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New Nickname



319 members have voted

  1. 1. What name should replace "Fighting Sioux" after it's retired?

    • Aviators or Pilots
    • Cavalry
    • Nodaks
    • Nokotas
    • Norse, Nordics, Fighting Norsemen
    • Outlaws
    • Plainsmen
    • Rangers
    • Rough Riders
    • Other

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Sorry, but the Central alums and other locals make up a significant number of UND alums, a significant number of UND donors and a significant number of season ticket holders. I don't know how many would have a problem with the nickname, but those people are going to be taken into consideration. Just because you said you mean no disrespect doesn't mean that you didn't just disrespect them and their opinions. Why should your opinion mean any more than theirs, especially families that have had connections to Grand Forks and UND much longer than someone that just showed up at UND in the last couple of years?

So high school athletics trumps athletics at the flag ship university in North Dakota? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? I never said my opinion matters more than anyone else's, I'm not sure where you got that from. There are a lot of students, alumni, faculty, staff, and fans who have a vested interest in UND athletics that post on this board with little to no connections to Grand Forks, are you saying our input and suggestions aren't as important as somebody who grew up in Grand Forks? We're all UND fans here, no need to treat each other like this.

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If people are petty enough to boycott UND athletics because they don't like Grand Forks Red River High School athletics, then we don't need them. I am a Central alum (Class of 1993) and I couldn't care less about this. Like I have said before, if we start ruling out nicknames because someone else is using them, then we might as well stop brainstorming.

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So high school athletics trumps athletics at the flag ship university in North Dakota? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? I never said my opinion matters more than anyone else's, I'm not sure where you got that from. There are a lot of students, alumni, faculty, staff, and fans who have a vested interest in UND athletics that post on this board with little to no connections to Grand Forks, are you saying our input and suggestions aren't as important as somebody who grew up in Grand Forks? We're all UND fans here, no need to treat each other like this.

That's not a good enough reason to pass on a unique nickname/logo that has strong historical ties to the state. If we can't be the Sioux, then we should be the Rough Riders with a badass logo that looks sick on a hockey jersey! I mean no disrespect to Central alums.

I said that some people from Grand Forks may not want UND to use the nickname because Red River uses it. Your quote is above, and you say that isn't a good enough reason to not use it. This quote implies that your opinion is more important than the people who would be against using the name. That might not been your intention, but that's the way it comes across. Everyone can have input on a new name, but don't tell people with a lot of history in the community and the school that their reason for not wanting a name isn't good enough. That is an insult. The name should be part of the discussion. But if a significant number of local citizens are against it UND won't choose it, and they shouldn't. Choosing a name that a significant number of locals don't want would be a bad PR move. UND doesn't need another bad PR move related to the nickname.
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I said that some people from Grand Forks may not want UND to use the nickname because Red River uses it. Your quote is above, and you say that isn't a good enough reason to not use it. This quote implies that your opinion is more important than the people who would be against using the name. That might not been your intention, but that's the way it comes across. Everyone can have input on a new name, but don't tell people with a lot of history in the community and the school that their reason for not wanting a name isn't good enough. That is an insult. The name should be part of the discussion. But if a significant number of local citizens are against it UND won't choose it, and they shouldn't. Choosing a name that a significant number of locals don't want would be a bad PR move. UND doesn't need another bad PR move related to the nickname.

But we don't know that a significant number of them would be opposed to the idea, it is purely speculation and conjecture at this point. It's not at all uncommon for secondary schools in a state to have the same nickname and logo as the flagship university. Let's move on shall we.

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I hate Roughriders it would be near the bottom of anything I have heard - Norse or Calvary would be 1000% better

There are currently 2 schools using the nickname Norse and 7 using the name Cavaliers ( it's not the Calvary but extremely similar). No one is using Rough Riders or Outlaws at this present time.

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If people are petty enough to boycott UND athletics because they don't like Grand Forks Red River High School athletics, then we don't need them. I am a Central alum (Class of 1993) and I couldn't care less about this. Like I have said before, if we start ruling out nicknames because someone else is using them, then we might as well stop brainstorming.

AMEN! My whole family and I went to Central and could care less about Central (or Red River). Our family lived in GF for 70+ years, owned businesses and identified then and now far more strongly and loyally to UND even though we only had 2 UND grads. Roughriders is a great option, there may be others. But, I would not worry about any repurcussions should that be the one that is chosen. HS was a small blip on my life's journey that pales in comparison to my experiences and loyalty to UND.

