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"Chapman's Mansion Way Over the Top"


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Nothing criminal happened.

That may be true. I don't know. Also, you don't know.

The projects were just independently audited. If the auditors told the attorney general and the SBoHE "100% positive nothing criminal happened", this story would not be happening. Obviously one of those parties has reason to believe that that something criminal may have happened.

The UND project is included in this, so selling this as a conspiracy would sound foolish.

If you're so sure about this, shouldn't you be begging for this investigation to clear Chappy's name?

Unrelated question - what was the issue with the Bison Sports Arena?

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That may be true. I don't know. Also, you don't know.

The projects were just independently audited. If the auditors told the attorney general and the SBoHE "100% positive nothing criminal happened", this story would not be happening. Obviously one of those parties has reason to believe that that something criminal may have happened.

The UND project is included in this, so selling this as a conspiracy would sound foolish.

If you're so sure about this, shouldn't you be begging for this investigation to clear Chappy's name?

Unrelated question - what was the issue with the Bison Sports Arena?

The problem at NDSU is not the mansion. It is the movement of funds to the atheltic dept or other Chapman projects that he wasn't authorized to move unrestricted funds to. The house at NDSU isn't his major problem but the stories coming out about Chapman and "the missus" made changes and pushed projects which increased costs demonstrates he arrogance his problem is the $11,000,000 deficit and the depletion of the reserves and how Chapman got the school to that point. One of Mercil's friends told me yesterday Mercil is not happy at all. He donated $1,000,000 to help build a home on campus for their president and Chapman fouled it up.

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That may be true. I don't know. Also, you don't know.

The projects were just independently audited. If the auditors told the attorney general and the SBoHE "100% positive nothing criminal happened", this story would not be happening. Obviously one of those parties has reason to believe that that something criminal may have happened.

The UND project is included in this, so selling this as a conspiracy would sound foolish.

If you're so sure about this, shouldn't you be begging for this investigation to clear Chappy's name?

Unrelated question - what was the issue with the Bison Sports Arena?

As part of the Momentum fundraising campaign a few years ago, about $8 million was raised for the then $16 million project. NDSU had planned to do the project in two phases because they didn't feel they could get the total amount raised in one shot, but the SBoHE nixed the idea. In the interim, both internal and external factors caused the project to grow to the current $32 million. But that previously raised $8 million was just sitting in the bank.

Since there were certain items that would need to be purchased as part of the renovation that could be used immediately, the decision was made to use part of the money now. About $2.5 million was used to buy a new basketball court, scoreboards, weight equipment, cabling connecting the BSA to the Fargodome, architect costs for the renovation plans(this was about half of the money), and a few other things. This is all stuff that can be transferred to a renovated or new facility, or stuff that would have been done anyway, and none of it was done in secret. Heck, we were talking about this stuff on Bisonville as it was happening, and it was common knowledge where the money was coming from. The money was used for the purpose for which it was raised, but apparently additional approval was required from the SBoHE to start the spending and that approval wasn't requested.

It's the standard runaround. The athletic department says they knew approval was needed, but they thought the development foundation had gotten it(they were the ones raising, holding and spending the money). The development foundation says they thought they had the needed approval and didn't need to go back to the board for additional approvals. In the end, this is probably the least egregious of the five projects being audited. The only thing that lumps it in with the rest is the expanded use of the development foundations(not just NDSU's) to skirt the bureaucracy of the SBoHE and the legislature. I'm not saying Mpls is right and the blame lies solely on the SBoHE, but there could well be a very small grain of truth within.

If the capital and building expenditures process did not keep up with the rest of the reforms of the Higher Ed Roundtable, the foundations may have been viewed as a way to get needed projects done without them getting tied up with political nonsense. I think there's a reason why foundations have been started at most of the NDUS campuses, and the pre-existing foundations at the 4-year schools have grown dramatically in the past decade. There was a need not addressed by the state, and the foundations filled it. Still, we are now seeing the downside of this process. The foundations don't have the same oversight and knowledge base as the universities, and things can slip though. Whether those slips are honest mistakes(as I think the BSA project mostly was) or deliberate attempts to avoid SBoHE policy(the house and Barry Hall projects), I think the universities have come to rely on the foundations way too much. I hope the SBoHE does two things above all others: restrict the functions of the foundations to what they were several years ago, and streamline the process for building projects; especially the small and medium sized ones. I think that will resolve most, but not all, of the issues. The remainder of things can be handled like the recent decision to make the internal university auditors answer to the SBoHE, rather than just to the university presidents.

