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  UND92,96 said:
.... just as there are some Sioux fans on this site that many of us would probably prefer to see go away, there are some on bisonville such as lakesbison who aren't necessarily representative of the average NDSU fan. Of course, I quite possibly would be more in agreement with you if I actually frequented bisonville on a more regular basis. ...

I might be biased, but I'd say the ratio of crazies -- Bisonville vs SiouxSports -- is about 6 to 1, tilting heavily toward the AC. How that relates to the overall fan base is anybody's guess.

As frequently noted here, UND threads continually pop up all over Bisonville. Saw Denny Walacker wearing a Sioux hat this AM as a form of apology for his "joke" about the Sioux; even in the midst of a 500-year flood, still obsessing over a university they refuse to play. :lol:

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  UND-1 said:
As predicted on this forum, Bisonville has started a separate thread to laugh and rejoice after UND got beat in the NCAA Hockey tournament.

We started a thread congratulating them for making the tournament and wishing them good luck and was a positive thread for the most part. I posted in that thread that we will be expecting them to duplicate that for UND since many Bison posters stated that we should be "proud" of their team making it and how they "represent the entire state of ND" (knowing they wouldn't do it). Well, what we got was a 4 page thread about how great it is that UND lost in the tournament. First Class all the way.

You run classy site Tony, we didn't expect anything less. :lol:

It doesn't suprise me. After I went to check that out I saw another forum started to make fun of an article in the Tribune about Coach Jones saying he would like for the UND basketball team to be able to do what ndsu's team did this year. I don't think its a bad thing to try and share similarities with a small school that made the tournament with a very good team. Kind of a compliment to them but do you think bison fans saw it that way? I Could really care less what they think but love the fact that they have to start threads to try and beat down our programs to make themselves feel better about theirs. How many threads do you see on here tearing apart ndsu, go to bisonville and count the threads started in the last week about UND. I don't know why but they just can't let us go and I love it.

  SooToo said:
I might be biased, but I'd say the ratio of crazies -- Bisonville vs SiouxSports -- is about 6 to 1, tilting heavily toward the AC. How that relates to the overall fan base is anybody's guess.

As frequently noted here, UND threads continually pop up all over Bisonville. Saw Denny Walacker wearing a Sioux hat this AM as a form of apology for his "joke" about the Sioux; even in the midst of a 500-year flood, still obsessing over a university they refuse to play. :lol:

I'm just curious--what did Walaker say? Obviously he's already shown he's quite capable of putting his foot in his mouth.

EDIT: Never mind--just saw the Forum article.


Let's try to leave Bisonville on Bisonville. We generally prefer not to see disputes from other forums dragged over here, and Bisonville in particular has historically been welcoming and even encouraging of UND vs. NDSU smack, so if you want to jump into the fray, doing so over there is probably most appropriate.

  The Sicatoka said:
cough-Walaker-cough-cough... :lol:

Mayor Walaker should be focused on about a foot of new snow and a 30 mph NNE wind that's coming.

Whitecaps and levees are not a good mix.

He walks on water here (pun intended), so he's given a pass no matter how many dumb comments he makes.

  Matt said:
He walks on water here (pun intended), so he's given a pass no matter how many dumb comments he makes.

And he's got some really dumb ones lately ...

Wasn't he president of Bison TeamMakers? <punch line here>

  The Sicatoka said:
And he's got some really dumb ones lately ...

Wasn't he president of Bison TeamMakers? <punch line here>

With little sleep for the last 10 days he doesn't come across PC all the time. - Make fun of him all you want but with saving the city 2 times in the last 12 years I'll take him over anything you guys have had in gf.

  Bison Dan said:
With little sleep for the last 10 days he doesn't come across PC all the time. - Make fun of him all you want but with saving the city 2 times in the last 12 years I'll take him over anything you guys have had in gf.

Not wishing the worst on anyone but.............................you aren't "saved" yet.

  Bison Dan said:
With little sleep for the last 10 days he doesn't come across PC all the time. - Make fun of him all you want but with saving the city 2 times in the last 12 years I'll take him over anything you guys have had in gf.

