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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. That would be one heck of a Regional!! However, I would love to see the Gophers miss out on the NCAA's!!
  2. How bad is the Big 10 this year!! There will only be 1 team in the tournament most likely!! The WCHA right now would have 3! Who would have predicted that!!
  3. He talks about respect. But he only refers to respect as giving them money. How did Florida State earn the Seminole Tribes respect? By paying them money. they certainly don't respect them by dressing up a white student and having him throw spears in the ground all while dressed up in native american clothing and then leading the crowd in a tomohawk chant. At UND, sure there were examples in the past and even today about innapropriate behavior regarding the Sioux name. But those behaviours are strongly discouraged by UND administration. UND has for years shown respect to native american people and their culture, specifically the Sioux tribe. Did UND pay them a percentage of merchandise sales, not that I am aware of. But respecting someone means more than just paying them with money. He goes on to say "Did UND offer the Sioux people anything other than "respect," such as financial or educational stipends or stipulations? I am not aware of any." Not sure if this guy is aware that UND offers the most native american programs than any other University in the country. He must not have heard of the INMED ir INLAW programs?! Respect is something that should be earned, not bought.
  4. Stumbling distance from both the arena and the Matress Factory!! Nice work!
  5. Women's hockey, basball....DONE!!!
  6. It is an opinion, but can dispute anything he said?
  7. Tom Dennis puts hit the nail squarly on the head with this opinion article. Couldn't agree with more with what he said. http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/our-opinion/3658663-our-opinion-nickname-key-whats-best-und
  8. I would think that the Sioux Shop would be able to get around a possibble violation by always saying "If a UND player scores a hat trick, all hats are 33% off" as opposed to "Since (player) scored a hat trick, hats are 33% off." Which they did. That's so dumb. It's not like O'Donnell would get a percentage of the sales on hat that night!! Not surprising I guess!!
  9. So who starts at QB if Braxton Miller transfers to UND?!!!
  10. Yes. I agree. Not sure why you have to come over to a UND fan site to tell us that. We all know this. Do we wish UND would get that type of exposure, yes. We get it. Congrats. What more do you want from us?!!
  11. I get what you are doing. You are coming on here bragging about how many people watched the Bison play. Implying but not actually saying it was because NDSU football is such a bil deal, millions tune in to watch them. And at the same time riping college hockey because you have no vested interest in it. I think its awesome that 1..2 million people watched an FCS playoff game. Shows that FCS football is popular and I am glad my team plays at that level. So why your insults and arrogance were suttle, they are still there to pick up on. And hey, thanks for coming over here to let every know!!
  12. No, it shows more people watch college football on TV than college hockey. And you are giving NDSU way too much credit for why people tuned in. You think 1.5 million people woke up Saturday morning and said "Gee, I better make sure I turn on the NDSU Coastal Carolina quarterfinal football game at 11:00 am." Football is more popular than hockey, thus more people watch it.
  13. This proves football is more popular in this country than football. Thanks for the news flash!!
  14. Does it make you feel good to come on a UND sports website to pump your chest about how good your schools teams are and how bad you think our teams are? I never understood the point of people like you doing that. I get it when you want to have a good discussion about sports. Maybe during the week when we play each other you can brag a little bit about the last time they played or how they played in the most recent game involving both schools. But to come on here and rip on the team that the mojority of people on this site cheer for is just dumb. YOu wonder why you get wso much flack about your comments. You have a great football program that you should be damn proud of. I hope UND can someday reach the type of accomplishments they have achieved. there. I said it. Do you feel better? You have made your point. Now go back to Bisonville or another rival message board you like to brag on and we will talk to you in September. Until then, Good ridence!!
  15. This is precisely the reason a new name must be slected. If you don't think the NCAA would do such a thing than you are kidding yourselves. Imagine UND football making the playoffs in football and bidding on a home game and the NCAA coming in and saying that they can't host because they have not lived up to the settlement agreement. What if the college hockey playoffs go to host schools again and UND is not allowed to host and has to go on the road as a #1 seed. SOme people will say, "oh that will never happen". Really? And we never thought the NCAA would come in and force schools to drop their nicknames. It's the NCAA, anything can happen!!
  16. Unfortunately having just "North Dakota" will not be on any ballot that you get to vote for. You see, the ballot will be to select a new nickname, not to not have one. The University is not going to go with no nickname. Opens the door for too many issues down the road. I am a supporter of the Fighting Sioux name and was sad to see it go. But I let it go. Moving on without a name is not letting it go.
  17. Does UND have to have a nickname, that is a grey area and can be debated. Does UND want to not have a nickname, There is no debate. The answer is no. UND is going to choose a new nickname. Yeah it sucks. Yeah its not going to be as good as Fighting Sioux. But that is reality.
  18. More like in touch with reality. The sooner you realize that, the better.
  19. The NCAA was OK with the "cooling off period" because UND did what they requested, drop the native American name. I don't think the NCAA really thinks that UND will be known just as "North Dakota". How dumb would it be to not have a nickname? No other college/university in the country does that. YOu can call it unique, but I call it stupid.
  20. Hayduke and maybe a handful of others have refered to FCS as JV. So by saying "you guys" you are referring to a very very very small percentage of people on here. Alos, We don't have "Bison envy" Do we wqnt to win conference titles, make the pplayoffs, and win a National Championship? Sure. Just like every other school in the FCS. Not "Bison envy" just wanting to win.
  21. Couldn't agree more! Same can be said for the state legislatures in Bismarck coming up with a bill to delay the nickname selection process. Those who want to delay the process or just stick with "North Dakota" only are those that just can't get over the fact the name is not coming back and it never will. I guess the "Nickname at all costs" crowd is now the "No nickname, we don't need one, if we don't have one we can be unofficially be known asthe Fighting Sioux" crowd!!
  22. I threw out a question on this thread....How many NCAA schools currently have no nickname? It your answer is 1, than you are correct. Now why do schools need nicknames for their athletic teams? If it is not important, why don't you see schools dropping their nuckname and just go as "Michigan" or "Notre Dame."? Sure those schools have name recognition and branding on just the name of the school itself, but the chose to pick a nickname and still have it today? Now why is that? Answer that question and you will realize why a nickname is important to a University/College.
  23. People always seem to forget that little nugget about these two legendary coaches! Red hasn't won a title in 17 years and has missed the tournament the last 2! I wonder how many posts are on the "Fire Red" thread on the Michigan fan site?!
  24. I am fine for taking the appropriate time to select a name. But don't pass legislation that handcuffs the entire process until a date in 2017.
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