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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Add a D1 women's hockey program...Problem Solved, I am such a genious. Ok, so maybe not There are not a lot of D1 hockey teams as is, EVERYONE should stay up. If this is enacted, CC should move up to D2 in the rest of their sports, so they can keep generating the type of revenue that hockey is giving them. Plus, I'd hate to see a school with such a great tradition (Ever hear of the Broadmoor?...yeah, CC started it) get screwed.
  2. Yeah, mocking him, that's what we were doing. Anderson's officiating was a flippin joke. 8-3 in penalties, with two 5-3's. Did anyone else notice a lot of clutch and grab play by BC a la Denver towards the end? The linesmen I thought called a pretty good game from that standpoint. On BC's 4th goal I thought they may have been offsides, but I would need to see a replay to be sure, it was damned close.
  3. I second (or would it be third) Smaby
  4. Diggler...I thought you were smarter than that. It's a life-sized cutout of Flutie...it won't get in anyone's way, even if it was on top of the seat.
  5. Yeah, but Brashear sucks. I agree though...something's amiss here.
  6. Schatvia (sp) and Walsh are partners. So he didn't exactly dump Walsh, just switched to Schativa for the rest of the negotiations. They have done this good cop/bad cop thing before, but I doubt that Gaborik is going to take the offer currently on the table.
  7. They have showers there...I'm sure the Ralph would let us use them...for $300 an hour 20 bucks says Diggler got into it with Superfan109/DHG/18 other alias'... Anyone know if it costs anything to get into the games? I might go on Friday if I don't have to work.
  8. I'm thinking at worst, Parise will miss BC. We are off next weeked before Yale, so he'll have an extra week to recover. In any case, we'll have him when it counts...the dirty Goophs!!
  9. That would be two years ago...Minnesota got scared and didn't come to Grand Forks last year. I remember because the Sioux beat the Bison 19-7 the next day
  10. That was classic!!...Great game tonight by the Wild. Only one NHL team remains I think for the Wild to beat (franchise history wise). I think it's Toronto.
  11. Question for Gopher fans...who is the most reliable source of info? Mazzocco, Shooter, or Sid?
  12. Useless stat...Maine returns 38% of it's scoring, the Gophers return 87%. Who's going to score for Maine?...Todd Jackson twice, Colin Sheilds once, and I didn't see goal #2. I think the Gophers may have underestimated Maine. Mazzocco also stated that we have a lot of goalies up here. My count is 3. Hey, the Gophers have 3 too, I guess they have too many also. I actually liked listening to Woog tonight...it was entertaining. Shane Joseph is also returning I believe, another name on the list.
  13. They've shown that goal more times than the Legg goal in Michigan, I'm sure. Maine has simply outplayed the Gophers this game. First period could easily have been 3-0 had it not been for Johnson. Gophers got some better chances in the 2nd, but Howard has come up big for Maine. Anyone else hear Mazocco's comment about a UND goalie being player of the week being a headline? Still 4-0 Maine 13:50 to go in the Third.
  14. Was it anyting like the Stevens on Ronnie Franchise hit in the playoffs a few years back?
  15. Good for Roche and Hale!!...yeah yeah...PMart too. It's really nice to see those guys do really well in the NHL.
  16. Actually it was the intro to Lose Yourself, then they went into Crawling in the Dark by Hoobastank (yes that is a real band). I still like the first one with Godsmack's Keep Away
  17. Ok, George Costanza is one of the funniest characters that has ever been on TV. Never compare him to Doug Woog. Secondly, the Wisco announcers rule. PB and Sagissor are the best tandem (aside from our guys, of course) in college hockey. They were the best thing about Bucky last year. Sagissorism..."He's felt a lot of shame this year with over 100 penalty minutes."
  18. Just like Clinton Portis, right? Look at the year he had last year and tell me he should've stayed at Miami another 2 years. Clarett will be just as good IMO. But, this is a hockey forum. Look at all the great players that would be too young by NFL standards (or were when they came into the league) Gaborik, drafted when he was 18-19 I believe, Heatly has been in the NHL for 2 years and he is MY age (22). Gretzky and Lemieux were in the NHL at around 19 or so (I might wrong, I'm pretty sure Gretzky started professionally at 17). Age limit is not needed in hockey. There's a good reason for it in football, I challenge you to find me one in hockey.
  19. WPoS... REA is located directly north of campus. directly north of REA is Highway 2. Columbia Ave. is to the east. We could try the dirt lot next to the frat (I think it's DU) by the student entrance, but that's the only place I can think of. Tailgating would be fun. I would like to see it happen this year. Nothin like throwing back 1 or 2 or 9 beers then watching the Sioux sweep whoever.
  20. You can find free porn if you search long enou.....nevermind . Zach's gotta be at least flattered that the POI crowd refers to him as "god." I think he used the word almost because he's addicted to the board...like the majority of people on here. Zach (if you ignored PCM's warning, which I'm sure you did)...We need to predict stuff...it makes us feel more important than we actually are if we're right. Oh, and I DO know everything...get used to it
  21. All this is is regurgitated from someone else's prediction. I wouldn't be surprised if it was paraphrased from USCHO or INCH. He picks BC as atop contender, then says our NC schedule (which includes BC) is soft. It's balanced. Woog is such a flippin moron. I barely liked him as a Gopher fan. Sid Hartman has been more right ...well, maybe I won't go that far.
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