With the current lynch mob mentality around here, I'll be on the lookout for torches and pitchforks coming my way, but I'll stand by it.

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The problem at NDSU is not the mansion. It is the movement of funds to the atheltic dept or other Chapman projects that he wasn't authorized to move unrestricted funds to. The house at NDSU isn't his major problem but the stories coming out about Chapman and "the missus" made changes and pushed projects which increased costs demonstrates he arrogance his problem is the $11,000,000 deficit and the depletion of the reserves and how Chapman got the school to that point. One of Mercil's friends told me yesterday Mercil is not happy at all. He donated $1,000,000 to help build a home on campus for their president and Chapman fouled it up.

I think everyone at NDSU has known for quite some time that Mercil isn't happy. That isn't breaking news. I'm sure NDSU leaving WDAY for Radio FM didn't help either. However, last time I checked UND also went over budget on their mansion that Mercil donated money to build. The Chapman's obviously let their project get way out of control and made a mess of things but both Universities fouled up Mercil's $1 million dollar donation for new houses not just NDSU. I have to ask if you can direct me to a link or source about the $11 million deficit and depleted reserves because I haven't been able to find any info out there other than what you have been repeating. I haven't been able to locate any info about the Athletic Department either. All I have been able to find is the info about the foundation and the BSA. I think if any of this were to be true Dr. Hanson would've brought it to the table with everything else he found. I would also like to ask what response was given at the Sanford meeting in regards to the possible donation to NDSU?

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As part of the Momentum fundraising campaign a few years ago, about $8 million was raised for the then $16 million project. NDSU had planned to do the project in two phases because they didn't feel they could get the total amount raised in one shot, but the SBoHE nixed the idea. In the interim, both internal and external factors caused the project to grow to the current $32 million. But that previously raised $8 million was just sitting in the bank.

Since there were certain items that would need to be purchased as part of the renovation that could be used immediately, the decision was made to use part of the money now. About $2.5 million was used to buy a new basketball court, scoreboards, weight equipment, cabling connecting the BSA to the Fargodome, architect costs for the renovation plans(this was about half of the money), and a few other things. This is all stuff that can be transferred to a renovated or new facility, or stuff that would have been done anyway, and none of it was done in secret. Heck, we were talking about this stuff on Bisonville as it was happening, and it was common knowledge where the money was coming from. The money was used for the purpose for which it was raised, but apparently additional approval was required from the SBoHE to start the spending and that approval wasn't requested.

It's the standard runaround. The athletic department says they knew approval was needed, but they thought the development foundation had gotten it(they were the ones raising, holding and spending the money). The development foundation says they thought they had the needed approval and didn't need to go back to the board for additional approvals. In the end, this is probably the least egregious of the five projects being audited. The only thing that lumps it in with the rest is the expanded use of the development foundations(not just NDSU's) to skirt the bureaucracy of the SBoHE and the legislature. I'm not saying Mpls is right and the blame lies solely on the SBoHE, but there could well be a very small grain of truth within.

If the capital and building expenditures process did not keep up with the rest of the reforms of the Higher Ed Roundtable, the foundations may have been viewed as a way to get needed projects done without them getting tied up with political nonsense. I think there's a reason why foundations have been started at most of the NDUS campuses, and the pre-existing foundations at the 4-year schools have grown dramatically in the past decade. There was a need not addressed by the state, and the foundations filled it. Still, we are now seeing the downside of this process. The foundations don't have the same oversight and knowledge base as the universities, and things can slip though. Whether those slips are honest mistakes(as I think the BSA project mostly was) or deliberate attempts to avoid SBoHE policy(the house and Barry Hall projects), I think the universities have come to rely on the foundations way too much. I hope the SBoHE does two things above all others: restrict the functions of the foundations to what they were several years ago, and streamline the process for building projects; especially the small and medium sized ones. I think that will resolve most, but not all, of the issues. The remainder of things can be handled like the recent decision to make the internal university auditors answer to the SBoHE, rather than just to the university presidents.

