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I understand, but when they were recruiting him they didn't know that he wouldn't pick up other offers later. Not offering him a scholarship shows he wasn't very high on the priority list. So why is everyone acting like he is the next Digger Anderson?

So all of a sudden he has a good all-star game and he is a different kind of player? I don't buy it.

If 3 years of high school tape doesn't convince a team that a kid needs to be a priority and will likely be a star, I don't understand how one game can change someone's mind.

Well obviously Bohl and the rest of his coaches were inpressed since they offered him a scholarship after that game!! I know its hard for a Bison fan to believe that a good player would choose UND over NDSU, but guess what...it happened. Has happened before and no doubt will happen many many more times in the future.

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That's not the way it works and you guys know it.

You offer a player what they are worth, not what you hope to get them for.

If what you are saying were true, every player would be offered a preferred walk-on offer first and if they turned it down they would up the offer and if they didn't accept that they would up the offer again etc.

Well NDSU thought he was worth at least a partial scholarship so you should use that as your baseline. Looks like UND got a steal then.

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You're looking at it wrong, the only reason he didn't get a scholarship offer is because of his relative demand. If other schools weren't going to offer him and UND knew it than they can get two good players by using the scholarship on someone else and still get Schobert as a walk on especially since it's FCS and there are lower scholarship amounts

But UND had no way of knowing that an offer wouldn't come from another school later and that could have left them out in the cold.

I have seen guys fly under the radar before at the FCS level, but from my understanding he wasn't even offered a DII scholarship.

I just find it odd that there is so much talk about a player that obviously wasn't high on UND's recruit list and now from reading the posts on this board, it would be a huge deal if you guys lost him.

I have no doubt the kid is a player, but this all seems very odd. If UND had him pegged as such a good player why not offer him and make him a feature of the recruiting class?

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Well obviously Bohl and the rest of his coaches were inpressed since they offered him a scholarship after that game!! I know its hard for a Bison fan to believe that a good player would choose UND over NDSU, but guess what...it happened. Has happened before and no doubt will happen many many more times in the future.

Take it easy, this isn't a UND vs. NDSU thing. I am just trying to understand why you all care so much if he goes somewhere else, either he is good enough to earn a scholarship in the eyes of UND coaches and fans or he isn't considered a star in the recruiting class and losing him shouldn't be a big deal. It can't be both.

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But UND had no way of knowing that an offer wouldn't come from another school later and that could have left them out in the cold.

I have seen guys fly under the radar before at the FCS level, but from my understanding he wasn't even offered a DII scholarship.

I just find it odd that there is so much talk about a player that obviously wasn't high on UND's recruit list and now from reading the posts on this board, it would be a huge deal if you guys lost him.

I have no doubt the kid is a player, but this all seems very odd. If UND had him pegged as such a good player why not offer him and make him a feature of the recruiting class?

For the last time, nobody said UND's staff pegged him as such a great player. The fans have pegged him that way. However, things have changed with him as he blew up the week of the All-Star game and also in the AS game. So now at least one FBS college and one FCS college came in late and tried to get him.

The situation changed and his stock shot up immensely.

What I can't understand is that your own coaching staff at NDSU deemed him a scholarship athlete AFTER the all star games and you are still arguing about his worth?

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But UND had no way of knowing that an offer wouldn't come from another school later and that could have left them out in the cold.

I have seen guys fly under the radar before at the FCS level, but from my understanding he wasn't even offered a DII scholarship.

I just find it odd that there is so much talk about a player that obviously wasn't high on UND's recruit list and now from reading the posts on this board, it would be a huge deal if you guys lost him.

I have no doubt the kid is a player, but this all seems very odd. If UND had him pegged as such a good player why not offer him and make him a feature of the recruiting class?

I'm not sure what happened to this kid in recruiting. It's an inexact science and this is a great example of that fact. When I saw his film I thought he was an awesome player with elite awareness and thought he was getting a scholarship. When I found out he was a walk on I was a bit confused but still very excited that he chose us. I think other coaches know or at least have a sense of how hard schools are going after certain kids. For whatever reason this one fell through the cracks and into our laps.

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Schobert didn't do anything differently in the All-Star Game than he did the last two years. It's not like he came out of nowhere. He was First Team All-State as a junior and senior. His team won state as a junior and he set the state record for most rushing yards in a title game. Schools just missed on him, it happens. Some realized they missed and got back in the game late, but it was too late.

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Schobert didn't do anything differently in the All-Star Game than he did the last two years. It's not like he came out of nowhere. He was First Team All-State as a junior and senior. His team won state as a junior and he set the state record for most rushing yards in a title game. Schools just missed on him, it happens. Some realized they missed and got back in the game late, but it was too late.

So in your opinion is he locked into UND or are other schools still in the picture?

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For the last time, nobody said UND's staff pegged him as such a great player. The fans have pegged him that way. However, things have changed with him as he blew up the week of the All-Star game and also in the AS game. So now at least one FBS college and one FCS college came in late and tried to get him.

The situation changed and his stock shot up immensely.

What I can't understand is that your own coaching staff at NDSU deemed him a scholarship athlete AFTER the all star games and you are still arguing about his worth?

For the last time right back at you, I am not arguing his worth, I have seen the film. I think he looks like a preferred walk on to be completely honest.

What I am asking is, why are UND fans clammoring all of a sudden and seemingly desperate to keep a kid that is a preferred walk on?

