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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Y'all are applying 21st century political correctness to this process (as you are with some of the quotes attributed to TR). Wild game trophy hunting was not considered to be a negative circa 1900. Political correctness is what got us into this mess in the first place, and now you are aligning with the PC crowd in your arguments. Edit: if you deer hunt for that trophy buck, you aren't trying to get the tasty meat, those big guys are not tasty.
  2. The apathy/disillusionment rate concerns me. Which of the names will lose the most support? Either by apathy or being disenfranchised by their favorite name already being eliminated or just being tired of the drawn out process. I wonder if that is part of the strategy to get F'Hawks to come out on top. If the poll on this forum is an indication, there may only be half the votes cast as there was in the first round. If that is the case, if enough supporters of any of the 3 remaining names stay the course, it may very well win the 50% required to be the next nickname this round. The comforting thought about this is that Roughriders has polled the best here, so hoping that translates into more apathy in the Nodaks and F'Hawks camps and allows this stupid process to end this week with the selection of Roughriders as the new UND nickname. Go 'Ridas!
  3. I am begging you... Please do not do that. agree that this is a mess, but don't compound the problem and allow Kelly's manipulation to change what the runoff candidates should be, based on the result based on the original vote
  4. They're educators... They gotta grade on the curve.
  5. While I am on your side wanting Roughriders, I tend to agree with these posters that you are teetering on the edge of pissing them off. Ask the Nodak voters to join us, but your real target should be the North Stars and Sundog people. They are the ones whose favorite candidate lost and have the swing votes going forward. If you can get, let's say, 75% of them to vote Roughriders and swing some Nodak'ers, that should put 'ridas ahead of Hawks. Just my my two cents.
  6. if his concentration and/or performance is being impacted by his personal situation, maybe a leave of absence should be considered. (Good) Personnel and play calling need full attention.
  7. something seriously wrong if this is true.
  8. Was there a Sioux, Cherokee, Arikara, Hidatsa, Mandan, or any other tribal chief named "Fighting Hawk"? it may not be as politically correct as people are assuming.
  9. start with the horse head and color in the mane...
  10. Or Vs. Vs. Yes, I know only the interlocked ND is owned by UND but the others can be modified.
  11. off by a little, thought Roughriders would maintain the lead over Fighting Hawks this round, but looks like the tenor of the prediction may be spot in on.
  12. Stupid question, 'cause I don't know the answer... When end the defense is stacking against the run, is Rudolph's offensive scheme so rigid that the quarterback is not allowed to call an audible? Shouldn't the quarterback recognize the defense and change the play at the line of scrimmage?
  13. the Roughriders at San Juan Hill included Native Americans. btw, how does that fit with Roosevelt's supposed racism? edit... Also, I didn't know about this one - the siege of Santiago!
  14. bump I thought the thread title was a clever play on words about the offensive play calling being offensive, as in the op was offended by the lack of imagination being used. Seems to be a reasonable extrapolation of his intent. The play calling has been too predictable and needs a change of pace... First down plunge into the middle of the line, second down off tackle or sweep, third down desperation pass leads to fourth down punt unless you shake things up.
  15. Last day of the vote and Nodaks is making a push on the exit poll on SS. Is that a reflection a surge in the official tally? doubt that either North Stars or even Sundogs actually come out as low and also think there will be more support for Fighting Hawks outside this forum. Will it be enough to displace Nodaks or Roughriders? My guess is that this forum would tend to be more aligned with the hockey team's wishes , or any of the athletes for that matter, than the other 75,000 or so people eligible to vote. Are any of the names strong enough among the casual fan or even the interested alumni to get them to actually take the time to make sure they can vote? Since the email addresses in the UND.edu domain are the automatic votes, the preferences of the students and faculty will play a larger part in the final tally. With the students, it sounds like they are leaning toward Fighting Hawks iirc, while I expect that the faculty may be more Sundog supporters than most of the public. Many alumni out of the area will more than likely not be following the debate closely enough to have heard the hockey team references or the discussions about the dozens of other _____ Hawk names and other reasons covered on the forum. The alumni who are hockey supporters more than other sports may be more likely to vote than the general casual fan, but they may prefer the North Stars name, especially those in the cities. The Roughrider reference as the state nickname, even if it's unofficial, will have more support from the out of region alumni, the question is, will they vote? so, predicting an upset ... Fighting Hawks will sneak into second place ahead of Nodaks, Sundogs may hit double digits, but barely. North Stars will also pick up support, but not enough. Run-off between Fighting Hawks and Roughriders. In the end, the Hawks pick up the anti-Roughrider vote and the new name you hear will be University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux Hawks. btw- voted Roughriders have made no secret of my dislike for Nodaks
  16. Didn't take long for the Nodak'ers to realize that it was a 'poor' name, so now let's add Fighting to make it seem less (I want to say fugly, but let's go with) lame. Nodaks alone is a less than insipiring name, so if, God forbid, Nodak does get the nod, by all means, let's add Fighting as soon as we can. Sorry about the negative and derisive post, but imho Nodaks is absolutely the worst option left. I would much rather see any of the other names win.
  17. Seriously? You haven't seen the Nod!cks references? As for logos - besides the interlocking letters and the hick farmer portrayed in the Forum, does not seem that there are a lot of options for Nodaks logos ... Maybe a lightbulb guy holding an electric shock. Not it advocating it, but I am advocating it... Turn someone like Bennett Brien or someone with his talent loose and confident they can come up with something. That said, the Cedar Rapids Rough Ridets horse head has some wonderful possibilities, as does the Roosevelt profile. Turn Mr Brien loose and see what he can do with those.
  18. Have friends that are Michigan grads. They do not follow hockey at all. Only the major sports - football and basketball. Same with the Notre Dame grads we know.
  19. Freudian slip? it does sound ridiculous, if you are honest with yourself. Nodak is ok for an electric co-op or a hardware store, but just doesn't feel right as an athletic team nickname.
  20. No matter how bad you think Sundogs is, it is infinitely better than Nodaks.
  21. I finally gave up on the web stream when the score was 31 - 22. Checked the score when I shut down eversport and UND was behind 37 - 31 with just under 5 minutes in the game. Must have been half a quarter behind or more.
  22. who was that economics prof back in the 70's who assigned the book "How to lie with statistics"? all I remember is "everybody want Cadillac". (70's are a really foggy memory)
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