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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. I loved this concept. Mainly because there is far less striping on the jersey and socks. Seriously...I can't stop looking at this concept and thinking how awesome it would be to see the players wear these as I am sitting in the stands wearing the same one!!
  2. I was referrring to those that are Champion Club members who don't have season hockey tickets or that want to purchase more.
  3. Right. That is what I was thinking. I assume if we climch they will go on sale next week sometime. Anyone remember hearing if Champions club gets first crack or do they all get relased at the same time?
  4. Anyone know when quarterfinal NCHC series tickets go on sale? Do they wait until the week before or when we are gauranteed home ice?
  5. What if their happened to be an "accident" where someone turned the heat up and the ice melted mysteriously!!
  6. Maryland has a big M logo much like Michigan and Minnesota, but they found a way to coexist in the same conference!! Notre Dame wanted in the NCHC. But the NCHC didn't want to give them all the power and give in to all their demands. Similar logos had nothing to do with it. Not sure where you heard that!!
  7. How similar is the offence/defense/etc compared to what Kleiman runs at NDSU? You would think they would have similar run teams since Keiman was under Bohl for so long. Anyone notice similarities from last year? If so, the Wyoming game would deffinitely help us prepare for the Bison 2 weeks later.
  8. I too had no idea who this guys was till today. Guy doesn't eben know how to talk smack?!! He says "Might be time to start a new conference." So I assume he is ripping on UND and other NCHC schools for breaking away from the WCHA/CCHA. Hey moron, wouldn't have had to happen if the BTHC wasn't formed!! The ignorance is stron with this one!!
  9. I am not saying that it went down drastically. That is why I used the term "less and less". You can't deny that less Sioux apparel is being sold at stores. Even the Sioux Shop. So as a result, they are coming out with new "North Dakota " merchandise. I myself have bought just "North Dakota" gear in the last year. I know I am not the only one. Obviosly hockey is going to have the most Sioux gear because their former jerseys displayed the logo more prominitely than any other sport. But you have to admit that there are more of the new North Dakota jerseys than there were the previous years. I was at the basketball game on Saturday and I would say that it was 60/40 in regards to Sioux/just north dakota apparel. I am not trying to get in a big argument about the numbers, but to say that people are not slowly transitioning away from wearing Sioux apparel at games is just wrong.
  10. Remember when we lost to the worst team in the league at home? That is why there is frustration with this team and the head coach. Sure you can say they are righ where they are predicted to be (9th), but a loss like the one we saw on Saturday is one that can turn the fanbase. Much like the back to back thumpings in football we had in 2013 from the Montana schools. So while I still think Jones is a good coach and a great recruiter, the low attendance, frustration by fans, and losing the majority of home games (especially winneable ones) may be too much to overcome for Jones. That being said, I think Jones will still be here next year. Deffinitely agree that it will be his make or break year. Finish in the Top 3 of the Big Sky and make it to the Tournament Championship game, then sign him on. Have another season like this year, and it would be pretty hard to defend extending his contract.
  11. If you want an example of people movig on, go to a UND sporting event. You are seeing less and less Sioux gear. What percentage of the crowd yells "Sioux" at the end of the anthem? My point is there are people that realize that UND will never be the Fighting Sioux anymore and have moved on. Yes, I am the first one to say how dissapointed I am that UND will no longer be known as the Fighing Sioux. But there are people like you that want to hold on to something that needs to be let go. Not comparing losing the name to a death in the family, but there is a process that is similar. Sure we all want the name to still be around. Its sucks given the circumstances of how we lost it. But you need to face the fact that UND will be selecting a new name and logo. Merchandise will be sold with the new name/logo on it. People at games will be wearing new jerseys and chamting a new name. You can still remember and hang on to all your Fighting Sioux apparel. Heck, even wear it to games. But the majority of the crowd will be supporting the University and they will be doing so by wearing new apparel with the new name and logo and chanting the new name when cheering on the teams.
  12. I am sure this has been stated on the thread (but I don't really want to scroll back 67 pages) but what is Jones current contract through? I know he got an extendion but for how many years?
  13. Sorry to dumb this down, but the money was to be used for academic scholorships. NDSU and others used it for athletic scholorships. So not sure how anyone can defend NDSU and others with their actions here.
  14. YOu will lose your money if you think that is true. Sure Kelley has to officially sign off on the new name. But he will jnot act alone and just pick a name. Not gonna happen.
  15. I stand corrected. This may be the dumbest thing I have heard!! Are you implying that his injury was based on the shoes he was wearing? Come on!!! I get it that shoes give you different type of support, but for him to imply that a certain type of shoe had a direct impact on his injuries is a pretty lazy excuse.
  16. Probably one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time. Does De Rouen have any personal examples of how he has been injured in Adidas shoes? Or is there any studies out there that show adidas shoes cause more injuires than Nike or any other brand? The guy should learn how to not turn the ball over and comit so many dumb fouls instead of worrinying about the shoes he wears!!
  17. How bout the 1972 Summit Series games against the Canadians where JP Parise threatened to wack the ref with his stick!! I had heard about it but never saw the actual clip!! Wow!!
  18. As long as NBC has a deal with Notre Dame, the NCHC has no interest in adding them. Simple as that.
  19. Wait, so was Jones successfull because he finished in the top 3 of the Big Sky his first 2 years and made post season tournaments the last 4 years, or did his teams struggle because of the nickname issue?!
  20. Puting a #4 seed in a regional 10 miles away from their home rink is more unfair IMO than having the #1 seed host that has earned home ice with their play the entire season.
  21. NCAA always loos at the money. It is kind of unfortunate that Notre Dame is out of the playoff picture. The two host schools (one playing at their hiome arena and the other 70 miles away) would both be sold out and the other two would be half full. If the NCAA cares about money like I think they do, they will switch back to host schools.
  22. Do we reaaly want our mascot to be an old wooden ship?!!
  23. The last time UND men's basketball won a regular season conference title was 1995. Yep, that is 20 years ago. Glas did take a couple teams to the playoffs in the early 200's with Beasley and company. But men's basketball really has not been relevant since the early 90's. So comparing Jones 9 years to the previous 9 years are more than likely going to give you similar numbers. Not looking at the numbers, but I would probably saw Glas had a better record. Of course that is kind of irrelevant based on the competition both teams played.
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