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Everything posted by MoSiouxFan

  1. Their 4 wins, though, are against HB, Williston, Botno, and GPR. On the other hand, they only lost to Bismarck 3-0. So, as you said, their next 3 games will show whether they're contenders or pretenders.
  2. No blowout this time, but I'm thinking that we defend our home court: UND 72 NDSU 70
  3. Welcome to the UND family, Cameron! Look forward to seeing you on the field. You've got some excellent coaches who will help you to succeed both on and off the field.
  4. I think that his comment was reasonable regardless of who got him.
  5. Well, not exactly. As a basketball coach, I remember about 20 years ago--yes, 20 years ago--we beat our rivals three times in one year; they were a much bigger school than ours and it was the first time that we'd ever beaten them. The next year we were down (we'd lost 4 starters) and they put a 40-some point beatdown on us on our home court ( I think the final score was 80-34) and they were still pressing us in the second half with a 30+ point lead. It was an obvious attempt at a beatdown after we'd beaten them three times the previous season and was a disgraceful display of "sportsmanship." So, not only are these things not forgotten overnight, but I lost a lot of respect for the opposing coach.
  6. Not hard to see why Joe is such a class act: your post shows what a class act you are, as well. Our football program is the better for Joe having been a part of it for 5 years. The example he set by the way that he handled adversity will have a far greater impact on his teammates and coaches than any records that he might have set as a quarterback. If I had had any sons, I would have wanted Joe to be their coach. Thanks for your post. It made my day. May the Lord bless Joe and you and your family.
  7. Let's hope that we can say the same about A. J.!
  8. Someone needs to tell them that it's the second half. Edit: Looks like someone just did.
  9. Yep, it's clear now. I hadn't seen the replay and, to be honest, wasn't aware of that rule.
  10. Ok. Thanks. To the naked eye, it looked like there was a collision in the backfield that caused a fumble. Thanks.
  11. Would love to see a replay of that play. Perhaps I'm wrong, but, to the naked eye, it was one of the worst calls that I've ever seen.
  12. Have a safe trip! Gonna make the hockey game as well?
  13. Nice. And here I thought I'd have the travel record this weekend.
  14. 675 miles one way for my buddy and I. Leaving at 3:00 a.m. Fri. to try to catch the BB games before the hockey game, with a little Red Pepper action in between. The football game will be the highlight of the weekend, though.
  15. Maybe a good wrinkle for the playoffs........, assuming we get in.
  16. My uneducated guess is that either Keaton goes at less than 100% or they decide to hold him out and give him another week to heal for the No. Arizona game. If he doesn't play, I would go with the senior. He hadn't played In a game all season and came in Sat. in a high pressure game and was 2-5 and should have been 3-5 because of the drop. Granted, he should have hit the other two, but I'll give him a little slack for not having played a down all season. As a senior, I think that he can be trusted to manage the game and hit an occasional pass to give the offense a little balance. Nothing whatsoever against Heidelbaugh, but with the playoffs and a conference championship on the line, I would go with the 5th year senior. JMO.
  17. Yeah, I'm nervous about the last two games, especially if Studsrud isn't 100%. Defense is going to have to come up huge again these last two games, with or without a healthy Studsrud.
  18. Small consolation, but it seems like late season games two years ago were in the 5-6,000 range and last year they were in the 6-7,500 range. So the attendance is improving, but certainly not fast enough, especially in light of our 7-game winning streak. I'll be making the 1,350 round trip for the No. Arizona game (and Denver series).
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