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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Who knows. If he is indeed guilty of what he is being accused of, I don't want him on the team. I don't think many NDSU fans would. Even if he was provoked, or had a good reason, he still should realize that he is an exceptionally talented football player on a national championship caliber team. I'll let the courts figure that out, if this dude punched him first, then I feel like Mr. Beck has at least a reason to pound on him. I dont know how many minors he has gotten, I don't think that minors are a big deal, I am the same age as him. Fun fact, kids drink nowadays just like they did when posters on here were young. Kids run. I ran when I got a minor, I was just lucky enough to not get charged with fleeing or resisting. I believe he ended up getting that charge dropped.
  2. Quite the common area for people to congregate when it is time to catch a cab home. At least thats where we usually agree to meet if some of us head up to Rooter's or something.
  3. Yeah.....sorry bro but thats not going to happen. They got better things to worry about.
  4. Someone is still sour grapes about it. Pardon me for using the wrong word. It'd be best if you'd get over it. Rick just implied that Bohl and Taylor don't have a policy on violence when I believe that they do. If Mr. Beck did what he is being accused of doing, I imagine he has played his last down as a Bison.
  5. I believe they said the voter stuff was different from crimes of violent, drug-related, or sexual nature.
  6. He's toast. I really don't care about the minors....but aggravated assault...unacceptable.
  7. Jeez, go on vacation for a week and come back to some siouxsports infighting about dads and stuff. Goodness gracious.
  8. Gameday at the FFD is a holiday. SDSU games are particularly fun. Come check out what kind of gameday experience a quality FCS program is capable of putting on.
  9. Tough to be the flagship when the school an hour away is the same size and is very similar academically. You can say "UND is THE flagship" all you want, it doesn't make it so. I don't think we have 7/11 's here.
  10. Thats cute that you are stuck in the 1950's when UND was a flagship.
  11. basketball has a ton of games. B1G is also one of if not the best conference. I doubt they'd incorporate it in basketball. If they look at (gasp for darell) RPI, I'm sure they'll still grab local teams. I don't think this will work out bad for the B1G, because it should boost their strength of schedule. The bad MAC teams are still better than the bad MVFC and Big Sky teams that they are currently scheduling. It probably really cant hurt the top programs. They will all have to pay these MAC teams more than the FCS teams they have been scheduling...since now the smaller schools at least hold some of the cards. I do think it will not benefit the bad B1G schools like Minnesota, Indiana, lllinois, etc. because they are likely to get another occasional L on their already pretty sad football existence B1G team, currently, still has a shot at the 4-team playoff. A two-loss team from the B1G is going to have trouble justifying the two losses unless that loss came against another top-10 team.
  12. I think he meant teh hockies players who actually played in teh league in the US where the canucks play, not the nazi guy.
  13. Glad you are content being compared with a school who has had something like 4 playoff games in their history. No. No one honestly believes that. If they do though, they'd be in an extreme minority. App State caught Michigan off guard. It was awesome. Oregon also beat Michigan by 30 the following week. I don't know why anyone would have thought leading up to that Montana game that UND couldn't win. Montana was garbage last year.
  14. A.) I have yet to meet a fellow 'SU fan who actually thinks NDSU would beat Alabama. B.) Sagarin and RPI are both fun to look at. I like Sagarin's football stuff a lot. Seems to do an OK job comparing the two different levels of football. I would say doubtful because UND's defense was awful. Truly awful. Colorado State wasn't good by any means but UND didn't win a single game against a team that was better than them. Mind filling everyone in on UND's record vs. FBS teams?
  15. Using Darrell logic. NDSU beat YSU by about 50. YSU beat Pittsburgh handily. Pittsburgh had to really blow it against Notre Dame in 3OT. Notre Dame lost to 'Bama by 28. Using Darrell Logic. NDSU beats Alabama in a relatively noncompetitive game. SDSU beat Boise. Do you think that UND would only lose by 5 to Boise now or? Don't you mean you like the idea of choking on the "big stage" every year in front of a couple thousand fans?
  16. Sorry to hear that your friends aren't making big money then. Why some people would ever rag on NDSU for being an agricultural school is beyond me. Farmers can make a pretty penny. Mind giving us a history lesson on when/why the NDAC lost regional accreditation? Answer: 1937. Why? Governor purging the staff for not giving federal funds to the state.
  17. Idk, I would like to see them get hit over the head with the book.
  18. I'm still not entirely sure it still exists.
  19. The only problem with the NDSU football program is that it has 100 or so kids who are exceptionally gifted athletes who are a big deal and they know it. Some of them are not going to be very smart. Some of them are going to think that because they are talented they can get away with stuff. Tell me more about what NDSU has or has not done regarding Lakes. Honestly, he makes some questionable decisions to say the least. How much of that stuff does NDSU know/care about? Oh my Gosh. Not the team banquet. Gosh....that really showed them!
  20. I think most folks would say they had suffered enough if they had just gotten the hours of work done. These folks didn't.
  21. Once again, why would Bohl be involved with young men who finished their eligibility, he kicked off, or quit the team? Do you think that Muss is still involved with every UND player who has graduated, he kicked off, or who quit the team? How many players do you want every Bison fan to care about? I see DJ around from time to time, should I have went up to him and said, "Yo Deej, got your community service hours done bruh?" I'm all for second chances. These guys had their second chance, and they blew it.
  22. Honestly, Boyd didn't really play anyway. These 4 are total idiots. If the court lets you off pretty easy, you do what they tell you to do.
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