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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. See, Diggler....forecheck knows the damage I can...er, um...that kid can do.
  2. Ah yes.....I remember well. When they showed the girls that sit across from us in Sec. 109 (they're in the little penalty box subsection, so to speak) on the big screen we should have started doing ugly-hot, like the goalie-sieve cheer. Unfortunately, I came up with idea after Saturday's game...oh well, if the opportunity ever arises again....
  3. If you could you could swing that....that would be the best sign we've had SCCC: Drinking their way into our business since 2001
  4. Hrkac...he didn't win the Hobey by being an average player.
  5. Look at that good looking guy in the green jersey with the kiss cam sign, he must get all the laidies
  6. Any games this saturday...I only work until two and think I should head over and show some support fot the women. Also, do the Lady Goophs come up here at all this year? Here's why I ask... Chelsey Brodt!!
  7. Congrats to Sioux Soccer!!...Met one at the bar last night celebrating.
  8. LOVED the comments about Prpich I hope the freshmen shape up and start taking class seriously...I'd hate to lose one or two of them a la JD Forrest.
  9. Good point...but on the flip side...look at Ryan Miller, Chris Drury, Paul Kariya, or Neal Broten. Both Hobey winners who had/have had pretty decent (to say the least) NHL careers. I think most fans see at as a respect issue. When a program like UND only has one Hobey winner and Harvard has 2 or 3...it is clear that you need to have an obvious choice (a la Hrkac) to have them get the award.
  10. Palmascino and Smaby both light up Coole for a hatty...Bina gets 5 and Ziggy one...with Coole still in net.
  11. According to the JBSU board...Coole starts on Friday. Coole...Getting lit up like a Christmas Tree since 1996. We should start chanting Apple Valley, Aaron Dwyer, or Karl Goehring. I believe Coole was the Duluth East goaltender in the 6 overtime game in the Minnesota state semi-finals in '96 when Goehring had a State Tourney record 63 saves in Apple Valley's win over Dave "cherry-pickin" Spehar and the Duluth East Greyhounds. Dwyer had the game winner.
  12. I think Jonsey got hosed. 2 clutch goals on saturday against the Goophs, plus playiong outstanding defensively all weekend. Coole's .936 is impressie though. Let's turn tha tinto a .639 this weekend Sorry if m y tyiping sucks...jus tgo tback from the El Rock. Anyone know where I can get my jersey lettered? Scheels, maybe? Also, how long would tha ttake?
  13. yeah...who would want to see Lucia's mullet yet again
  14. seeing as how they miss the game and all Don Adam has yet to try and screw us this year........
  15. It's Jutting...how else do you explain Mankato last year?
  16. The Refs do tell the scorer who it was. It is quick though... "3 from 11 and 14."...Jones from Parise and Murray.
  17. INCH is entertaining to read...but the quality is not the best. The Globe and Star is still more credible when it comes to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Found on a Cocktail Napkin...Greatest College Hockey Eateries... Red Pepper, Grand Forks
  18. As long as we don't let the number one ranking go to our heads, we can keep it for a while. They need to forget who is ranked where, and just play their game. All they need to do is remember what happened against Tech last year after beating them 8-0 on Friday night.
  19. We should be fine against SCSU if we play our game. I also think that this could be a weekend the Gophers need to get to their A game...I really don't see either team not getting 3 or 4 points this weekend.
  20. Love it...might not want to add the ethnicities, could be a sesitive area for a lot of people.
  21. Ummmm....JBSU printed Bochenski Bucks for the series there his freshman year.
  22. HAHA ...perfect! I say we go for it. Which one...was it Lenway? I read it and laughed. When I go to my seat, I asked the guy behind me WTF is this? We both just shook our heads at it. BTW...How does my student ID scan at the airport to give me access to secure areas...yet I can't get into REA with it? I was lucky I knew the ticket guy on Friday.
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