With the current lynch mob mentality around here, I'll be on the lookout for torches and pitchforks coming my way, but I'll stand by it.

"expanded use of the development foundations(not just NDSU's) to skirt the bureaucracy of the SBoHE and the legislature"

doesn't sound criminal to me. Is it bending the rules, yes of course. But has a crime been committed? :silly::D

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"expanded use of the development foundations(not just NDSU's) to skirt the bureaucracy of the SBoHE and the legislature"

doesn't sound criminal to me. Is it bending the rules, yes of course. But has a crime been committed? :silly::D

Cut the crap. NDSU f###ed up real bad and UND did a little but certainly not to the level of NDSU. Spin it like you will and you always do. Your just damn lucky Chapman isn't still around sucking the life blood right out of that horrendous school of yours.

Go away MplsBison and go away NDSU.

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I think everyone at NDSU has known for quite some time that Mercil isn't happy. That isn't breaking news. I'm sure NDSU leaving WDAY for Radio FM didn't help either. However, last time I checked UND also went over budget on their mansion that Mercil donated money to build. The Chapman's obviously let their project get way out of control and made a mess of things but both Universities fouled up Mercil's $1 million dollar donation for new houses not just NDSU. I have to ask if you can direct me to a link or source about the $11 million deficit and depleted reserves because I haven't been able to find any info out there other than what you have been repeating. I haven't been able to locate any info about the Athletic Department either. All I have been able to find is the info about the foundation and the BSA. I think if any of this were to be true Dr. Hanson would've brought it to the table with everything else he found. I would also like to ask what response was given at the Sanford meeting in regards to the possible donation to NDSU?

It is pretty easy to see the amount over budget at UND for that home vs the huge amount the Chapman's put the NDSU home over budget isn't even close. The Chapmans arrogant attitude and the demands for change at NDSU were a big part of the problem. That didn't occur at UND. At UND Kelly and his wife weren't the cause of the cost over runs. Had the cost overruns at NDSU been similar we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I don't think there will be a $30,000,000 donation or anywhere near that to NDSU from Sanford Health and I doubt Denny Sanford has any interest in NDSU. I understood he was a Gopher fan. . I think Sanford Merit Care will establish a relationship to provide sports medicine support to NDSU athletics. The future relationship with NDSU is because of the location of Merit Care headquarters and I believe the Sanford CEO is related to Pat Simmers who either is or was one of the athletic dept fundraisers. There is some rethinking going on about whether or not to get into bed with NDSU until this mess is cleaned up. Sanford is also having discussions with UND and has picked up sponsorship of the UND Siouxperswing Golf outings this year. The interest in UND is to establish a similar relationship with the Med School they have with USD and possibly facilitate the relationship between the two schools. Sanford uses their Sports Med/Ortho Depts as an effective marketing tool. There is pressure to back off enthusiatic support for NDSU atheltics beyond what they will do for other area schools. The CEO may intervene based on his family relationship. It will not go over well with most MC employees.

Mercil was pissed before the new radio contract.

I would refer you to members of the SBoHE and or Dick Hanson to verify the financials woes I have referred to. I would not depend on a blog to get reliable info and there is nothing I can say that will convince the die hard fan. Best to get the info from those who you won't doubt. My source is a former NDSU student who doesn't disclose any confidential info but knows the details of the problems with Chapman. He was also smart enough to note Chapman's lack of honesty and lack of integrity years ago. I suspect review of the SBoHE meeting minutes might also be helpful. Two former Chancellors, a former interim chancellor and the attorney general of N,Dak. all exposed Chapman for what he was. Too bad no one would pay attention. Would have saved NDSU a lot of embarassment and money.

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In what sense does it become "criminal" vs. just unethical or maybe just pushing the envelope?

I think this question is one usually answered by state's attorneys and juries.

Oh, and the money to build the presidents' houses was donated by Bill and Jane M - A - R - C - I - L.