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I wouldn't mind the nickname but the logo that was shown on the hockey jersey is almost Identical to RR. UND would be the same as RR except instead of red, white, and black we would be green, white, and black. New name should have its own unique logo that even RR doesn't have.

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But we don't know that a significant number of them would be opposed to the idea, it is purely speculation and conjecture at this point. It's not at all uncommon for secondary schools in a state to have the same nickname and logo as the flagship university. Let's move on shall we.

We don't know how many will be opposed. But I know that some will because I have heard it from some people. My point is that you shouldn't just dismiss that argument or that group of people. They have at least as much right to be heard as you. If the subject does come up, then it can be determined how large the opposition group is and whether that is enough to prevent use of the name.

There are multiple examples of secondary schools sharing a nickname with colleges in that state. The difference is that they have coexisted for years. They both chose the name at a time when sports nicknames weren't nearly as important to people. Nicknames and sports in general have become a bigger deal to a lot more people. One example is the discussion on this forum, things like that never happened and weren't available 50-80 years ago when many school nicknames were chosen. School nicknames were just something cute or catchy, not a lot of thought went into most. A lot of school nicknames came from sportswriters looking for a hook. Choosing a nickname that is already in use in this community will cause a lot of discussion, and there will be some people opposed.

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We don't know how many will be opposed. But I know that some will because I have heard it from some people. My point is that you shouldn't just dismiss that argument or that group of people. They have at least as much right to be heard as you. If the subject does come up, then it can be determined how large the opposition group is and whether that is enough to prevent use of the name.

There are multiple examples of secondary schools sharing a nickname with colleges in that state. The difference is that they have coexisted for years. They both chose the name at a time when sports nicknames weren't nearly as important to people. Nicknames and sports in general have become a bigger deal to a lot more people. One example is the discussion on this forum, things like that never happened and weren't available 50-80 years ago when many school nicknames were chosen. School nicknames were just something cute or catchy, not a lot of thought went into most. A lot of school nicknames came from sportswriters looking for a hook. Choosing a nickname that is already in use in this community will cause a lot of discussion, and there will be some people opposed.

Simple solution....have RR change their name. ;)

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I've always liked Rough Riders (Roughriders, or however it would be written.) IrishSiouxFan isn't out of line on this one. Much too much is made out of the Red River High School vs. Central thing, or even just the fact that UND would have the same nickname as a high school in the same community. It's an idea worth considering as much as any other. No one's opinion's should be outright discounted, but then again no one constituency (Central grads) should have more input into the process over another. Roughriders is very unique outside of Grand Forks, and I think two schools in the same community that share much the same cultural and state historical backgrounds could celebrate having the same nickname with little or no problem.

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That's a valid opinion. What would you propose would be a good nickname for UND?

I really don't know but Outlaws would be good. Then they could play Outlaw Pete at the games.

Outlaw Pete...

He was born a little baby on the Appalachian Trail

At six months old he'd done three months in jail

He robbed a bank in his diapers and his little bare baby feet

All he said was "Folks, my name is Outlaw Pete."

I'm Outlaw Pete!

I'm Outlaw Pete!

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I really don't know but Outlaws would be good. Then they could play Outlaw Pete at the games.

Outlaw Pete...

He was born a little baby on the Appalachian Trail

At six months old he'd done three months in jail

He robbed a bank in his diapers and his little bare baby feet

All he said was "Folks, my name is Outlaw Pete."

I'm Outlaw Pete!

I'm Outlaw Pete!

Cool! I don't hate it.

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So high school athletics trumps athletics at the flag ship university in North Dakota? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? I never said my opinion matters more than anyone else's, I'm not sure where you got that from. There are a lot of students, alumni, faculty, staff, and fans who have a vested interest in UND athletics that post on this board with little to no connections to Grand Forks, are you saying our input and suggestions aren't as important as somebody who grew up in Grand Forks? We're all UND fans here, no need to treat each other like this.

High school doesn't trump college sports, but first in time is first in right. That rule trumps UND.
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I could live with the nickname Outlaws, I hope we could get more than 11,000 people to the game singing it :)

I like it better than some of the stupid ones that have been suggested, more specifically - "Sun Dogs".

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If people are petty enough to boycott UND athletics because they don't like Grand Forks Red River High School athletics, then we don't need them. I am a Central alum (Class of 1993) and I couldn't care less about this. Like I have said before, if we start ruling out nicknames because someone else is using them, then we might as well stop brainstorming.

You've always wanted to be a Roughrider fan...maybe now you can get your chance!!! :)

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