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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I can't believe I had to go this far for someone to steal my thinking on that song. Already way to sick of it after the NHL playoffs.
  2. Apparently the B1G added lacrosse today. They already had the most sponsored sports and now up to 28. Seemed inevitable with the addition on Maryland. Even more surprising they grabbed Johns Hopkins as an affiliate is what I hear. Which this conference doesn't do. I haven't read any articles on this, so is Hopkins going to get in on the sharing of research? And did I hear correctly on the radio that umtc is close to adding as sport?
  3. Which brings up the next issue, unfair advantage of some teams always getting to host and more or less play at home. Needs to have a limit like once every 6 years.
  4. If you didn't read or watch the vb recap, the ladies had a very good spring. Taking games from the likes of Minnesota, Iowa State, and Northern Iowa. one of the games we won we had I believe all freshman on the floor. I'm guessing the other programs tend to do the same, but these tend to be ranked teams so some very nice wins.
  5. I forget the name, but the Wichita State player is transferring to UNO.
  6. Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but you should read the end of the post you replied to. The B1G is already changing the divisions and the names because of the new additions.
  7. I thought it was better than last year for attendance, but I didn't get a good look at the upper part. I was surprised at how few vendors were giving out food. Was there at noon and only 5 or 6 were which was strange because the list put out by und athletics had probably double that.
  8. Had some very nice runs. Also thought he looked bigger. Has some thickness to him.
  9. Brekke can score inside. Has a great knack for it even if it isn't pretty. I believe last year he was leading all of D1 in shooting %. Makes the best out of few opportunities. This year the injuries really held him back.
  10. undsports.com article on the practice had them as having hamstring issues. I didn't think Miller practiced either because of the same reason. Shaugaby (too lazy to look up spelling) did and it sounded like he had some nice runs.
  11. And I don't think we need to add a scorer on the inside. We don't pass to those guys anyway. But can he move to set screens and then get back down low for board?
  12. Moved to Friday. They hope.
  13. I was hoping they would. I have to be out of town that day. I saw some pics where a lot of shoveling happened today. Sounds like they got half the field done in 2 hours. They can start on my roof next!
  14. Keep in mind that Syracuse will be playing on west coast with a 10 eastern start time. Probably tougher to start earlier than normal than late. Also Minnesota is actually favored over higher seeded ucla.
  15. It is quite a disgrace on ncaa part that regional and frozen four go to same school.
  16. I don't think he is there yet. But he made a big jump from Soph to Jr year. He's much more disciplined on D and uses his size to alter shots without wildly swinging arms. Started to take a few jumpers and he has a decent shot. One thing I like is his ball handling for a guy his size and he can run the floor. Lots to work on for d1 though. Needs to get stronger. Compare him to another east sider and Brekke would destroy him offensively down low (I'm guessing they've gone against each other???) Warmack needs to play more physical on the boards and offensively. I like the D a lot more this year, but I'd like to see him start jumping and blocking shots. Needs to continue to develop his outside game.
  17. And wisco penn st tonight on direct tv fsn-w which i think is 669.
  18. Are you sure, bc they switched to midco during the remodel.
  19. Remind anyone of that championship game in Columbus? We outwork and outplay, but they get the bounces that go in the net.
  20. so I'm watching quinnipiac game during intermission. First goal should not have counted. But to my main point. I don't think our game tonight is in true HD, bc I'm having a tough time finding the puck and seeing the goals. In the QU game the quality is way better. Keep in mind both of these are on NBCSN.
  21. seeing twitter pics that the red river kids are racist??? some are wearing kkk hoods with their whit garb. can confirm gfhockey?
  22. Or the new conference could've not added clown and we wouldn't have had to worry about it.
  23. What's better between 16 or 14? 14 leaves all division for fb with two rivals from other division. 16 leaves one extra rivalry from other division. But it can't be a coincidence that B1G has been talking upping their conference games. What works better for bball? I would think you want to do home and home with division while playing each non-division once. Too many with 16? How they make divisions will be the interesting bit. The new guard will want to be paired with old, but old will also want old.
  24. Lights might be an issue, but I really think video and scoreboard could be hung on each side with the rafter beams that are there. I don't think it would be in way of cameras either.
  25. There was no chatter about it before, and now here we are rightfully ripping the administration for it. And great point about the suspension shining light on the choke job. I didn't even know about the comment either until this happened.
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