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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Some of the best players come from the later rounds...I believe that Martin Brodeur was something like a 3rd or 4th round pick.
  2. like the double entedre (sp) and how can you call my girls plain janes? ...especially Chelsey
  3. HAHA...yeah I think it was posted in another thread. Flippin hilarious. At least we now know for sure that INCH is a hack site
  4. The Hrkac Circus...Hands down. I remember them and I was a 5 year old Gopher fan at the time!!
  5. Parise doesn't come out of his net more than any other goalie I've noticed. It's necessary for a goaltender to come out every once and a while. As long as he handles the puck better than Patrick Roy...it's all good.
  6. I'm in the same boat (or will be) as flatspin. If I am a poor flight instructor living in Grand Forks...I'll consider it, if it is in Minneapolis, probably not. If they were free......Damn skippy!!!!
  7. I loved the comparison. Yeah, I couldn't believe Maine was #2 also, I mean Wisconsin is SUCH a powerhouse....now that I think about it...Minnesota? Great arguments
  8. Not sure about TV...but I think you can listen to it on 96.1? or the webcast (I think Jim has provided a link). Great to have you back. I hope you continue to feel better. Having a stroke can be rough.
  9. I don't know if I like the idea of Parise on the point. As you saw in the Minnesota series having a forward at the point on the PP (Vanek) can produce a lot of chances for shorties to happen. We should compromise and stick Marvin or Hale up there, a F/D. Remember it's only November, we'll get it up around 90% or so in March and April
  10. I say we keep doing them, and if REA takes it...then oh well. Also, on Saturday, try telling the security guard that they all got in on Friday (if they did), they may be more willing to let the borderline ones go.
  11. Sorry, asleep at the wheel...damn right she does!! .................(waiting for KBG to comment )
  12. Why has no one mentioned Eye of the Tiger? The greatest pump up song ever!!
  13. Hey, I'll have you know I got tie shoes yesterday Fedorov...I did explain it to him, he still doesn't get it.
  14. Hey, I will not have you talk about Chelsey like that!! . She may play for the Goophs, but damn!!!
  15. Apparently 2 of our guys were in the crease....
  16. Have this joker walk into Ohio Stadium, wearing Michigan apparel, then tell me how bad Sioux fans are. Or perhaps Yost, with a Mich. St. jersey. I got a lot of crap at the Final Five the last three years for wearing my Sioux stuff, and I expect it again this year. Mr. PC-I'm gonna change the world-first year law student can...well, you know
  17. Nobody said Wisconsinites were smart...I mean, they cheer for the Packers.
  18. Bookstore?...there's a bookstore? Next thing you know you'll be telling me UND has a library too. Geez, Sic. You're right though...this game is kinda fun.
  19. They're not. Most don't even have picture on them. I do agree that there needs to be a little bit of censorship on the signs. For example flatspin's gf's puppy love sign...there's a reason I didn't display it, though there were certainly opportunties. I agree that the security guards are just doing their job. I like when they actually laugh at the signs as we are bringing them in. It would be nice if they could tag them somehow when they get in Friday night, so it would be easier to get in on Saturday. Either that, or maybe YaneA could bring the signs in both nights (or some other non student). I think the security guards are going to let them get more in than if a student tried.
  20. Agreed. 2 things: 1) How come rewing77 hasn't started a poll on the hottest women's hockey players, and.... 2) Why are there no pictures of our cheerleaders online?
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