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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. #1. Roughriders. Feels strong and is a name that would be a unique D-I moniker. #2. Nokotas. For the North Dakota only/Nodaks crowd. Also a combination of the state name that is unique and would actually lend itsel to a good logo.
  2. So-o-o-o. Maybe Jones will get the job at Wisconsin Green Bay. ;-)
  3. Hatton Flyers - a tribute to Carl Ben Eielson. UND grad and Alaskan aviation pioneer. First to fly over the North Pole. Flyers would also be a nod to the small town schools that are being swallowed up in consolidations like North Prairie.
  4. Sure... They would want to leave the solid, stable conference they were founding members of to join the revolving door now known as the Summit. ;-) If UND were to replace someone like Youngstown, that would put 5 Summit Teams in the MVFC. The MVC schools do not want to share control of the football conference with their "weak sister", the Summit League. On the other hand, if there were 5 Summit teams in one conference, it would only take one more (UNC?) to form a Summit Football League. Can you say NCC 2.0?. Again, something the MVC members of the MVFC do not want, since it would leave only of half their teams. So, despite Herd's assertion that UND would be able to get an invite to the MVFC, there are indeed obstacles to overcome.
  5. How many syllables in Fighting Sioux? Same as Rough Riders?
  6. I must have missed it... When did UND get an invite to the MVFC/Summit league?
  7. Y'all need to grasp that this is a story in the FARGO Forum using someone from Northern Arizona University as the consulting expert. Cannot believe it has ANY traction anywhere outside this fan forum.
  8. Living in southeast Arizona, my insight to what the committee is thinking comes mostly from this forum. That said, I think I remember reading a few years ago that Roughriders was getting support from several different directions. It is, after all, one of the state nicknames and makes sense in the Jayhawks, Sooners, Tar Heels type of reference. If it is an animal, would expect Nokotas to be a front runner. In all deference to the variety of names proposed in other threads, I do not expect a name with ethnic ties to be selected (i.e. Norse), nor, in this politically correct world for it to be 'Fighting' anything, and especially not the Big Cocks. If it is not the Roughriders, which despite SiouxPhan27 and Fetch's complaints is one of the best names to rally around, then a guess would be for it to be a color or weather phenomena (Blizzard, Storm, etc).
  9. Oh come on! Where are your facts that support Jones? Maybe that he is such a good coach that he has had to turn down offers from other schools so he could stay at UND for 9 years? You are just playing the Devils advocate here and haven't backed up your arguments with anything concrete that Jones has done. Meanwhile, there have been multiple posters that have given facts of Jones' records, tenure, player attitudes, on court selfishness...
  10. Are you sure that it isn't referring to Bizun fans being the biggest dicks in the country?
  11. Yep! We need a Hail Mary Home Run Hole in One 24 point Shoot Out conversion!
  12. So, y'all are sarin' that Jones is so bad he will not be picked up by another program (reducing UND's cost in buying out his contract). That should be the first clue that he shouldn't be coaching a D-I program with aspirations to become a relevant/winning program.
  13. Eielson was from Hatton ... They used to be the Flyers. I know Dayton uses Flyers, but it would be a tip of the cap to the aviation program, a distinguished pool of alumni and the history of Class B schools that have been absorbed into co-ops. Another thought -not Brave, The Brave. I understand that some posters on this board are really pushing for no name, but really do not think that is a realistic possibility.
  14. Kelly's position on no nickname:
  15. OK, MSUM is D II. So here is a pretty impressive statistic from the article...
  16. Ramping up for that end of season run?
  17. Looks like you would then get your wish... 'cause 3rd, 2nd, then 10th to the top over the next 2 years and a trip to the dance would probably get Jones an offer to a higher school. A disclaimer - not a Jones fan, but willing to look at the bb record objectively
  18. Either would be huge, but I'd have to go with knocking off the 4 time National Champions if there could only be one.
  19. That was not a quote of something Spear said, it was the reporter from CdA referring to three of the more local teams.
  20. You know, JohnBoy probably has a point. Just like NDSU's argument against playing UND, there is no upside for an FBS team to play NDSU. On top of that, those teams paid NDSU to get beat.
  21. Are you sure that UND would not have been invited to the Big Sky and would have ended up in the Summit? We do not know what behind the scenes conference negotiations were being held. Doesn't Sioux Volley have a history of saying that UND would be invited to the Big Sky for years before it actually became public knowledge? Side note- conferences are set more by Presidents than ADs, so we also are not sure that Faison was the main force behind BSC affiliation.
  22. Unfortunately, for Jones, UND is a hockey first, football second and basketball (at least) third school, and maybe even fourth behind women's bb. While places like Montana and NDSU are football first schools, at least basketball is the number 1 winter sport. If you put yourself in Faison's place, what is the end result? Jones will get to finish out his contract and maybe even get an extension if he can finish well enough to make the BSC tournament this year and top half of the league next year. While fans may not think Jones should stay (and I am not saying he should), the AD probably is satisfied that UND is getting the best bang for the buck in a lower profile sport at the school. Maybe what UND really needs is a new AD that wants to showcase more than just hockey, with a little football on the side. I don't mean promoting one of the coaches to AD, but go out and get an AD from a successful multi-sport school.
  23. mostly joking, but not sure. he claimed to have inside knowledge of 2 FBS transfers and that Georges and Arrington were the ones he knew about. claimed that he knew about Arrington before UA Birmingham disbanded their program. not sure he actually claimed to know anything about high school recruits.
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