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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Didn't take long for the Nodak'ers to realize that it was a 'poor' name, so now let's add Fighting to make it seem less (I want to say fugly, but let's go with) lame. Nodaks alone is a less than insipiring name, so if, God forbid, Nodak does get the nod, by all means, let's add Fighting as soon as we can. Sorry about the negative and derisive post, but imho Nodaks is absolutely the worst option left. I would much rather see any of the other names win.
  2. Seriously? You haven't seen the Nod!cks references? As for logos - besides the interlocking letters and the hick farmer portrayed in the Forum, does not seem that there are a lot of options for Nodaks logos ... Maybe a lightbulb guy holding an electric shock. Not it advocating it, but I am advocating it... Turn someone like Bennett Brien or someone with his talent loose and confident they can come up with something. That said, the Cedar Rapids Rough Ridets horse head has some wonderful possibilities, as does the Roosevelt profile. Turn Mr Brien loose and see what he can do with those.
  3. Have friends that are Michigan grads. They do not follow hockey at all. Only the major sports - football and basketball. Same with the Notre Dame grads we know.
  4. Freudian slip? it does sound ridiculous, if you are honest with yourself. Nodak is ok for an electric co-op or a hardware store, but just doesn't feel right as an athletic team nickname.
  5. No matter how bad you think Sundogs is, it is infinitely better than Nodaks.
  6. I finally gave up on the web stream when the score was 31 - 22. Checked the score when I shut down eversport and UND was behind 37 - 31 with just under 5 minutes in the game. Must have been half a quarter behind or more.
  7. who was that economics prof back in the 70's who assigned the book "How to lie with statistics"? all I remember is "everybody want Cadillac". (70's are a really foggy memory)
  8. there it is ... money the NCAA craves sold-out venues. I dont support Roughriders, or even Hawks, or <gulp> North Stars or Sundogs or even (heaven forbid) Nodaks because what the NCAA might do or not do, it's just because no nickname or the next best/worse solution of Nodaks just does not make sense to me.
  9. Wyoming? Watch for Bohl to pull out all his tricks to get this guy, if only to take him away from UND. is there a reasonable reason why Nevermann was not allowed to play for UND other than the vindictive retributuion Bohl felt he could inflict on UND by denying an athlete the opportunity to play starting with game #2?
  10. Before you say it, yes I understand UND is the host
  11. One guess one guess could be that ASU sees themselves as more similar to the B1G schools than a conference made up of a Big Sky, a couple MAC, a couple Summit, a couple Northern Sun and a D-III schools. The rust belt residents would probably enjoy a trip to Arizona during the winter, so may travel better to Tempe than to Madison. That, plus, it will be much easier to win in the B1G than in the NCHC. (see Penn State). :)
  12. Wentz's uncle can probably enlighten us more, but UND did not have a chance at Carson Wentz. His brother played baseball at NDSU and it seemed that he was always headed there. Don't know (again deferring to family) if Wentz had offers from B1G or Big 12 schools, but didn't seem like UND was ever really in the conversation, Muss or not.
  13. Wow! Pull up the ESPN FCS standings page and who is the first team you see? The #1 team in the Big Sky Conference, that's who... NORTH DAKOTA! Did not think that would happen so soon after Mussman's departure. Congratulations Sioux football, coaches and players.
  14. An original Roughrider next to a Nokota horse... (not sure about the saguaro cactus in the background though. betcha didn't notice that ) Picture is from the Nokota Conservancy.
  15. picture quality was good, but froze up a couple of times. Audio kept going. Was on the golf course - 3G.
  16. not an app, but just went to the eversport.tv website thru safari and was able to watch on my phone.
  17. The Rough Riders were a diverse bunch of men consisting of cowboys, gold or mining prospectors, hunters, gamblers, Native Americans and college boys. They were not all white guys.
  18. I don't understand why one of the art classes hasn't had a logo design assignment. Doesn't UND have an Art and Design Department?
  19. Not an expert by any stretch of one's imagination, but... Wasn't this the knock on Brock Jensen at NDSU his first couple of years? The Bison won in spite of him? Seems that he (and the team around him, led by a stout defense) was able to win games and learn as he was doing. Not saying Studsrud will develop the same way, but that it seems like he is on that type of track. The last two wins have not been pretty by some measures, but NDSU won their share of games ugly in Jensen's early years too. if Mollberg and Bartels are not healthy, it seems that it would not be a smart move to put them in to games that rely on qb runs as much as Rudolph's play calling does. Not that it is an exciting game plan, but it does require the qb be able to gain yards on the ground. Is this a result of Studsrud's ability or is it the predetermined mind-set of the head coach and offensive coordinator?
  20. If UND joined the Summit, they would be the 5th football school in the conference. Would there be a possibility of the Summit picking up a 6th football school and forming their own football conference? (As an example, a move-up Minnesota State?) Highly doubtful. The MVFC has not given UND the time of day as far as becoming a football home for UND, so really feel that the Summit is not a good place for UND. Fan interest will come as the Big Sky rivalries have a few years to develop. When I was in school, there was no desire to join the Mid-Con conference or whatever it might have been called back then - the Big Sky was the D-I conference that was desired. Now, on the other hand (and not really relevant to this conversation), why are there only a couple of schools west of the Mississippi in the Missouri Valley Conference. Last I heard, the Missouri River did not flow through Illinois or Indiana. i think (and it's only the opinion of one fan) that the flagship research schools of the northern tier are a good fit. The affiliation with Montana, Montana State, Idaho, Idaho State would be an awesome conference if joined by North Dakota State, South Dakota State, South Dakota and Wyoming. 9 teams is a nice number for a football conference and what a regional footprint it would be. If you wanted more Olympic sports teams, get Omaha, Denver and Seattle to make a 12 team basketball conference. You would really have something! However, Wyoming leaving the MWC is as likely as UNI leaving the Missouri Valley, so won't happen, at least in my lifetime. on another note, what did Fullerton say yesterday?
  21. Valiant effort, Kirk. It actually lasted a few pages before the same people with the same arguments took over. ;)
  22. Now Oklahoma Sooners, Nebraska Cornhuskers, Ohio State Buckeyes, Iowa Hawkeyes, Kansas Jayhawks, Tennessee Volunteers, North Carolina Tar Heels, Indiana Hoosiers, UMass Minutemen... need I go on? Don't have a problem with them. Not repeating the state names ... or tribal names. (well, Hawkeyes is an exception there, isn't it?)
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