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Everything posted by MoSiouxFan

  1. MoSiouxFan

    2016 Season

    Imagine him and Clive on the field at the same time.
  2. FWIW, talked to one of his relatives at the Northeastern game and he thinks that he'll stay and that Vancouver wants him to stay another year.
  3. Been trying to get my son-in-law to a hockey game for quite some time; am hoping that Friday will be the time, and what an ideal time it would be!
  4. We're going to be in Cincinnati for another reason (going to the Creation Museum) this weekend, but now am hopeful of adding a Fri. afternoon hockey game to the agenda!
  5. Thanks. Don't have enough juice left.
  6. Please keep the updates coming. No other source tonight.
  7. Shanks had 11 pts. and 9 rebounds and made 3 of 4 pressure free throws in OT. Played decently.
  8. Thanks much! Googled it several times and came up empty.
  9. Does anyone know if there's a live stream of the State Tourney starting today?
  10. Thanks Teeder and Longtime fan for taking the time to report back to those of us that can't be there. Excellent stuff.
  11. I second that! Being way down here in Missouri, I appreciate your being willing to be the eyes and ears for those of us that can't be there in person.
  12. That's a shame. The kid was a great punter and looked forward to having him for another two seasons.
  13. For sure. Can't sweep USC, then who can you sweep?
  14. UND going for the sweep against So. Cal. tomorrow. Wow. Just wow.
  15. 1-0 UND. Final. Muckenhirn 3-hit gem over USC. From the part of the game that I saw, he was in complete command.
  16. Muckenhirn pitching a 3-hit gem; 1-0 Sioux top of the 8th.
  17. MoSiouxFan

    2016 Season

    Must have been a huge promotion to get you to move to the other Dakota.
  18. I sensed that there might actually be something improved and very different about this team after we swept our opponents on the overseas trip. All those teams must not have been slouches, either, as one or two of the teams that we beat turned around and beat Marquette and/or Georgetown.
  19. Love the fact that this team is playing so unselfishly and making that extra pass that gets guys like McDermott and Baldwin the wide open looks. Not to mention the fact that McDermott and Baldwin (and others) know what to do with the wide open looks.
  20. One of the best defensive games that I've ever seen UND play. We'll probably need a better one Saturday.
  21. I think that there's a lot truth in what you're saying and, to me, that's what makes FCS recruiting, Bubba and staff to be specific, much more exciting, because they're doing the real recruiting by ferretting out the gems that have been overlooked by the FBS teams that are fixated on the star rating system. In other words, FCS schools perhaps have to do a more thorough job of talent evaluation than FBS schools since they aren't reliant on the star rating system and, obviously, the schools that do the best job of doing that are the ones that will rise to the top of the heap.
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