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It is pretty easy to see the amount over budget at UND for that home vs the huge amount the Chapman's put the NDSU home over budget isn't even close. The Chapmans arrogant attitude and the demands for change at NDSU were a big part of the problem. That didn't occur at UND. At UND Kelly and his wife weren't the cause of the cost over runs. Had the cost overruns at NDSU been similar we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I don't think there will be a $30,000,000 donation or anywhere near that to NDSU from Sanford Health and I doubt Denny Sanford has any interest in NDSU. I understood he was a Gopher fan. . I think Sanford Merit Care will establish a relationship to provide sports medicine support to NDSU athletics. The future relationship with NDSU is because of the location of Merit Care headquarters and I believe the Sanford CEO is related to Pat Simmers who either is or was one of the athletic dept fundraisers. There is some rethinking going on about whether or not to get into bed with NDSU until this mess is cleaned up. Sanford is also having discussions with UND and has picked up sponsorship of the UND Siouxperswing Golf outings this year. The interest in UND is to establish a similar relationship with the Med School they have with USD and possibly facilitate the relationship between the two schools. Sanford uses their Sports Med/Ortho Depts as an effective marketing tool. There is pressure to back off enthusiatic support for NDSU atheltics beyond what they will do for other area schools. The CEO may intervene based on his family relationship. It will not go over well with most MC employees.

Mercil was pissed before the new radio contract.

I would refer you to members of the SBoHE and or Dick Hanson to verify the financials woes I have referred to. I would not depend on a blog to get reliable info and there is nothing I can say that will convince the die hard fan. Best to get the info from those who you won't doubt. My source is a former NDSU student who doesn't disclose any confidential info but knows the details of the problems with Chapman. He was also smart enough to note Chapman's lack of honesty and lack of integrity years ago. I suspect review of the SBoHE meeting minutes might also be helpful. Two former Chancellors, a former interim chancellor and the attorney general of N,Dak. all exposed Chapman for what he was. Too bad no one would pay attention. Would have saved NDSU a lot of embarassment and money.

You obviously like to think of yourself and want people here to think of you as some sort of "insider".

Bisonville has these same types and they appear to be claiming that the BSA remodel (30 million for new bball arena and a separate indoor track facility) is a done deal. Forum today indicates the same thing with Erv retiring.

So to your "inside" info re: Sanford: maybe, maybe not. But either way, we're going to get the BSA remodeled.

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... deliberate attempts to avoid SBoHE policy(the house and Barry Hall projects), ...

With the current lynch mob mentality around here, I'll be on the lookout for torches and pitchforks coming my way, but I'll stand by it.

With that bolded part the pitchfork will be carried by MplsBison. :silly:

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MplsBison does provide a little comedy relief when he comes on here(which is all the time). It is fun to watch him get taken apart every time he appears. Since he is on this site day and night he has to be a closet Sioux fan.

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With the current lynch mob mentality around here, I'll be on the lookout for torches and pitchforks coming my way, but I'll stand by it.

I don't think there's any lynch mob waiting for you here. Facts and common sense work for me.

It's easy to make this into an NDSU-UND thing, but it isn't really. The supporters of both universities and the taxpayers of North Dakota deserve to know the truth and get it cleaned up. If there was something criminal on either side it should be dealt with*

* Unless MPLS says there was nothing criminal.

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It is pretty easy to see the amount over budget at UND for that home vs the huge amount the Chapman's put the NDSU home over budget isn't even close. The Chapmans arrogant attitude and the demands for change at NDSU were a big part of the problem. That didn't occur at UND. At UND Kelly and his wife weren't the cause of the cost over runs. Had the cost overruns at NDSU been similar we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I don't think there will be a $30,000,000 donation or anywhere near that to NDSU from Sanford Health and I doubt Denny Sanford has any interest in NDSU. I understood he was a Gopher fan. . I think Sanford Merit Care will establish a relationship to provide sports medicine support to NDSU athletics. The future relationship with NDSU is because of the location of Merit Care headquarters and I believe the Sanford CEO is related to Pat Simmers who either is or was one of the athletic dept fundraisers. There is some rethinking going on about whether or not to get into bed with NDSU until this mess is cleaned up. Sanford is also having discussions with UND and has picked up sponsorship of the UND Siouxperswing Golf outings this year. The interest in UND is to establish a similar relationship with the Med School they have with USD and possibly facilitate the relationship between the two schools. Sanford uses their Sports Med/Ortho Depts as an effective marketing tool. There is pressure to back off enthusiatic support for NDSU atheltics beyond what they will do for other area schools. The CEO may intervene based on his family relationship. It will not go over well with most MC employees.

Mercil was pissed before the new radio contract.

