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Everything posted by MoSiouxFan

  1. MoSiouxFan

    2016 Season

    Agree with that. Loyalty works both ways, and keeping kids that have worked hard, done everything asked of them, and otherwise have good character will build a stronger program and better culture in the long run, even if it costs us a scholarship or two in the short term.
  2. It was buffering on me, too, until I closed most of my other windows and that really helped reduce the buffering.
  3. James Madison over 'Nova. One down, at least three or four more to go (plus a W over Poly).
  4. Boy, do I hope you're right!!
  5. Well, this is it, folks: one and done if we lose, or win and, hopefully, in. Defense holds Poly to under 400 yards and the offense puts up enough to get the job done in a nailbiter. Sioux 34 Cal Poly 31
  6. I'll add a hearty amen to that!
  7. Why are we making a change? I love it the way that it is (spoken like a true melancholy).
  8. Didn't see Cerritino listed on the roster included in the Cal Poly game notes, though.http://www.undsports.com/pdf9/4126506.pdf
  9. Don't see Cerritino on either the two-deep or the roster. Anyone word on whether he quit? Don't see Walker on the two-deep, either, but he's still on the roster.
  10. So true. They'd have some credibility if they ever said anything positive or, at the very least, offered CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
  11. Heaven knows we may have scored that and more had we played the starters all the way. But what a blessing it was to be able to not only give the starters a rest, but to also give some PT to the second and third stringers who have also been working their tails off all season and help make them feel more a part of the team.
  12. Sent mine in some time ago.
  13. Let's start an email campaign to let Faison know that the fan interest is definitely there to host a first-round playoff game. brian.Faison@athletics.und.edu
  14. This is getting way ahead of ourselves, but I'm thinking that, if we win next Sat. and make the playoffs, we could win a game or two in the playoffs. That's how much I think this team has improved in the last few weeks. Things seem to be starting to click.
  15. Hope we can get him. Looks as good at RB as he does at CB. Successor to Santiago in a few years?
  16. Good article, and so true. Thanks for passing it along.
  17. The motivation is definitely there for both teams, but I think it's greater for us, plus we've had an extra week to heal and prepare. Sioux 31 UNC 24
  18. Thanks for coming on to post. You have a beautiful indoor practice facility!
  19. When I click on a topic, it takes me to the first page rather than to the last-read post, and I've forgotten how to correct that. Please refresh the old memory. Thanks.
  20. MoSiouxFan

    Bye Week

    Plus, if UNC wins out they'll be 7-4 and have an outside chance for the playoffs, although it would be a big longshot, as they don't have a very impressive resume.
  21. Maybe I'll ask again. Was told by Direct within the last couple of months that they didn't offer Fox College Sports.
  22. Greatly miss getting the Sioux football and hockey games on Fox College Sports down here in Missouri. One of the biggest reasons we haven't switched to Direct TV is that they don't offer Fox College Sports and because of the few games that we still get on FCS.
  23. Thanks. If we win out, I think it'll still be a close call. Much depends on how the others (SUU, NAU, Mt.) do down the stretch.
  24. Looked like he was limping some late in the game/after the game.
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