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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. We need to have a defensemen step up this year, if we don't, it could be a seson like last year...only more spread out. sagard has a point that the Massen/Lundbohm line needs to explode and get on the board consistantly. If we only have the Parise/Bochenski line scoring it will be easier for teams like the Gophers to key up on who to stop. If these two things happen, we should be contenders to make the Frozen Four.
  2. Gonna have to go and disagree with having a goalie as captain. Never a great idea. I'm not sure if I am remembering this correctly, but I do believe that the goalie is restricted as to where he can go during the game. Doesn't work very well if you have to talk to an official about a penalty or something. C- Hale A- Lundbohm A- Schneider
  3. Top three... Murray Smaby Stafford
  4. I'm sure that Parise and Boche will see considerable kill time this year. I wouldn't be surprised to see each of them with 3 or 4 SHG by the end of the year. Defensive pairings I think will look like this Schneider/Smaby...Schneider needs to step up into Hale's leadership role this year. I think that by putting Smaby with him Schneider will be able to cover, if you will, for Smaby's mistakes Greene/Jones...These two played extrememly well together last year (when Greene wasn't in the box ), why break up a good thing. Fuher/Bina Foyt
  5. Line 1: Bochenski/Parise/Murray Line 2: Lundbohm/Massen/Prpich Line 3: Fylling/Stafford/Hale Line 4: Genoway/Porter/McMahon And that's all I have to say about that.
  6. Sounds even better ...Now to get a hold of my friends.......
  7. 6 AM...I'm serious. That's when I am getting there. Treat it like a the Bison football game, or the Gopher hockey games two years ago.
  8. Sit next to me and my friends and we'll rant and rave with ya
  9. Heathen Paker Fan!!!!! Be Gone!!! I've hated the Packers since I started cheering for the Vikings, and I've hated the Badgers since I've cheered for the Gophers (So basically since I was born...I saw the light in hockey and converted to a Sioux fan) WPoS...you know it! ...I'll try and convince flatspin7 too
  10. So what time is everyone planning on getting there??
  11. dagies...my bad, I hadn't read that thread for a while, so I didn't hear of it. My ammended answer: Brandt. Folks, lets not start this whole in-state, out-of-state thing again. Minnesota is a better hockey state, plain and simple. Of course more players are going to be from Minnesota.
  12. Brandt. Blais has the right idea, he hasn't been convicted and until he does, go on as though nothing happened. If he does get convicted then go with Parise or Ziggy.
  13. How many beers are we talking about here? I do not recommend 7...plus a mudslide (using double shots)...plus a Russian quelude (sp)...The bathroom at Buck's was cartwheeling, it's never done that before..... But I am always up for beer SFIP...Don't hate on BeerDarts just because the inventor is a Goopher fan. At least he doesn't cheer for Wisconsin.
  14. This is what I have been saying all along. My only problem with the assigned seating is being able to sit with friends. I have never once complained about paying for the tickets (they were about $65 last year, if I remember correctly, which is VERY VERY cheap). If they do sell them on a Saturday, I need to get that day off of work in order to make it there, I don't feel as if we are getting enough advanced notice to do that. And BTW NOBODY here can say they would not feel the same way the students do if they were in our position...NOBODY.
  15. Put me down for one. Shoot me your email...flar271@hotmail.com, or Flar271 on AIM
  16. Couldn't agree more. I too wish that, as a section, we were louder and more obnoxious. I remember back to old Engelstad...THAT was atmosphere. Mankato...Sat. game...8 billion penalty minutes per team in the 2nd period ...My voice and hearing was shot after that for the next week (made flying very interesting )...we need to try and get that back.
  17. I don't agree...anyone can wait outside for 3 hours in September and August. Diggler, flatspin7, and myself were there EVERY game...whether it was 15 degrees or -30, calm winds or 30 mph gusts. As I stated in a different thread, the senate dropped the ball on this big time. Can someone explain to me how assigned seats does anything to help the standing issue? And don't give me that they can take their tickets BS, because all they have to do is deactivate student ID's and they won't be allowed in anyways. If you don't believe me, in 2001-02 they did just that to some people who insisted on standing mksioux...I've said all along that moving to the corner and having general admission would be better than assigned at center ice. Blackheart...yes it is hard to find a downside to a $100,000,000 gift. But our issue here is not with REA, it is with the athletic department. Hell, REA still doesn't know what is going on with student tickets. Another way to guage...they should have on record who came in and at what times last year to the games...whoever got through the door earliest, gets first dibs.
  18. I emailed REA about this and they told me to check back in a couple weeks (that was 2 weeks ago, I think it was tickets@theralph.com). It appears they were not even ready for what the senate did. I'm with you...I was there at 3:30 (4:00 at the latest) and now someone who got there when the doors opened might get better seats than me. I have been getting there that early for 3 years (even earlier for the Gophers) and now I too feel like I am getting screwed.
  19. Well PETA can suck one . They should all be caught underneath a bus. That would save the world a bunch of trouble. It'll start with Native American nicknames, then clergy (Wake Forest), then people (Notre Dame), animals, etc... where do we draw the line here? I say screw these groups. It should be up to the school what there nickname is, unless it is a socially demeaning name like N*ggers, Sp*cs, etc...Unless of course the word Sioux has somehow become demeaning. Disclaimer: No offense to any African-American or Latin-Americans that post. I am in no way racist and was simply using those terms as examples of what an inaproriate name would be.
  20. I agree. Over on POI the Happy Hour section is a lot more active than the Gopher hockey part this time of the year. I think it would be a great addition to SiouxSports to have a section like this. Maybe name it after a local sports bar like Jonsies. Just no flippin politics.
  21. He actually looks familiar...but the pic isn't clear enought to say for sure. We have the Goopher Task Force on the case as we speak...he will be punished for such an ourageous act.
  22. An article in the Herlad said that UND does NOT get the win because it wasn't handed down from the Committee of Infractions...So we are still 5-6 for last year.
  23. Ok.....I know I have a firewall on (mainly because I don't know how to turn it off), is it different with the ethernet hookup, rather than dial-up (which I am using right now) or wireless? I was on my laptop in the Union, just in case that makes a differnce.
  24. HAHAHAHAHA Sorry, I have to laugh at my own post.
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