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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. What's right from my point of view is to select the best available nickname since Fighting Sioux has been retired. No nickname, Nodaks or North Dakota is not the right choice, in my humble opinion. Roughriders is the best choice, again in my humble opinion. And the argument that the Roughriders regiment was not within the borders of North Dakota does not matter to me. Nokotas, Wolves or Cavalry would also be good choices. Again, just my opinion. Not that my opinion matters to Kelly or the committee. I understand your opinion is different. The one thing we can (all?) agree on ... no nickname will be as good as the Fighting Sioux name, but that just goes without saying.
  2. Yes, I also have no problem with North Dakota Wild Nokotas or even North Dakota Charging Nokotas. Would you prefer North Dakota Nodaks?
  3. So, how many Spartans were from Michigan? How many Trojans from Southern California? For that matter, I thought the 'Rebs' were from the Confederacy, not Las Vegas, Nevada. How many Seminoles are there in Fl... oops, my the NCAA's bad. It does go with the state's marketing program, and is like the Tennessee Volunteers, the Oklahoma Sooners, the Kansas Jayhawks... Need I go on? 1. Roughriders 2. (Charging) Nokotas 3. (Grey) Wolves 4. Cavalry
  4. fyp... As in Robert Kelly. ?
  5. Maybe you'd prefer Bison Ball Busters?
  6. OK, cute little weasel, but why, if UND goes with a rodent, not just go back to Flickertails?
  7. Nice logo, but doesn't look like an Ermine to me.
  8. Same can be said for Roughriders.
  9. Probably not. Definitely no recognizable D-I schools. Maybe chess teams or debate teams. ?
  10. For those who: A) Say having no nickname will be unique B) Say a nickname is required Here is a list from smargon.net/nicknames
  11. and that is your "take" on the situation. Why are you so adamant that UND remains nameless?
  12. and I ask the question: is remaining nameless what the student athletes want or what a bunch of old farts want?
  13. "They filed for arbitration" ... The NCAA threatened to put UND on the 'naughty list' "Without request for payment" ... Without pursuing sanctions against UND while the legislated cooling off period is underway "Neglected to respond" ... UND has not yet adopted a new nickname A bad attorney or not, the point is that you claim the NCAA cannot sanction UND because it has not yet sanctioned UND. My point is that there is not a time limit on when they decide to impose their side of the agreement that was signed by North Dakota's Attorney General, even though it was signed years ago. I am not saying the NCAA will definitely put UND on the sanction list, but that the NCAA has reserved the option to do it if they feel UND has not complied with the agreement that has already been signed (such as my arbitration clause). The NCAA may be allowing the state law to run its course rather than challenge the legislative action while they have bigger problems on their plate. It's anyone's guess if they will or won't exercise punitive measures if the status quo continues indefinitely. You may be an attorney and more familiar with this type of agreement and the position of the NCAA but I will stay at a Holiday Inn Express next week, so I'll know more soon. ?
  14. Without getting too specific, a former employer let an issue remain unenforced for 3 years, then filed for an arbitration. 2 years after the arbitration hearing, without a request for payment or any other notification, they went to court for a judgement (by this time, 5 years have expired). The judgement will remain on my record for 5 more years, even though it is now closed. It appears that a party can indeed sit on their rights, and wait several years to seek enforcement of a ruling (contract).
  15. As much as I detest Longie's position, this is exactly why UND had to drop the Sioux nickname. The whiners will never stop as long as UND athletic teams are referred to, even in a non-official way, as the Sioux. (and probably will continue after a new nickname is chosen)
  16. So, where does the increased cost of travel due to being Big Sky conference members show up?
  17. I admit to being totally uninformed on this subject and have questions... Big Sky schools are planning to offer 18 Full Cost of Attendance stipends to each gender men and women? UND will offer the same - 18 stipends? If UND allocates all these stipends on the men's side to hockey, it seems that UND will be behind not only the other Dakota schools, but also the Big Sky schools in the other men's sports -football and mbb, who will be able to offer the stipends to athletes in the other sports that UND will be ignoring with these stipends? Am I missing something here?
  18. OK, here's another perspective... Sine there has been NO NICKNAME there have been NO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. Maybe change is needed.
  19. Another question for the no nickname proponents... how do current, and especially prospective, student athletes feel about this? Other than preferring to stay Fighting Sioux, do current student athletes prefer to not have a nickname? Do prospective recruits prefer no nickname? Or is it old fans who are afraid of/resistant to change?
  20. So, by your scenario, why drop Fighting Sioux in the first place? How can the NCAA prove harm if the Sioux name is retained?
  21. So, not picking a new nickname, staying just "North Dakota" is a way of giving the NCAA the finger? Taking your ball and going home? Student athletes like to have an identity, whether it's Sioux, Bison, Gophers, whatever. Part of what was so great about the Sioux name was that it inspired all of us with a unique and powerful identity that will likely not be regained. My guess, and it is only a guess, is that no nickname is not really the preference of most of the people, just most of the more vocal people on this board. My other guess, and again only a guess, is that people are more concerned that the new nickname will not inspire and rally people - athletes, fans, etc. The committee is in a tough position, no matter what they choose, the majority will not like it, because there will not be a clear majority in favor of any name other than Sioux. Best of luck to them.
  22. And open them when UND has a long kick going with that 'breeze'.
  23. Reminds me of the Burt Reynolds movie "The Longest Yard" back in the '70s ... Mean Machine. ?
  24. Even though I submitted Roughriders and Nokotas, I am surprised that Cavalry and Wolves got no traction, and that Pony Express got no support when suggested several months ago.
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