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For the last time right back at you, I am not arguing his worth, I have seen the film. I think he looks like a preferred walk on to be completely honest.

What I am asking is, why are UND fans clammoring all of a sudden and seemingly desperate to keep a kid that is a preferred walk on?

Because as many have explained, his worth is now above that of a walk-on, as NDSU proved with their offer. So now he is a commodity that UND got for less and the fans want to keep, whether UND gives him money or not.

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Because as many have explained, his worth is now above that of a walk-on, as NDSU proved with their offer. So now he is a commodity that UND got for less and the fans want to keep, whether UND gives him money or not.

But Travis just said he didn't do anything in the all-star game that he hadn't shown the last 2 years.

I'll end it there, it just seems odd.

The last thing I want is for an 18 year old kid to log on here and read anything controversial being said about him.

I hope he ends up at the school that fits him best and that he has a great 4-5 year experience.

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But Travis just said he didn't do anything in the all-star game that he hadn't shown the last 2 years.

The game must have shown something because multiple schools came in hard, AFTER the All-Star game. Apparently, all those FBS and FCS coaching staffs are fools for falling for his AS game/week performance. :silly:

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For the last time right back at you, I am not arguing his worth, I have seen the film. I think he looks like a preferred walk on to be completely honest.

What I am asking is, why are UND fans clammoring all of a sudden and seemingly desperate to keep a kid that is a preferred walk on?

Because 2 weeks ago he was just a guy that was walking on. After the all-star game, he got a scholarship offer from NDSU and was being pursued by the Badgers. That's a pretty intriguing development for a guy that was flying under our radar. I think all fans of FCS programs get excited when they get a player who had interest from a BCS school. Generally that kind of talk happens in the fall and around signing day, this just happens to be happening in July and with a guy who is walking on. Like you said, it's an odd situation but it's also one that is worthy of a little preseason excitement.

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The obvious question seems to be, if he is going to be such a great player for UND, why is he not being offered a scholarship at UND?

I have never seen so much hoopla over a preferred walk on in my life. If he is really that good, why didn't UND see him as a priority?

You are not taking into consideration where UND coaches had him in their rankings. If they got the player or players ranked higher than him than there was no need to offer a scholorship.

I guess the more obvious question is what does it say for NDSU's recruiting class when you come in two weeks before camp to offer a half scholorship to a kid that is only a preferred walk on elsewhere? And when 2 FBS schools and one other local FCS call the UND coaching staff to let them know they are going to talk to Joe and may offer a scholorship why did ndsu not have the courtesy to do the same?

I think the kid is going to be a very good player and it sounds like he has great head on his shoulders as it sounds as though he has been very honest with the coaching staff throughout the last couple weeks after the all star game.

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You are not taking into consideration where UND coaches had him in their rankings. If they got the player or players ranked higher than him than there was no need to offer a scholorship.

I guess the more obvious question is what does it say for NDSU's recruiting class when you come in two weeks before camp to offer a half scholorship to a kid that is only a preferred walk on elsewhere? And when 2 FBS schools and one other local FCS call the UND coaching staff to let them know they are going to talk to Joe and may offer a scholorship why did ndsu not have the courtesy to do the same?

I think the kid is going to be a very good player and it sounds like he has great head on his shoulders as it sounds as though he has been very honest with the coaching staff throughout the last couple weeks after the all star game.

Oh please, now this says something about NDSU's recruiting class? Dream on man.

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Oh please, now this says something about NDSU's recruiting class? Dream on man.

After everything that has been explained to you in the above posts, you focus on that and reply to that?

I still haven't seen you address the fact that NDSU offered a scholarship to a player that you deemed a "walk-on level talent". Your own school blew away your theory but you keep sticking to it.

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I'm really surprised that Kolpack hasn't chimed in on this yet. He seems to have a pulse on NDSU recruiting, plus he always has a comment or two on things related to UND. I would imagine he would have been all over this if it were UND offering scholarships to NDSU's walk-on's a couple weeks before camp started. Would love to hear the spin explanation on this one.

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I'm really surprised that Kolpack hasn't chimed in on this yet. He seems to have a pulse on NDSU recruiting, plus he always has a comment or two on things related to UND. I would imagine he would have been all over this if it were UND offering scholarships to NDSU's walk-on's a couple weeks before camp started. Would love to hear the spin explanation on this one.

He stopped addressing anything negative to NDSU about two years ago.

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I just love how NDSU is coming off a National Championship and Bison fans are still concerned about what that little insignificant school (in their opinion) up the road is doing!!!

Do you hate when NDSU fans post here or do you love it? I am so confused.

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Oh please, now this says something about NDSU's recruiting class? Dream on man.

You wrote 5 posts quesitoning why UND was so excited to get this kid as a preferred walk on but never once questioned why your own coaching staff decided to make an half scholorship offer 2 weeks before camp.

NDSU has done very well recruiting and there is no question what they have done works but its a UND board and I'll stick up for the UND staff and players everytime. You try to pretend your not stirring the pot but you keep asking a question and don't listen to the answers or look at the current facts of the situation. The big one being the kid turned down a ndsu scholorship to walk on at UND. He also has talked to the UW coaching staff in the past couple weeks along with another FBS school, if it was a ndsu recruit in the same situation you and all the other fans of your school would rightfully be singing the kids praises and you know it.

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