap on NBCSN drew 86,000 viewers on Friday night, for a game that started at 10 p.m. ET. Not only is that better than the game that aired before it, it’s the top college hockey numbers for NBC this season, according to the numbers I’ve found throughout this season. North Dakota is an extremely well known program as hockey schools go, so this is no surprise.

And Thanks Goon. We now have a benchmark for how much national interest UND draws. That is, however, completely meaningless without a benchmark for how much national interest OSU draws.

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Is this like Twitter where you start losing a debate and then resort to those types of accusations?

And no, I'm not Mariucci. Would you care to address the points I made or am I wasting my time because you don't have a retort?

You seem to be suffering from delusions of grandeur, just because you say you win, doesn't mean anything... Just like your little quips on Twitter.com... Like Mafia man brought up, the Columbus Blue Jackets don't draw well, under 15,000 per game isn't very good in today's NHL. Also, it's documented pretty well that OSU has little if any interest from the OSU fan base, or they would be drawing more than 4,000 fans per game at one of the largest campuses in the Big Ten... Also, please tell us again how UND needs Minnesota for recruiting...

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You seem to be suffering from delusions of grandeur, just because you say you win, doesn't mean anything... Just like your little quips on Twitter.com... Like Mafia man brought up, the Columbus Blue Jackets don't draw well, under 15,000 per game isn't very good in today's NHL. Also, it's documented pretty well that OSU has little if any interest from the OSU fan base, or they would be drawing more than 4,000 fans per game at one of the largest campuses in the Big Ten... Also, please tell us again how UND needs Minnesota for recruiting...

Dude, it doesn't matter if they don't draw well in this discussion because we are comparing it to YOUR market and not the rest of the NHL. You draw 14,000 for hockey games and so do they. Key difference is that they have a HELL of a lot bigger market with the potential to draw a HELL of a lot more casual hockey fans.

If you look at North Dakota versus Ohio on a per capita basis, then NO DOUBT North Dakota is a better hockey market. But market size is a considerable disadvantage to you guys.

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Look, there are two reasons why OSU was chosen as the opponent for the outdoor game, and attendance at the game and tv viewership are not those reasons.

In order for it not to be a weather fiasco, it's almost certainly going to have to be a league game. By January and February the non-con games are basically done, with the exception of events like the Beanpot or the new MN tournament. If it's going to be a league game, the last thing MN wants to do is lose due to the crappy conditions that exist in every outside game. And the conditions are crappy, at least compared with indoors like at Mariucci. That means it's got to be Penn St. or OSU.

Second, it fits with the whole Hockey Day weekend in the Cities.

If OSU can't draw more than 4000 people from a population in the millions, and a school with tens of thousands of students, I hardly think people are going to be standing in line to watch this game on tv.

Besides the Blue Jackets are at home that night against the Capitals, and I hear the Blue Jackets draw really well. :lol:

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Look, there are two reasons why OSU was chosen as the opponent for the outdoor game, and attendance at the game and tv viewership are not those reasons.

I'd bet money comes into play as well. With a Gophers/UND or Gophs/UW there would be arguments about the gate. Since OSU has no fans, it's a short discussion. Add to that your arguments and OSU will get as much outdoor action as they can handle.

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Look, there are two reasons why OSU was chosen as the opponent for the outdoor game, and attendance at the game and tv viewership are not those reasons.

In order for it not to be a weather fiasco, it's almost certainly going to have to be a league game. By January and February the non-con games are basically done, with the exception of events like the Beanpot or the new MN tournament. If it's going to be a league game, the last thing MN wants to do is lose due to the crappy conditions that exist in every outside game. And the conditions are crappy, at least compared with indoors like at Mariucci. That means it's got to be Penn St. or OSU.

Second, it fits with the whole Hockey Day weekend in the Cities.

If OSU can't draw more than 4000 people from a population in the millions, and a school with tens of thousands of students, I hardly think people are going to be standing in line to watch this game on tv.

Besides the Blue Jackets are at home that night against the Capitals, and I hear the Blue Jackets draw really well. :lol:

Has absolutely nothing to do with the possibility of losing the game. That's utter nonsense that you aren't going to be able to substantiate. In fact, it's the kind of utter nonsense that makes the other point you made (which was very well thought out and probably pretty true) get lost.

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