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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. I imagine plenty of kids who were raised being casual UND fans are now NDSU fans simply because NDSU has been very good. I imagine plenty of casual fans switched allegiances especially if they like football. Hardcore fans....I can't imagine any becoming NDSU fans.
  2. I dont think anyone is happy about the fact NDSU was forced to settle for Ferris State. The difference between this and some other teams who have scheduled D-II, is that we had a bigtime OOC game set up..this was a last resort.
  3. On the bright side, new FCS playoff rules allow it to be a counter. Though I will have trouble staying through this game in its entirety.
  4. You mind expanding on that? Charges dropped. More and more people seem to understand he didn't deserve to be charged in the first place.
  5. Washington..had a lot of trouble with EWU a year or two ago. Washington was 7-6 last season. UCLA...was actually pretty good last year. Who really knows about them I suppose. Oregon is a very very good football team.
  6. Sam Houston's coach said NDSU had the best defense they played last year...including A&M(pretty solid D) and Baylor(no D at all).
  7. PAC 12 isn't all that good of a conference. It has USC, Oregon, and Stanford. Could NDSU beat the other teams? I think so. Could NDSU do that for a whole season with 63 scholarships...no I do not think so.
  8. They don't teach us anything about the Canadian game here, allowing fighting just makes it more of a circus than it already is....and I know nothing about tractors, only time I ever drove one I damn near broke it.
  9. I bet he'd be fine with his kid looking up to whichever hockies player it was who suckerpunched the Minnesota player in the postgame line.
  10. from what I have heard about Lakes in real life, he is apparently a pretty cool dude. Just gets a little carried away on the message boards. Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't be surprised either way, and to be honest I won't be up in arms regardless of what they decide to do.
  11. The guy who started it should be the individual you are going to complain about. Beck just so happened to be the individual targeted. If Beck wasn't on the football team at NDSU,you would not be saying this. You'd probably say well done on throwing down on someone who was asking for it repeatedly.
  12. video shows him apparently having second thoughts or something, he appears to try to leave the area when these guys "herd" him back in as someone stated earlier.
  13. Could be people he was drinking with had caught a ride home already or lived on the opposite side of town. Maybe he was just waiting for a cap, God knows it is a nightmare to get a cab home if you decide to stay til bar close. Definitely couldn't have hurt to have some friends with.
  14. Thanks for clarifying that detail. It seems like most people have came to an agreement that he shouldn't be charged now. Wouldn't be surprised one way or the other. From what I have heard he is a pretty quiet guy. I have never talked to him though so I can't vouch for that or anything.
  15. Everyone in Fargo gets community service for minors. Also, if I recall, his first resisting was just for running away from a party or something like that. Hell, I ran from the cops when I got a minor and didn't get in any extra trouble for that....literally within a month of Travis. So if Beck has second thoughts or wants to go elsewhere and tries to leave, and is essentially prevented from doing so. At some point he has the right to defend himself.
  16. Slap a 2 game suspension on this max and go get our 3-Peat.
  17. If Beck is found guilty, I doubt he will be playing this season.
  18. While I agree it looks bad, and in my opinion, I won't be surprised if he was in the wrong, it is really hard to stay calm, cool, and collected in any situation when drunk....which I imagine he was. I mean...there has been a time or two when I have been 21 where I have almost ran from house parties because I forget the fact that I am doing nothing wrong. LIke I stated above, I imagine it would be an odd situation. You just KO'ed a dude......even if he really deserved it, I imagine it would not be a fun situation to be a part of, I'd probably panic and try to get away as well. Some of it may even come down to generational gaps.....my dad's idea of police and mine are extremely different because of how the police handle things now vs. the 80's.. Once again, I will not say Mr. Beck had a good reason to do what he did or not...I just really don't know enough....I don't think many people do at this point. He is in a sticky spot though and I do not envy what he is dealing with at all. If he is innocent, then I'd like to see plenty of articles talking about how he simply defended himself, it really isn't fair if he is innocent that his name is getting pulled through the mud, but if he is guilty, no pity for him at all.
  19. Beck said he hit the guy til he went down. If that is the case, it really doesn't matter if the dude was unconscious. Now if the guy went down and Beck continued to pummel him, then I think you'd have a point.
  20. No one has said Beck didn't hit the guy. If he guy hit beck first, then Beck is entitled to fight back...not saying he should have or shouldn't have.
  21. The video evidence that apparently is out there will show what did or did not happen.
  22. You are upset that a young man may in fact not be guilty of a felony? Is there something wrong with having your rights defended? Umm....yeah, he is a two-year starter and a pretty good one at that. His backup, regardless of who it is, does not have nearly the experience Beck does.
  23. I agree, even in the bad Bohl seasons, the Bison were in those games and were at least in position to maybe win....and he had recently proven he could put together teams that were more than capable of winning. Mussman has provided UND fans with mediocrity.
  24. Well, I'd hope for his sake the video shows the other guy came at him, in which case, that gentleman is an idiot for wanting to go at it with an NDSU linebacker. And yes, I wish he'd just walked away, unless that wasn't an option, which without knowing details I can't imagine it was NOT an option. Just talked to a kid who was downtown the other night this took place. He said he saw a circle of people similar to a 1980's movie high school fight. He didn't see what was going on, for all he knew he said it could have been something completely unrelated. If this was a fair fight between two dumb drunks, I'd have to feel at least a little bad for Mr. Beck, not his fault he is a tough son of a gun in that case
  25. If Mr. Jensen played in an offense where his job was to win games with his arm who knows....I personally don't see him as that guy but thats ok. Nothing wrong with recruiting other positions well enough to the point that the QB only has to make sure to be a quality player. Are we going to talk smack about the recent Alabama QB's whose job it was to hand the ball off and occasionally throw some play-action because they didn't throw the ball around the yard? It cannot be stated enough that the Big Sky is an offensively driven league. UND struggled bigtime against the two or three good teams they played in Big Sky play....depends on your definition of better FCS QB's I suppose. This is not me trolling btw.
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