Well Dan, I live in Fargo and I did my fair share of sandbagging and truck driving last week. I'm not real sure on how everything works but when the weather service predicted the river to crest at 42 possibly 43, if it would have crested 4 feet higher like it did in Grand Forks in '97 not even Mike Ditka could've saved it. I don't think it was the mayor of Grand Forks' fault that the river crested higher than the prediction. It involves a lot of hard work, preperation, and a little luck as well. Such as not even hitting 41' this year. I'm counting my blessings this year but beings I lived in Grand Forks in '97 and lost everything, sometimes its not in our control. I hope our Fargo mayor can get this flood plan figured out to build some dikes so I don't have to go through that again.

  Bison Dan said:
With little sleep for the last 10 days he doesn't come across PC all the time. - Make fun of him all you want but with saving the city 2 times in the last 12 years I'll take him over anything you guys have had in gf.

If over the past 12 years he'd have led the city in building flood control like the other major cities on the Red (Winnipeg, Grand Forks) he would be able to sleep at night (and wouldn't be sticking his foot in his mouth). Then again, he was getting sleep when he admitted, the day after the crash, Fargo's negligence regarding lack of street repairs causing the traffic death of a juvenile. (The city attornies had to cringe at that one.)

Denny was talking "second crest" just last week. A lot of wet snow has landed in the southern RRV. I'm guessing he'll get 39+ feet to deal with again. If you're in the RRV: sleep fast while you can.

  The Sicatoka said:
If over the past 12 years he'd have led the city in building flood control like the other major cities on the Red (Winnipeg, Grand Forks) he would be able to sleep at night (and wouldn't be sticking his foot in his mouth). Then again, he was getting sleep when he admitted, the day after the crash, Fargo's negligence regarding lack of street repairs causing the traffic death of a juvenile. (The city attornies had to cringe at that one.)

Denny was talking "second crest" just last week. A lot of wet snow has landed in the southern RRV. I'm guessing he'll get 39+ feet to deal with again. If you're in the RRV: sleep fast while you can.

Let's not imply that there was "leadership" involved in the cases of Winnipeg and Grand Forks. Duff's Ditch was built largely in part to the 1950 flood. The same with the 60-foot dike in GF built reactively to 1997. Unfortunately that seems to be the way it works, $h1t hits the fan and various agencies appropriate money in prevention mode.

  Shawn-O said:
Let's not imply that there was "leadership" involved in the cases of Winnipeg and Grand Forks. Duff's Ditch was built largely in part to the 1950 flood. The same with the 60-foot dike in GF built reactively to 1997. Unfortunately that seems to be the way it works, $h1t hits the fan and various agencies appropriate money in prevention mode.

Agree 100%. In situations like this the appropriate agencies seem to be reactive instead of proactive. Its not a huge suprise that Fargo is fighting this again, maybe a little sooner than most thought but not a suprise knowing the river. This thought that some people have that Grand Forks didn't try in 1997 is rediculous though. If the crest here in Fargo was 4 ft. higher than predicted we would be in the same boat, Mayor Walaker has even said so. Maybe Dan should check this out before making stupid comments like he did.

  Shawn-O said:
Let's not imply that there was "leadership" involved in the cases of Winnipeg and Grand Forks. Duff's Ditch was built largely in part to the 1950 flood. The same with the 60-foot dike in GF built reactively to 1997. Unfortunately that seems to be the way it works, $h1t hits the fan and various agencies appropriate money in prevention mode.

I shouldn't be posting this in a basketball thread, :lol: but politics - and leadership, just as much as money, affects how and when flood prevention is implemented.

To build Duff's Ditch around Winnipeg, there was huge opposition and political problems delayed any action for 12 years after the 1950 flood before any construction even started:

Opponents to 'Duff's Ditch' Silent Now

The push for the floodway followed a horrific inundation in 1950 that put much of Winnipeg under metres of water and forced 100,000 from their homes. Those who survived the flood still remember being evacuated as water swamped city streets. ...

Mr. Roblin's Progressive Conservatives formed a government in 1958 and started planning the massive ditch in the face of criticism from one of the opposition parties and many members of the public.