I would refer you to members of the SBoHE and or Dick Hanson to verify the financials woes I have referred to. I would not depend on a blog to get reliable info and there is nothing I can say that will convince the die hard fan. Best to get the info from those who you won't doubt. My source is a former NDSU student who doesn't disclose any confidential info but knows the details of the problems with Chapman. He was also smart enough to note Chapman's lack of honesty and lack of integrity years ago. I suspect review of the SBoHE meeting minutes might also be helpful. Two former Chancellors, a former interim chancellor and the attorney general of N,Dak. all exposed Chapman for what he was. Too bad no one would pay attention. Would have saved NDSU a lot of embarassment and money.

Nobody can deny that the House at NDSU was grossly over budget. The Chapman's did indeed go overboard but that doesn't minimize the fact that UND was also guilty. There is a good possibility that we wouldn't be having this discussion if things had not become so far out of control but there has been a history of deceit from all corners of the NDUS going as far back as decade. Someone was bound to slip up bad enough to attract attention from the SBoHE. Chapman obviously was arrogant enough to think that this all would go unchecked. Many people refused to believe that the Chapman's would ever do something like this. If you ever walked the campus and saw Joe and talked to him you wouldn't have believed some of the things that were said either. He was a completely different person around the students and donors. Joel Hietkamp was telling everyone he could about Joe's arrogance since day 1 on air. I think denial set in and until this all came to light a lot of people didn't think it was possible.

The Sanford deal has been kept very quiet from both sides. We do know that Sanford Health didn't deny that they were talking to NDSU. I believe within the discussion before of whether T. Denny is involved or Sanford alone was donating it was brought up that T. Denny was talking with the U of Minn about donating $35 million to the new football stadium but then pulled the plug after he couldn't get naming rights. As far as the dollar amount NDSU is looking for Hammersmith mentioned the $8 million already raised while they were trying the first time and Dr. Hanson mentioned that $29 million now had been raised during his interview at Bemidji State. I will agree that $30 million doesn't appear to be what is needed. There was a rumor floating around well before Hanson's interview that the money had already been raised for the BSA but were still working on $4-$5 million to fund the new track and BB/SB facility. How much of that is true we do not know because no one is saying a thing. T. Denny has been very generous with his money and has donated to many schools and charities in the area and it would only make sense for him to try to build a relationship with UND as well. A larger donation to NDSU would in theory make more sense right now since Sanford is trying to win over Fargo since they announced the merger. With the news of a possible donation to the Urban Plains Center as well it does appear that this could indeed be what is happening.

Many of us were well aware of Marcil's attitude before the Radio FM contract. I was trying to state that the radio move didn't help matters by any means. Some started noticing small things not too long after NDSU started fishing around for a new radio contract three years ago.

As far as the financial side goes I have a hard time believing that Hanson wouldn't bring up a $11 million deficit but run to the press about the shortfall. Forgive me if I don't feel that a former student is someone reliable enough. Yes, major red flags were raised about how Chapman was handling NDSU's business and many were in major denial but if a former student has information such as this then I am pretty confident that enough other people who need to know would know also. Something like that would have come to light by now. Dr. Hanson was hoping for the job full time and I have serious doubts that he would try to hide something like this. I would think that Hanson wouldn't want to have been tied to that in anyway just like the shortfall etc. etc.

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Nobody can deny that the House at NDSU was grossly over budget. The Chapman's did indeed go overboard but that doesn't minimize the fact that UND was also guilty. There is a good possibility that we wouldn't be having this discussion if things had not become so far out of control but there has been a history of deceit from all corners of the NDUS going as far back as decade. Someone was bound to slip up bad enough to attract attention from the SBoHE. Chapman obviously was arrogant enough to think that this all would go unchecked. Many people refused to believe that the Chapman's would ever do something like this. If you ever walked the campus and saw Joe and talked to him you wouldn't have believed some of the things that were said either. He was a completely different person around the students and donors. Joel Hietkamp was telling everyone he could about Joe's arrogance since day 1 on air. I think denial set in and until this all came to light a lot of people didn't think it was possible.

