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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Blais: 4 Regular season titles in 9 seasons 2 NC
  2. I wouldn't want to see FSU here over Michigan because nobody cares about Ferris. They finally field a good team and just happened to beat us last year, not enough to build on. Goon...I think you're onto something with this NCC tourney. With 5 teams...do it like the Final Five.
  3. We do...before the team takes the ice Score one for the good guys!!!
  4. Looks like Tie's beating the piss out of a Blackhawk... Last name appears to have a (U/V)SSE...can't quite place who it might be though
  5. Hey, Polar Bears are mean bastards...They need to make it look like the wild Gopher/Husky/Badger killer that it is...but I bet they won't so, bad idea.
  6. Michigan...they are a premier program and have just as great a tradition as the Sioux. I think you may be right in that they don't have to travel very often a la their program status. I would really love to see them come here though...buncha pansies.
  7. ...Why I never in my wildest dreams..... Why the hell did they do that? I think your friends got royally f*&$'d. I'm calling shenanigans Luckily I got my ticket already...109 D 5 Go Wild!! .......and how bout them Vikes!! 4-0!!
  8. Well my friend's a drummer, so screw the trumpet section. But, it's still not a college game without the band.
  9. If the team starts to suck in 5 years, I won't be going to the games.... The reason being I will A) Not be living in Grand Forks or B) be a poor flight instructor that can't afford it. Go Sioux!!!!
  10. We now have to say 5 syllables instead of 1 to say they suck I don't know about that...it is the NCAA's. Dahl would have found a way to blow it.
  11. Before REA the English Coulee was the most "talked" about thing in Grand Forks. Why would they blow sunshine up Vanek's a$$...it's not like he's good or anything. Overall it was a pretty good article...hey, an 8-6 win is still a win. Are you admitting that Hauser sucked? I'd say hell has frozen over...but I have yet to get laid , so.......chilly??
  12. Hey now...it's not a college atmosphere without the band. Plus, I have a good friend that's in the band, so I wouldn't want him screwed over. They should let those students who got screwed to get season tickets for the upper bowl, but make it GA...not reserve seats.
  13. Well, Johnson and Bombardier should at least play...hopefully Roche will too. I was kind of looking forward to seeing Panzer play again...Joel Quennville needs to take another look at Jeff
  14. Anyone know what's happening to the people that didn't get tickets? I hope they'll give them season tickets in the upper bowl, so they don't have to pay extra and get tickets every week.
  15. Actually I thougt Ayers played really well against Minnesota in the FF. After Vanek made him his bitch with the GWG, UNH stopped playing, and the Gophers took full advantage. redwing...I thought Concordia joined the MAAC...oh wait, they must have wanted a little competition.
  16. 1st team...Parise 2nd team...Money 3rd team...Schneider All-rookie team...Murray 7 of 18 are are from the WCHA...3 Sioux, 2 Goophs, 1 MSUM, 1 CC 4 of 6 on All rookie team...Murray, David Backes from MSUM, Suter, and Matt Carle from Denver ...See we kick a$$ Keep the Hobey and Braodmoor in the west (preferably in North Dakota)
  17. I talked to a friend of mine today who said that he didn't get tickets, I know he was in the 400's of the ticket vouchers they handed out (total, not the number on the ticket)...appaerntly there were 100 or so that were SOL.
  18. Hell yeah...the guys setting up the tent in the pic are buddies of mine.
  19. Yes, I think that our view is slanted a little because we don't see them play, but at the same time, I think if we had a tournament with the best WCHA players against the best in other conferences...the WCHA would kick some a$$. Remember most teams are out east, so they just don't pay attention to us unless they have to a la Vanek and Parise. 3 of the last 4 NC's have been won by the WCHA, and it was almost 4 of 5. I just don't think that the WCHA gets enough credit for how good our teams actually are.
  20. UMDDogz...don't worry, most people here are giving Duluth respect this year, probably not as much as you all would like up there, but it's still there. I was at the CC game at the Final Five and I agree, UMD played they're asses off and impressed the hell out of me, especially for playing such an intense game the night before. WPoS...Are you sure? I heard chicken
  21. She decided that she just didn't want them...she thought she was going to be working most saturday nights.
  22. Yep, I would be the guy. One of the girls actually waited all night and decided around 10 AM on Sunday to not get tickets.
  23. One of them (at lest he said he was a hockey player) tried to bum beer off of me and my buddy on saturday night (sunday morning)...I think he said his name was Vorath or somthing to that effect.
  24. I think the only reason that Parise and Vanek are on the list is they are too good to ignore. I think CSTV is based out east somwhere, so other than ZP and TV, Michigan is as far west as they are going to go. I think Bochenski is definately in the running as is Ballard. My 10 Ayers Eaves Tambellini Parise Vanek Bochenski Ballard Vesce Umberger Montoya
  25. What an idiot. Did he honestly think that the headline would be OK, just because he is black? That's pretty naive and arrogant (even more so than a Goopher fan ), if you ask me. Things like that headline should be banned, not the names,
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