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Everything posted by MoSiouxFan

  1. MoSiouxFan

    2016 Season

    Always good to hear reports like this.
  2. Great. Not many coaches like Bubba Schweigert around anymore, IMO. Puts a lot of stress on character and doing things the right way. Not surprising that he's turned our program around in such a short period of time. Hope it works out for Mikey to come.
  3. That WOULD be an excellent "get."
  4. I see that we still need a home game for next season. It's getting kind of late, so I hope there are still some good options available.
  5. Go figure!! OTHER than that.
  6. Just wondering out loud, but if it's him and he's TT's best db, I'm wondering why he'd transfer, no. 1, and no. 2, why he'd transfer to an FCS school.
  7. MoSiouxFan

    2016 Season

    Good call! Hope there are more hidden gems to "out" this fall!
  8. I agree. I don't know what, but something should have been done to acknowledge/honor the fact that those coaches and players put their heart and soul into that program. Leaving behind some sweet memories the last couple of seasons (e.g., Jeff Campbell winning the national home run hitting contest, three of last year's seniors signing pro contracts, beating Southern Cal two out of three to open this season). Thanks for your investment, Coach Dodson, asst. coaches, and all the players.
  9. The guy from Utah that they first offered the job to must have been super impressive because Costello has a great resume and he looks like a super hire.
  10. Great gesture, Carson!! Hopefully, that will motivate many others to give as well.
  11. That would certainly finish off your trip nicely. Sounds like you're from D. L., also.
  12. Don't forget the Fri. night hockey game.
  13. Thanks. Where'd you get the inside scoop on the Denver series? Has Denver already put their schedule out? That would be a fantastic weekend. Edit: Never mind, I see they just released the NCHC schedule.
  14. That's what my friend and I always try to do, too, when we come up--catch a weekend when there's a football game and two hockey games. Got the football schedule, so am anxiously awaiting the release of the hockey schedule.
  15. Totally agree. We're all human and, as such, are subject to negative emotions when things aren't going our way. And it's not even wrong to express those emotions, but when the comments take the form of disrespecting our players, coaches, and/or team, then they're going too far, especially when you have players, coaches, and a team like we do that give 110% virtually every time they take the ice. And, as others have said, there are a lot of quality teams out there that are good enough to impact the outcome of games.
  16. Thanks for having the humility to post this.
  17. Boeser's shortie was no. 3 on ESPN'S top 10 highlights tonight.
  18. Wonder who Coach Berry will go with if Luke can't go on Saturday. l know he'll go if he possibly can, but the fact that he couldn't return tonight makes it look doubtful for Saturday.
  19. Glad I didn't start reading the thread until the last couple pages so that I didn't see any of that garbage from the fair weather crowd.
  20. He made some incredible saves tonight, played a great game, and gave us a chance to win it late. Gotta have that kind of goaltending to have any chance of winning a Frozen Four game.
  21. MoSiouxFan

    2016 Season

    .....and Fox College Sports.
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