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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. But they are in the same media market, so they might as well be in the same town. And I believe some Climax-Fisher people were whining about GFC using Knights back when that issue was being sorted out. And I am so glad when GFC just ignored them and did what was right for the school and it's boosters. That is what I want UND stakeholders to do. It's the best example I can come up with; if anyone else has something better, please do share it.
  2. Honestly, I am sick and tired of outsiders telling us what they approve or disapprove of. Screw that. This is about what is good for UND, now and in the future. Keep it up buddy, you are actually making a good case for Roughriders with your constant harping on "GFRR had it first, so we can't use it". If this is the only strike against Roughriders, that makes it look really good compared to the strikes against the other two finalists (Nodaks and Fighting Hawks). The DS ad was good, but your unintentional advertising is even bettter! Keep it up!!!
  3. Hey, don't cloud all this speculation with facts!
  4. Nobody else in the NCAA has Roughriders. Unless we are planning on scheduling GFRR in something, I don't think it matters if both schools use it at the same time. Climax-Fisher didn't implode because G.F. Central decided to use Knights in the mid 1990's and neither will GFRR.
  5. I didn't like how Fox Sports was cheerleading for the Mets.
  6. Screw the NL and screw their obsession with the past. Mets were O-VER-RAT-ED and the Royals proved it.
  7. Hey, isn't that MY job on here?
  8. NFL PATs have become much tougher since they moved them back. But they still are pretty close to automatic at the college level.
  9. What Hakstol is or isn't doing is not relevant to this program anyway. And it's a long season.
  10. It's been going on for years. Some people think "America the Beautiful" is easier to sing and sounds better. I honestly don't think anything is broken, so why fix it? It is highly unlikely to ever happen anyway.
  11. And I forgot to add, they were going to eliminate the majority vote requirement in the 2nd round and allow the winner to be selected with a plurality (33%+1) of the vote. Why they ever thought that was a good idea, I'll never know. But it also fits into my theory that it would help Fighting Hawks win without having to beat out Roughriders or Nodaks one-on-one, which I have some doubts it could do.
  12. I think the 2002-03 team started out with a pretty soft schedule. And they made the NCAA tournament after a one season absence.
  13. Careful, you'll be branded a conspiracy theorist by jdub27.
  14. I never said anything about the 116 vote margin being "made up". I said it provides a convenient justification to allow three votes to advance instead of two. It is simply INEXCUSABLE to change the voting criteria after the fact. I don't care what Kelley's "point of view" is on this; you simply don't do that. I have zero sympathy for the President because when you change the rules in the middle of the game, you are just asking for speculation on why you did what you did. It adds to the distrust our fans and stakeholders have for this entire process since it started. And, for the record, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am not a 9/11 "truther", I don't think the moon landing was staged in the desert and I don't think FDR knew about Pearl Harbor before it happened. I do think the Warren Report on JFK's assassination is full of holes, but I am far from the only person in the world that believes that. But when something smells fishy, it probably is rotten fish that someone forgot to put in the fridge or freezer. You are WAY too trusting of "The Authorities" in almost every situation. And Kelley has earned nothing less than the total mistrust of the UND family with how this whole nickname selection process has been (mis)managed. If it looks like a duck and smells like a duck, then it probably IS a duck. Not a fistful of roses.
  15. Please tell me where I am wrong in thinking this? It all makes sense. Why else would President Kelley allow three names to advance when the rules clearly said only two names would advance? And that whole 112 vote margin excuse was just that....an excuse, a cover story. The only reason we are having a third vote (if needed) is that people voiced their outrage and there was too much of it to ignore. Please share with us what you think really happened if I am so wrong; you seem to think you have all the answers to everything anyway.
  16. So the Fighting Hawks crowd is using some good old fashioned false advertising to get people to vote for their choice? Nice, really nice. Play to people's emotions over losing the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo and promote an image that will most certainly not serve as the logo for the Fighting Hawks. This makes it look even more like Fighting Hawks was the "fair-haired boy" of UND's Administration and the reason why Nodaks was allowed to advance despite finishing 3rd.
  17. There is a movement to replace "The Star Spangled Banner" with "America the Beautiful" as the new national anthem. I am 100% against that.
  18. How do you know they wouldn't mess that up too? It looked like those refs were working a different game than the one we were all watching. The officiating in this league SUCKS and it won't get better with people giving the refs alibis when they mess up the most elementary of calls. Remember what happened in Greeley about three years ago? Was that just the "human element" at work too? Either these guys step up and eliminate the stupid mistakes or they should be replaced. Period. End of story.
  19. Amen. I am sick and tired of the "human element" being used as an alibi anytime a referee screws up a call. PATs should fall into the "a caveman could do it" category.
  20. Screw the polls, they don't mean squat.
  21. Just voted Roughriders for a second time. Roll Riders!!!
  22. Can't argue with this.
  23. Let's also remember that having a 5th year senior quit the team because he lost his starting job to a freshman doesn't help either. Chris Brown showed his true colors when he did that. He won't be missed on senior day, that's for sure.
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