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Everything posted by runaroundsioux

  1. What caused the change from SmokeytheCat to werewolfoflondon? I missed that.
  2. Let's agree to retire the term "natty". Perhaps "NC" would be more appropriate. Or maybe "Holy Grail"?
  3. Nothing wrong with thinking big,come out west and take a look at where all this money's coming from and see what effect it's having out here before you start spending it on performing arts centers in Grand Forks.
  4. The NCHC realized that UND has to be at the Frozen Faceoff. I think these possible changes are designed to make sure that happens. They realize if CC would have knocked us off, it would have been a disaster. Call it the North Dakota rule.
  5. About 500.
  6. The Cessna 150 was the standard for years,two seater,cheap to operate,easy to fly. Since they haven't made any for 37 years there aren't that many being used for training anymore. The 172 has taken its place. UND has switched to 172's after using Piper Warriors for many years. I learned in a 150,going to a 172 I thought I was in an F-15.
  7. Pilot here. The big thing in flight lessons is getting an instructor that you can start and finish with. If you have to change instructors during your flight training it adds to the time required for completion. You should be able to complete your training and get your ticket with around 40 hrs. of flying time. It all depends on your personal time schedule. If you are able to make the time to get it done, it will save you alot of remedial hours. This is where having the same instructor pertains also, as you don't have to spend time proving your capability each time you change instructors. I would recommend going to the nearest location. Time and weather are the two biggest factors affecting flight training. Like everything, cheapest isn't always better. The difference in wet and dry seems about right,actually the wet looks pretty good,depends on the plane. A Cessna 172 burns appx. 8 gals. an hour, with $5.00 avgas that's $40.00 an hour right there. The main thing is meet the instructors,see what they have for planes and go with the one that your comfortable with. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.
  8. I think they all were alive when they played in college. (Sorry,couldn't resist.)
  9. No big names.Not the usual expectations. Small senior class? Good question.
  10. These overtimes are raising hell with my circadian rythm.
  11. It's Kelly green.
  12. Those two are as big of a reason we got as far as we did as much or more as our draft picks. #lunchpail
  13. So you're a 32 year old "good ol' boy" who makes $100,000+ a year? And a big donor? I'll bet Faison has you on speed dial.
  14. Bodie is a senior.
  15. Is the sky still blue in the world you live in?
  16. That just made the plane ride home tomorrow alot more tolerable. Thank you Union. Justice has been served.
  17. At Cocos in Philly a total stranger bought us a beer. Philly people are nice.
  18. Just landed in Philly, big Sioux Yeah Yeah shout on touchdown. Gopher fans onboard not amused.
  19. At MSP airport waiting for plane to Philly. Lots of Sioux and Gopher fans. Could get ugly.
  20. You have to have something before you can lose it.
  21. The Alumni Assoc. website now says McFaddens, Citizens Bank Way. Which is in the Phillies ball park, a short walk to the Wells Fargo Center. Awesome!
  22. This must happen, I'll be in club so I don't think I can launch one from there. Maybe should happen before start of game rather than after goal to get the boys fired up right away.
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