The Sanford deal has been kept very quiet from both sides. We do know that Sanford Health didn't deny that they were talking to NDSU. I believe within the discussion before of whether T. Denny is involved or Sanford alone was donating it was brought up that T. Denny was talking with the U of Minn about donating $35 million to the new football stadium but then pulled the plug after he couldn't get naming rights. As far as the dollar amount NDSU is looking for Hammersmith mentioned the $8 million already raised while they were trying the first time and Dr. Hanson mentioned that $29 million now had been raised during his interview at Bemidji State. I will agree that $30 million doesn't appear to be what is needed. There was a rumor floating around well before Hanson's interview that the money had already been raised for the BSA but were still working on $4-$5 million to fund the new track and BB/SB facility. How much of that is true we do not know because no one is saying a thing. T. Denny has been very generous with his money and has donated to many schools and charities in the area and it would only make sense for him to try to build a relationship with UND as well. A larger donation to NDSU would in theory make more sense right now since Sanford is trying to win over Fargo since they announced the merger. With the news of a possible donation to the Urban Plains Center as well it does appear that this could indeed be what is happening.

Many of us were well aware of Marcil's attitude before the Radio FM contract. I was trying to state that the radio move didn't help matters by any means. Some started noticing small things not too long after NDSU started fishing around for a new radio contract three years ago.

As far as the financial side goes I have a hard time believing that Hanson wouldn't bring up a $11 million deficit but run to the press about the shortfall. Forgive me if I don't feel that a former student is someone reliable enough. Yes, major red flags were raised about how Chapman was handling NDSU's business and many were in major denial but if a former student has information such as this then I am pretty confident that enough other people who need to know would know also. Something like that would have come to light by now. Dr. Hanson was hoping for the job full time and I have serious doubts that he would try to hide something like this. I would think that Hanson wouldn't want to have been tied to that in anyway just like the shortfall etc. etc.

I think your comments are pretty good.

The former student hasn't been wrong yet and was aware of the problems with Chapman from day 1. As a former student he or she has no particular bone to pick with NDSU but the information has been right on over the Chapman years. One might figure out her or his position is such that they would be close to the situation all along. As I have suggested check with SBoHE members or Hanson (if he is willing to discuss) about the details of the mess Chapman made. No reason to believe me or my source but my source hasn't been wrong yet. The information I hear isn't confidential.

The Sanford Health Involvement will be Sports Med support for NDSU atheltics and there will likely be a donation for the Urban Plains Center. There will also likely be a nice donation to the addition to the community center in Detroit Lakes, Mn. from Sanford Merit Care in the $100,000 range.

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I think your comments are pretty good.

The former student hasn't been wrong yet and was aware of the problems with Chapman from day 1. As a former student he or she has no particular bone to pick with NDSU but the information has been right on over the Chapman years. One might figure out her or his position is such that they would be close to the situation all along. As I have suggested check with SBoHE members or Hanson (if he is willing to discuss) about the details of the mess Chapman made. No reason to believe me or my source but my source hasn't been wrong yet. The information I hear isn't confidential.

The Sanford Health Involvement will be Sports Med support for NDSU atheltics and there will likely be a donation for the Urban Plains Center. There will also likely be a nice donation to the addition to the community center in Detroit Lakes, Mn. from Sanford Merit Care in the $100,000 range.

And a donation to the BSA remodel. :glare:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Not Guilty on Barry Hall. For the lawyer-types to discuss.

Edit: Are there two investigations? This inquiry came from the auditors office to the AG. The SBoHE hired a former federal prosecutor for their investigation. The AG report only covers Barry, while the SHoHE investigation included four NDSU projects and a UND project.

Edited by GeauxSioux
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  • 2 weeks later...

The circle has been closed.... Probe into NDSU, UND projects finds no intentional law violations

It seems no one did anything wrong. Still, I have a hard time reconciling these two statements....

An investigation into policy violations with university building projects has found that no one knowingly set out to circumvent laws or policies.

One or more NDSU employees believed their jobs were in jeopardy if they didn
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The circle has been closed.... Probe into NDSU, UND projects finds no intentional law violations

It seems no one did anything wrong. Still, I have a hard time reconciling these two statements....

No one knowingly circumvented laws or policies, but their jobs were in jeopardy if they didn't. Is it just that they didn't set out to do it, so it was okay?

I didn't set out to go 60 mph in a 25 mph zone, my passengers made me do it. :)

Still looking for blood? Give it a rest.

Witch hunt's over.

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