"We were still in a mindset that people who chose to live along a river ... should cover their own risks," Prof. Thomas said. Mr. Roblin "put his reputation on the line."

Construction of the floodway started in 1962 and was finished on budget in 1968. Since then, it has operated more than 20 times to keep Winnipeg dry, most notably during the so-called "Flood of the Century" in 1997 that turned areas south of the city into a 2,000-square kilometre lake and swamped Grand Forks, N.D.

For some, Mr. Roblin's determination is a lost art in a world where political policy is often shaped by opinion polls.

"He wouldn't make policy just on the basis of some philosophical orientation or the pressures of public opinion," Prof. Thomas said. "He was far more interested in the evidence ... and what was feasible."

For Grand Forks, the original plan was to build a diversion ditch around East Grand Forks (using the natural Red Lake River coulee - the Red Lake used to empty in the Red north of EGF ), and that ran into huge opposition from Minnesota interests. A diversion around GF in North Dakota was just too expensive, so GF's only feasible option was dikes/floodwalls + English coulee diversion. Drawing those floodwall lines became an explosive political minefield that leadership had to walk through. As Cedar Rapids is experiencing, the aftermath of a flood and post-flood planning takes more leadership to maintain citizen repoire than any thing before.

To Walaker's credit, he emphasized flood control even with his mayoral campaign. Actually getting all the parties to agree to any one plan and to buy into a local property tax will be a task greater than the 2009 flood work.

  star2city said:
I shouldn't be posting this in a basketball thread, :lol: but politics - and leadership, just as much as money, affects how and when flood prevention is implemented.

To build Duff's Ditch around Winnipeg, there was huge opposition and political problems delayed any action for 12 years after the 1950 flood before any construction even started:

Opponents to 'Duff's Ditch' Silent Now

For Grand Forks, the original plan was to build a diversion ditch around East Grand Forks (using the natural Red Lake River coulee - the Red Lake used to empty in the Red north of EGF ), and that ran into huge opposition from Minnesota interests. A diversion around GF in North Dakota was just too expensive, so GF's only feasible option was dikes/floodwalls + English coulee diversion. Drawing those floodwall lines became an explosive political minefield that leadership had to walk through. As Cedar Rapids is experiencing, the aftermath of a flood and post-flood planning takes more leadership to maintain citizen repoire than any thing before.

To Walaker's credit, he emphasized flood control even with his mayoral campaign. Actually getting all the parties to agree to any one plan and to buy into a local property tax will be a task greater than the 2009 flood work.

Very well said. If you saw his press conference on Sunday, he talked alot about the amount of money it would cost and getting the federal and state government to help. Just wait until he starts moving neighborhoods, golf courses, businesses,etc. Thats when the fight begins and leadership becomes a word that means something. The problems in Fargo, especially with them successfully (?) holding the water back, are only beginning. We'll see his leadership skills when that fight starts.


How easy it is to make assumptions when you already have a negative view of the target.

"Should there have been more done since '97?'' said Rob Lynsch, a former Fargo city commissioner. "Absolutely. More should have been done. We need to get on with this once and for all.''

That is not to say nothing was done in Fargo. In fact, more than $41 million was spent in Fargo alone to add permanent dikes, purchase and remove 100 homes from flood-prone neighbourhoods, and move sewer pumping stations away from low- lying areas near the river.


There are grander plans on the drawing board for the Fargo-Moorhead area. These include a $165-million program of diking, retention and diversion in the southern parts of the cities, and a glorious $2-billion diversion project that would mirror Winnipeg's floodway.

Unfortunately, the state and local governments have not made progress on these larger projects, leaving Fargo extremely vulnerable in this spring of record river levels.


"We've tried to do as much as we can on our own, but we've been told to get in line behind other communities we were told were of greater need,'' Walaker said. "We were told we were not one of those communities.''


The most important word Hoeven used was "communities,'' as in many different communities all with competing interests. The Fargo-Moorehead area involves as many as 10 different administrative authorities: four urban centres, two counties, two states and two federal jurisdictions.


