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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. I see on Twitter you are defending WH. That is fine and you should do that. But at least address the issue why so many think it should be on the list of sports to cut. Has nothing to do with "liking or not liking" it. UND is in a budget crunch and has too many sports. They need to cut and one sport that brings in zero revenue also has by far the biggest budget of that low revenue group.
  2. That's fine. But, why then did he make them do their Dog and Pony show to save their program? All of that was a complete waste of time and embarrassing for the coaches if he had this grand plan.
  3. I see Schloss was on twitter singing the praises of the Women's Hockey team this weekend. Peculiar timing. BTW, they lost both games to Wisconsin but maybe they are "getting closer to turning the corner" and the game one loss was " something they can build on".
  4. Ran a 10.87 in the 100 meters last spring. He can move.
  5. Most boring period of hockey ever. UND did nothing all period.
  6. Sounds like you need a break. Go ahead, we will be OK.
  7. Failed miserably? Oh no. Go read Volleys quote again. It was an attempt at consolation. Like it's OK we lost on the road. Lower the bar.
  8. No. That we should be happy UND only plays them once this year and UND "would have won at home". That is what we have resigned ourselves to be excited about. Also, your comment about UNDs being "about equal" to Montana. We came within 6 of the mighty Griz.
  9. I can see entering the ball to Shanks to get the play going, he can pass. But no he should not be shooting. Maybe have a play setup away from the ball that he would look to? IDK.
  10. This. Muss said some things about the Herald guys during his time there and on way out. A really, really bad head coach.
  11. The combined record of the teams UND has beaten thus far in Big Sky play is 17-49. This game would be a huge step in showing they are a contender.
  12. A player doesn't know what its like to play for a good, competent coach until they actually experience it. Ask the last couple classes of UND football players.
  13. The best part of Bisonville is Tony. After all the lies and BS he lets go on there, he repeatedly states this: "Standards of ethics are universal" and tells all that a member (only UND fans) must post their sources after making a statement or they will "get banned".
  14. Now Zales is closing in the Columbia Mall. That place is in trouble. Was in there a few nights ago and I would guess there were 20-25 people TOTAL moving around in the corridors.
  15. But they aren't supposed to win these games, remember? Wright State and North Florida are above UND, as is every OOC opponent. It's all about conference play.
  16. Have to remember a lot of those primo seats are probably businesses. If they don't have anybody going then they might not renew. Or they are part of a Champions Club tier where they have to buy football, also?
  17. "Hey everybody, we tied the Gophers!!!"
  18. As soon as they drive in deep under the basket to win a game I will give them their due. Until then they are 0fer. Funny how the last possession is a bit different with 4 guys clogging the lane. Crandall shot an erratic, falling down air ball.
  19. I cannot believe Crandall drove WAY too deep again in his game winning attempt. IIRC, Hooker did it three times last year and air balled or missed them all. Just once can they pull up and shoot from 5-10 feet? Maddening.
  20. Just saw that. Hundreds of open seats in season ticket holder area. 204-206.
  21. UND1983


    SFI guys are doing a live chat at 1:30.
  22. Seem my little emoticon at the end? Yeesh.
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