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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Yane...LMFAO Good ideas...especially the welcome mat(t). Not sure if REA will let somenone into the arena with the Who's your Daddy one though.
  2. C'mon...give the Eaves' boys a break already. Let 'em check, they do it anyways. It's like watching Squirt hockey, only a little faster and the players are bigger. Besides...a catfight might start, and who doesn't love a good catfight?
  3. Sic...where do you get $300 for airfare? I guarantee that the airlines charge colleges more than you'll get from Expedia or Priceline. Even if UNC's numbers are accurate, NDSU has to fly to Minneapolis first (Northwest) or Chicago (ACA) first which increases prices, plus more PFC charges.
  4. Let the students know...we're not exactly PG-13 The Flowbee....didn't it make an appearance in Wayne's World? Cohen...950 watts of flowbee suck-tion
  5. I agreed with YaneA and thought this should have its own thread. ReCap: Something dealing with UNH's AD Thomas Beckett asking (rather impolitely) TH if he wanted to step outside at the Sioux-Yale game last year. Diggler's photo of Ali standing over Sonny Liston, who has been KO'd Any more?.....
  6. One of the funniest things I've ever read...only a Gopher fan....
  7. You'd think Jerry Tarkanien (sp?...Fresno State) was coahing the team. Was it just me or did BC players always seem to take a few minutes to get up after being knocked down? I wonder if their husbands play hockey too?...
  8. See above conversation from American Psycho. Under Diggler's pic we could put: Lucky for Beckett, Hennesey didn't want to take it outside. We have a week and a half...so keep 'em coming.
  9. I'd love it if Fraser, Bill McCreary, Dan O'Halloran, etc...would ref the WCHA. I have yet to see a horribly inconsistant ref in the NHL. Campion and Randy Schmidt are the most consistant in the WCHA. I think Adam has gotten a twinge better, but he still is very incosistant. Derek Shephard is one of the worst I've ever seen. Mike Schmitt too. WPoS hit it perfectly, consistancy is all I ask for. They need to let the guys play too. Not blow a whistle every 2 minutes becasue you get off on calling penalties and getting the fans pissed off at you (Anderson had a smirk on his face as we were...ahem...letting him know of our displeasure on the way he was calling the game).
  10. I couldn't make it to the first two games (UMD and Concordia), but I did offer to give my ticket to my roommate, but he's a hermit. He actually waited with us in line the last few years, but for some reason didn't want them this time.
  11. forecheck...you'll get through this...now the only person left with hockey hair....Vanek Speaking of blackjack...I was at the El Rocko last week and there was a guy playing two hands...$25 bets a hand. I counted $700 in chips with him when I got there..only $200 or so when I left. And he'd do stupid things like double down on an Ace and a 6 or 7. Drinking a lot of Bourbon too...that may have had something to do with it.
  12. great pics on INCH. Also, the found on a cocktail napkin topic is classic
  13. The Vancouver series was where I got the idea. I think it said "I can' tbelieve we're gonna lose." What about: Why did I get into it with Prpich/Greene/Schneider/Smaby? I'm screwed/dead. If someone wants to hook that up that be cool. I would, but I'm not artistic at all. forecheck...homework is overrated
  14. No, I say we take the idea and run with it. Maybe...(Insert AD's name here), I'll step outside, biatch!! Or something to that effect. If you want it displayed behind the box, I'll be happy to take it again. Here's another idea...thought bubble to place behind the box. Suggestions on what to say....
  15. Name one team who's fans DON'T bitch about the refs...it as much a part of hockey as the puck. Are you a closet Anchorage fan? JBSU? Wisco? Kato? Hockey East?
  16. I noticed this too. There were a few times where he'd have a 2-1 with Boche and try to make the pass across when he should have shot. The BC defensmen played the odd man rushes very well, taking the guy without the puck instead of the puck carrier. Murray just needs to be a little more selfish in those situations. He may trying to avoid a "puckhog" reputation right now...I think he'll come around.
  17. At the Saturday UMD game last year, a "fan" spit on Shephard as he exited the ice after the third period. No, it wasn't me.
  18. How many times did you all count the puck slide ever so slowly to the open net side...and nobody was there in time to knock it in (I had 36). If we can knock it in a few times we win the game. Also, 0-20 on the PP is unacceptable with the talent we have on that unit. I thought that security guard was going to take my head off when I dropped Fluite's hand last night. Ok, so maybe not, but she sounded a little annoyed to be picking it up....again (The other times weren't me, I swear). BTW......Peter Forsberg dives less than most of the BC players, and at least he is a little convincing.
  19. I like forecheck's idea of the fights and Drowning Pool. Let the bodies hit the floor, Let the bodies hit the floor, Let bodies hit the......FLOOOOOOOOOORRRR.!!!! Friday night's was actually pretty good.
  20. Martin was signed to be a Neidermayer type player...Hale a Stevens. Martin gets his first goal, Hale in his first fight. Glad to see them both doing well. BTW...Hale's first looks cooler
  21. This is a tough call. I'd say stick with Brandt as your number one. He had an outstanding game on Saturday. Especially that glove save in the second (If you don't know which one I'm talking about and you watched it...what were you doing during the game?). Though I'd be just as comfortable with Parise between the pipes as Brandt.
  22. I've never seen Anderson before. There is another Anderson WCHA ref, but this one's officiating job tonight was a flippin joke. Peter Forseberg doesn't dive that much, and at least he makes it look a little realistic. I thought Hanson and Freeman did a pretty decent job on the lines. Only one or tow calls I disagreed with, one of which was so close, I'd need to see a replay to be sure (BC's 4th goal). Stafford had a hell of a game today, so did Fylling and Bochenski. Eaves (I think Ben, #22) was a whinny bitch. Even Doug Flutie thought so (gave them the ole' New York one finger salute).
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