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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Anyone who wantes to take the survey, you can do it online here. https://und.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_0jhb4eGxd7pRXmZ
  2. Anyone who did not recieve an email to take the survey, you can do it online here: https://und.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_0jhb4eGxd7pRXmZ
  3. Do you really think that Air force personnel at the GFAFB are going to offended by the name Warriors? I get the PC police are bat s%@t crazy. But that is a little rediculous!!
  4. Yes!!! Someone else is on my Warrior bandwagon!! Does not have to reference Native Americans so the NCAA PC police won't be on our backs. Can be a tribute to all men and women who have fought fot this country. And specifically our frends from our locan Air bases in the state (one of which is just up the road)! The Warriors of North Dakota!! Jump on everyone!!
  5. http://www.inforum.com/content/why-are-students-passing-bison-football-games-ndsu-wants-know
  6. Can we have a guy with a flaming skull head lead the team out on the field? that would be pretty sweet!
  7. Notre Dame the school is a big deal. Nortre Dame the hockey team is nothing special. A couple conference titles, a handful of playoff appearences, and a frozen four under their belt in decades of existence. In the eyes of college hockey, they are nobodys.
  8. He's right. No speculation. Settlement states UND needs to select a new nickname. The NCAA made sure that was in the agreement knowing that no nickname would result in the perpetual use of the old nickname.
  9. On the survey, people were asked to rate who should have a say in selecting a new name. What I really hope they do is take the consideration of all interested parites. Students, alumni, faculty, etc. I think what everyone would want to have as an option would be for their to be a list of say 20 names that everyone gets to vote on. And then narrow that down a few more times till there is a clear "favorite" that a potential committee would decide to adopt. We all can agree we don't want Kelley or a sMALL commitee naking the decision without any imput. I would think the results of the survey would show that people want a say in deciding the name.
  10. Who is offended? Anyone doesn't want to just be known as just the University of North Dakota. Which is more than you think. Of course we all wish the Fighting Sioux name could live on forever. Well that is not going to happen. Any name chosen will obviously not be as good as the Fighting Sioux. But it is time to move on and select a new name that will honorable and that fans can get behind.
  11. The NCHC wanted Notre Dame. There is no doubt about that. But the TV deal they were demanding was too lopsided towards benifiting just one school so the NCHC passed. Was St. Cloud the second option, of course. But it doesn't meant that they never wanted them. I would take St. Cloud over any of the remaining WCHA or CCHA schools.
  12. And when did Notre Dame finally become relevant??....what 2004?? Notre Dame is relevant in name only when it comes to hockey. As far as hockey tradition and success, they are about at the same level as St. Cloud.
  13. Warriors. And that doesn't have to mean native american warriors. But all warriors who have fought in battle. What a great way to honor all the former, current, and future "warriors" in our US military!! If you think the NCAA would have an isue with it, they can explain what I just said as who it is honoring. Then let's see the NCAA come up with a "no people related mascot" policy!!
  14. I found it interesting while taking the survey that the words "If the University were to select a new nickname" was used often.
  15. The GOBC is in charge of sending out the surveys. Only GOBC approved fans,alumni, season ticket holders will be asked to participate!
  16. Survey says....... http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/und-nickname-task-force-emails-surveys
  17. Our offense struggles with all our weapons. It has struggled even more without. Unless Studsrud has a breakout game, I don't see that changing this week. Our defense has had its moments, good and bad. I think the D will keep us in the game, but nt enough to win. NAU - 27 UND - 10
  18. No kidding. Winning 52 of the last 55 games, 5 straight against FBS teams, 3 straight FCS titles.....then you lose 1 game and drop to #4 in the polls!! Sorry Bison fans if we and every other FCS college football fan don't show you any sympathy!!
  19. The bright spot out of all this is this team had great depth. And we have seen it this year looking at the scoring chart. Guys will need to step up even more now with these injuries. It will make them better and when the guys do come back, the team will be that much better. Just trying to put a silver lining on the whole ordeal!!
  20. Did he play the 3rd period of Saturday's game? I don't remember seeing him leave with an injury. Hopfully just something minor he suffered in practice.
  21. I see your point as far as strength of schedule goes. But, put the shoe on the other foot for a second. What if Coastal Carolina was ranked #1 before this weekend and NDSU was #2. And let's say they lost a game by 20 points. If the polls came out Monday and Coastal Carolina was still #1 and the Bison were still #2 and they were still undefeated, do you think that there would be a little bit of an uproar from Bison fans?? Simply put, if a team is undefeated this late in the season, and they are the only undefeated team left, they are going to be #1.
  22. Their actions showed their stupidity. These essays proved it!!!
  23. Well, according to the Supreme Court of the United States, it is NOT a poll tax. And it does not violate the constitution of the United States. So while you can have your opinion, the law of the land proves you wrong.
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