Patrick Zavoral, city administrator for Fargo, said the state governments have insisted that there be complete consensus on any plan that moves forward for shared funding. That provision, Zavoral noted, has meant it is virtually impossible for any comprehensive plan to go forward.

And because Fargo did not suffer the disaster seen in Grand Forks, there has been less federal money and influence to push the various parties toward consensus, he added.

"It seems that if you suffer a catastrophic event, you get a top-down solution and lots of federal help,'' Zavoral said. "When you're trying to do it in a logical, pre-emptive process, you get no help from above. The problem is, I'm not sure we can afford to wait much longer for everyone to get on the same page.''


Yes, it's obvious that it's all that evil, UND-hating Walaker's fault, and that he and Fargo and those stupid Bisons should have easily funded a $2 billion project completely on their own without state or federal help and do it while leading everyone in a rousing chorus of "Happy Days Are Here Again".

I know that very few of you have that attitude, but a few of you do, and it makes me sick. In a horrible sort of way, GF had it easy after 97. With their homes and businesses already destroyed by the flood waters, it was comparatively easy for the city to buy the properties from the owners to create the greenways and other space for dikes and floodwalls. In Fargo, the vast majority of the properties needed to do the same were still in great condition and the owners were reluctant to sell. Just use eminent domain, you say? Well, that's a mighty big stick to be swinging around and communities and voters start getting real nervous when dozens or hundreds(or thousands?) of separate cases of ED are talked about(and not the Bob Dole kind). Each property could result in a separate commission vote with a separate possible court case. That's one hell of a marathon to take on, especially with luke-warm support(at best) from the state and federal governments. Why don't we just ask for free energy and world peace while we're at it?

Maybe this is just the cabin fever talking, but some of the passive-aggressive pot-shots taken at Fargo and Walaker have just been getting on my nerves. Between that, the news media trying to make people think Fargo is already half-destroyed and facing total collapse, and the DoHS trying to force an evacuation just so it looks like they're doing something, I've been a bit pissy the last couple days.

On a less confrontational note, I think Walaker might be the perfect type of guy to push flood control through in Fargo. I think we all can agree that he will never be a successful politician at any level higher than mayor of Fargo. Can you see him trying to run for governor or US Congress? Other than the unintentional humor factor, I can't see any reason for him to even consider it. But on the local level, he's got a huge amount of clout right now to work with. I could see him being willing to force through a major flood control project even if he knew for a fact that it was complete and total political suicide. Heck, I think he's even said that he doesn't plan to run for reelection more than once(if that), and I believe him. Every once in a while, you get exactly the right person in the right place at the right time. I think we're in that situation right now.

Now... How in the world did a thread about the Big Dance end up here? And really in just one page? That's some major drift going on.

  Hammersmith said:
How easy it is to make assumptions when you already have a negative view of the target.

Yes, it's obvious that it's all that evil, UND-hating Walaker's fault, and that he and Fargo and those stupid Bisons should have easily funded a $2 billion project completely on their own without state or federal help and do it while leading everyone in a rousing chorus of "Happy Days Are Here Again".

I know that very few of you have that attitude, but a few of you do, and it makes me sick. In a horrible sort of way, GF had it easy after 97. With their homes and businesses already destroyed by the flood waters, it was comparatively easy for the city to buy the properties from the owners to create the greenways and other space for dikes and floodwalls. In Fargo, the vast majority of the properties needed to do the same were still in great condition and the owners were reluctant to sell.


Please reread the posts, instead of placing your own emotions and preconceived notions to what was written. No one took pot-shots at Walaker or was ever advocating that Fargo would need to self-fund the project. Yeah, GF had it easy. :lol:

  Hammersmith said:
In a horrible sort of way, GF had it easy after 97. With their homes and businesses already destroyed by the flood waters, it was comparatively easy for the city to buy the properties from the owners to create the greenways and other space for dikes and floodwalls.

Ask the folks who had houses in the Lincoln Drive area if it was easy to give up their houses. There were folks on both sides of the river that wanted to rebuild but couldn't. They had to make way for a plan that would ultimately make the two cities safer. How about pouring everything you have into a business that never reopens? Easy, I don't think so. :lol:

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